Part 15

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Clyde's POV:

After falling asleep in the tub, I went back to that darkness, when I went back, I saw Tweek again. He was jotting stuff down and mumbling stuff to himself.

Craig thinks he can walk all over me.
Well, he'll get what's coming to him.
So will Clyde.

Well, that's what I thought I heard him say. Then for some reason Tweek looked over at me, and just stared. "Clyde?" He said and started walking towards me.

Then I jolted awake in the tub. I was holding the sides of the tub for some reason, like I was dying or something. I quickly got out and chucked on some new clothes before heading downstairs to see what Roger was up to.

When I went downstairs, I saw real life porn. I stared for a good 5 minutes, before quietly going back upstairs, and to the room I was staying in. God, I hate Pheonix.

3 days later

Craig's POV:

God, I hate South Park. Without Clyde there's nothing that makes me happy. Tweek has been bothering me like crazy, I guess his new relationship isn't working out. Mom and Dad are fighting more, Trisha is going over to Karen's more, just to get high. Clyde has been saying things about coming back soon, but it's been so long. I don't know how much longer I can take.

There I was just sitting in my room, on my bed, blasting music to cover up the voices of my screaming parents, smoking a cigarette. It was just like old times; I was being as mopey as ever. I finished that cig and leaned back against the bed frame. I was relaxed, but that relaxation got cut short, when I heard my phone ringing.

I turned down my music and grabbed the phone, the caller ID said Unkown, so I answered.


Tik tok, tik tok, tik tok, tik tok...

was all I heard in my ear, that and breathing.

"Who is this?"

Your time is running out, go save the boy while you still can.

"Hello? Who is this?"

No time to explain, just follow me and I'll show you the way.

Now I was getting kind of scared.

Here it's this way, just down this hall.


The breathing got louder, and then after that it all stopped, the phone call was still going, but there was silence. I was just about to hang up when I heard a man's voice,

Don't hang up Craig.

This was scaring the absolute shit out of me, but I couldn't hang up, something was holding me to the phone, like a magnet holding metal.

Your time is running out Craig, time to man up and save the boy.

"What does that mean exactly?"

I'll be waiting here, and I will always be watching you, Craig.

Then the call ended. I swear I shit my pants, I quickly called Clyde, but my phone wouldn't pick up. All it said was,

You cannot make any phone calls at the moment.

I ran downstairs, and told my mom that my phone was broken, she said she'd buy me a new one, but I would have to wait. I couldn't wait, I stole money from her purse, and walked to D-Mobile.

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