Part 16

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Clyde sat staring at the wall in Craig's bedroom. He couldn't shake the thought of Bebe out of his mind. He didn't want to get back with her because he was with Craig now. Yeah, they didn't make it official, but it was enough.

He just sat there, whilst Craig scrolled through tik tok. Craig noticed and looked at Clyde,

"Hey? What's up?"

Clyde quickly looked over,

"Huh? Yeah, yeah, I'm fine."

Craig cocked his head,

"You sure?"

Clyde nodded,

"Just thinking."

Craig smiled sadly


Clyde went back to thinking about how sad Bebe felt. He was such an asshole to her. He just couldn't shake the feeling that perhaps he still had feelings for the blonde girl.

Craig was about to say something about his tik tok when all of the sudden Clyde stood up.

"I'm gonna go home, okay?"

Craig stared at him,


And with that, Clyde left.

Craig's POV

Did I do something wrong? Was all I thought when Clyde left. Was it what I said? What I did? Why'd he just run out like that?

I sighed and stared at the pride flag on my ceiling. What if he doesn't want to be with me anymore? I shook the feeling and watched tik tok. Trisha walked up,

"Hey, mom wants to talk to you."

I groaned,

"Fine, I'll be down there in a minute."

I lazily got up and walked downstairs, mom was on the phone, so why did she need me?

"Yes, I understand. Yes, of course. Yeah, I'm sorry Helen, yep, have a nice day, bu-bye."

She looked over at me,

"Oh Craig, come sit with me."

Mom said, tapping on the couch next to her.

"I was just on the phone with Helen, Tweek's mom."

I rolled my eyes,

"Yeah, I know who Helen is, mom."

She smiled,

"Well, she's not too happy with you. She said that Tweek has been crying constantly, and she thinks it could be because you guys broke up."

I looked at the ground,

"Tweek and I broke up a couple of months ago mom, he was dating Jason."

She nodded,

"I see. Well, Helen said that Tweek was planning a surprise get together, with you and Clyde. So that should be fun. Of course, she said Tweek told her it wouldn't be planned until the second week of summer, so in about 4 months."

I nodded,

"Yeah, I guess it will be fun."

She smiled and kissed me gently on the forehead.

"If you ever need to talk, baby, I'm right here, you know that, right?"

I nodded,

"Yeah, yeah, I know."

I said, wiping a tear. I walked back up to my room and did some French homework.

Clyde's POV

6:00 pm Sunday, January 20th

I sat in my room, staring at my ceiling,
Should I get back together with Bebe?
I sighed and pulled out my phone. Clicked on contacts and called Bebe.


"Hey Bebe."

Clyde, Hey! What's up?

I chuckled,

"Do you wanna maybe meet up at Starks Pond later?"

I could basically hear her smiling through the phone,

Yeah, totally, maybe 8? But I can't be out all night.

I smiled,

"Okay, see you then."

Wait. What am I doing? I stared in space.

Devil Clyde: He's getting Bebe back, we need that pussy.

Angel Clyde: But we'll break Craig's heart, he loves us.

Devil Clyde: Who cares, all he wants is for us to be there so he doesn't kill himself.

Angel Clyde: I don't want to see him hurt, we'll just tell Bebe that we don't wanna be with her, and to leave us alone.

Devil Clyde: That will lead to us making out with her, and then having sex with her.

Angel Clyde: Control yourself you pervert, don't ever say that about a girl.

I blinked out of space, and watched tik tok on my phone until it was around 7:30

Bebe's POV

Clyde just asked me out it's happening again, he wants me back!!!

I smiled and started getting ready, I put on makeup, did my hair, and put on the nicest, but warmest clothes I could find.

It was around 7:30 when I finished getting ready, so I made my way to starks pond to meet my true love. 

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