Part 7

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Was that just Craig?! Tweek thought to himself as he watched a dude run away from Starks Pond. He was deep into thought before Jason touched his shoulders.

"Hey babe you, okay?" 

Tweek smiled,

"Yeah, I was just thinking."

The brown-haired boy smiled to that and held Tweek's cheek when he twitched so he wouldn't hurt his neck. Jason gently kissed Tweek on the lips, and Tweek kissed back. He wasn't as good of a kisser as Craig, but he's decent. Tweek watched as Jason cocked his head like a little puppy, Tweek smiled and pushed on the bruise on his cheek, so he'd stop staring.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2 1/2 weeks earlier~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Jason and Tweek had always known each other, but they barely hung out when Tweek and Craig started dating. Jason knew he had feelings for Tweek, he just couldn't tell him since Craig would beat his ass. 

But later on, in their relationship Jason noticed Tweek and Craig had gotten into more fights. He comforted Tweek when he was crying, and just acted like a friend. Tweek grew onto Jason's caring, loving persona that he actually fell for him too. 

After a while Tweek feared that Craig would get abusive, and he was sort of right, Craig didn't really become too much abusive, but he didn't like how Tweek would hang around Jason, so he would give Tweek a hard time for that. Jason noticed and told Tweek to break up with Craig, but he would always say, 

"I can't I love him too much."

Jason had talked to Craig about the issue, and Craig rolled his eyes and said,

"What I do with my boyfriend is none of your business okay? Now get the hell out of my sight."

Jason sighed and told the councilor about the issue, and he said that he'd talk to Tweek and Craig. After all that happened, the school found out that Tweek and Craig had broken up. Jason was so relieved, Tweek was away from that monster at last. 

Jason walked around the school from time to time, looking to see if he could find Tweek, but he didn't go to school for 3 days, after the breakup. Craig didn't go for a week. Jason decided it'd be best to just go over to Tweek's house, and when he did, Craig was walking there too. Jason quickly knocked on the door, and Helen, Tweek's mom opened the door.

"Why hello there, Jason right?"

Jason nodded, 

"Can I speak to Tweek please?"

Helen looked down at the ground, 

"Yeah, Tweek hasn't come out of his room since him and Craig broke up, maybe he just needs a friend."

Jason smiled as he got invited in, and Helen told him where Tweek's room was. Jason walked to Tweek's room, and knocked on the door, Tweek opened it, and he looked like shit. Jason quickly hugged the messy haired boy and held his cheek when he twitched so he wouldn't hurt his neck. 

"What're you doing here Jason?"

The blonde-haired boy asked, with his big puffy, puppy dog eyes staring at Jason. This caused Jason to blush, but he kept his cool and said,

"Your mom thought you might've needed someone to talk to, and I was coming over anyway to come check on you." 

Tweek blushed slightly, but was afraid that if he loved again, it would turn out in heartbreak. Jason noticed Tweek's sadness and held him close to him,

"Craig will never hurt you again, I promise. I'll make sure he doesn't go anywhere near you."

Tweek smiled and started crying,

"Th-thanks Jason."

Jason smiled,

"Don't worry about it." 

Tweek looked at Jason, and they stared at each other for what felt like eternity, before they inched closer to each other, and their lips met. Tweek wrapped himself up around Jason, and Jason gently tugged Tweek's hair, getting a rewarding moan. They made out, french kissed, tounge kissed, and so much more, before Tweek pulled away. 

"I'm so sorry, I don't know came over me." 

Tweek was a blushing mess, which Jason thought was adorable, so he caressed Tweek's face, 

"I would never hurt you the way that he did." 

Jason thought that would help Tweek open up, and it did.

"I don't know I thought what Craig and I had was good, wonderful even. I guess every relationship has its days. But this what he was doing was going on for a while. It got worse after you and I started talking. It just- him and I we've been dating since 4th grade, so I just couldn't think of losing him. He was my whole world at the time, everything I did had to include him. He was my ride or die, my lover, my boyfriend, my husband. I know that sounds stupid, but this, what I'm going through right now, it hurts a lot, I miss him so much, but I'm not going to get all fucked up because one person walked out of my life, no I'm going to be just fine. I think this breakup was a wakeup call honestly. I mean yeah, I loved him with all my heart but, he's gone, time to get over it, so I was thinking, Jason do you wane maybe go out with me sometime."

Jason looked at Tweek astonished, he said all that without twitching once. Jason smiled, 

"Yeah, I can think of a place I could bring you to." 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2 1/2 weeks later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Tweek smiled as he remembered, the first time him and his loving boyfriend shared a kiss. Tweek cuddled up to Jason on the bench, as the sun set over' the horizon. Tweek knew that this was home, he was in love with this man, and he didn't think Jason would leave him anytime soon. 

His best friend, his lover, his ride or die, his boyfriend, his husband whatever he wanted to be to Tweek, he was fine with it, all he wanted was Jason in his life, he didn't want him to ever leave, he wanted to stay with this man forever. 

Tweek nudged Jason, 

"Let's go home babe." 

With that him and Tweek went back to Jason's place to watch some movies and sleep. 

No more Craig, no more heartbreak, no more pain, and no more tears. Tweek was now his happy self, the one he once was. But with love always comes pain. he knew that from the heart.

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