Part 8

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Craig got ready to go see his best friend. Clyde didn't give him a specific time to be there, and his clock read 7:30 pm. Craig had on a hoodie that said Gay Panic on it, a pair of sweats, and some converse. He grabbed his phone and made haste next door. 

When Craig arrived, he knocked. Clyde opened the door and smiled,

"Hey dude." 

Clyde invited Craig in and shut the door behind him, Craig sat on the couch and Clyde sat right down next to him. 

"So, you wanted to talk?" 

Said the nervous black-haired boy, Clyde nodded in silence then looked at Craig, which made him more nervous. 

"Bebe and I talked, and she thought it would be best if we hook you up with someone." 

Craig looked at Clyde and raised his eyebrows. Clyde noticed and reassured him saying,

"Look you just seem so upset lately, and she said it's kind of been effecting me." 

Craig rolled his eyes and then looked at the ground before saying,

"I don't want a new boyfriend; I want to not date for a very long time. I just want to die single." 

Clyde sighed at how stubborn his friend was and then shrugged, 

"Well alright then. So, you want to watch a movie or something. I could make us some popcorn."

Craig smiled, 

"I'm not very hungry but a movie would be great." 

Clyde nodded and turned-on Netflix before running out to the kitchen to make some popcorn,

"Pick a movie, and not one we've already seen."

Craig scrolled through and chose to watch IT. Clyde walked out and chuckled at his friend's choice before sitting down quietly. When he did Craig gently laid his head on his shoulder, and Clyde laid his head on Craig's head. They watched the movie and talked about stuff that had been going on recently. Craig talked about his depressive mood swings, and how he felt human around Clyde. Clyde talked about his relationship and how he was thinking about breaking up.

When the movie ended Craig was fast asleep next to Clyde and it was only 9:45 pm. Clyde sighed and gently picked Craig up. He's a lot lighter than I expected either that or I'm just strong. Clyde smiled at his thoughts and looked and how peaceful Craig looked in his arms, he couldn't help but blush a little. 

Clyde walked upstairs and into his room before aggressively dropping Craig onto the bed. Craig quickly woke up and cutely rubbed his eyes. Clyde blushed and looked away. Craig sat up and scooched over so Clyde could get on the bed. Clyde climbed onto the bed and leaned his head on Craig. 

"You don't have lice right dude?" 

Clyde rolled his eyes at the black-haired boy's question,

"No, I haven't had lice since 4th grade dude."

Craig smiled and laid on the bed, and Clyde laid next to him. Craig looked at Clyde and Clyde looked at Craig. They both blushed and looked away. Craig looked back at Clyde, but the brown-haired boy was just staring at the ceiling.

"Do you think I should just breakup with Bebe? Or no? I just don't know what to do. She's bipolar, one moment she can be laughing one minute, then screaming at me the next." 

Clyde sighed and sat up, Craig listened to his buddy ramble on about his relationship before just saying, 

"Dump her. I told you before, if you think it's right just do it." 

Clyde looked at his best friend and flashed a smile. Craig blushed at the way Clyde smiled, he would squint his eyes and he had dimples. Clyde caught the black-haired boy staring and smirked, 

"See something you like Craigie?"

Craig looked away and shoved the blue-eyed boy playfully. Clyde tackled Craig, and chuckled. 

"Haha, I topped you; I win." 

Craig smirked at the now smiling boy, he grabbed Clyde's hands like how couples do, and gently flipped them over so he was on top of Clyde. 

"Actually, I'm on top, remember that honey."

Said the black-haired boy with a smirk. They looked at each other and blushed hard. Craig climbed off of Clyde and cleared his throat. Clyde chuckled,

"You're so gay it's adorable."

Craig smiled at that comment. He turned around and saw that Clyde was staring into space. 

Wait, why do I feel this way? I'm not gay. I have a girlfriend. Craig's my best friend, that would be sick! Am I gay? I mean I like girls. Am I Bi? Ugh I hate my life. Wait if I like Craig, no, no, no, absolutely not. I am not dating Craig. Why the hell would I even think that?! There is no way I like guys, that's just weird. Wait craig is staring at me, oh no what does he want?

 "What's up dude?"

Clyde said causing Craig to jump. He shrugged and looked away,

"I'll sleep on the couch tonight." 

Clyde shook his head and grabbed Craig's hand,

"No sleep with me."

Craig blushed, and Clyde stared blankly before realizing what he had said.

"Ahhhh! I didn't mean it that way. I'm sorry."

Clyde covered his face and laid down on his bed, he covered up, and laid on his stomach so he wouldn't look at Craig. Craig climbed in bed with Clyde and laid on his side. They stared off at different sides of the bedroom just thinking about their feelings, Clyde fighting with his own thoughts, and wrestling with the ones saying he was gay. Craig on the other hand was thinking about Clyde, undressing him with his mind, thinking about kissing his lips, and running his fingers through Clyde's soft hair.

Craig tried not to think about it, but his brown-haired, blue-eyed, jock best friend was so attractive, he couldn't help but get hard thinking about him. Craig sighed and looked at Clyde, he was staring at Craig, and when Craig looked over Clyde looked away, and back at the wall.

Craig stood up and turned off the bedroom light and climbed back into Clyde's bed. He covered up and thought about things he wanted, things he craved, and he soon fell asleep. Clyde on the other hand couldn't sleep. He looked at the alarm clock and it read, 10:30 pm, Clyde laid his head down, and cuddled up to Craig.

This is comfortable, this feels so right.

Clyde said to himself before drifting off into dreamland where he dreamed about him and his beautiful girlfriend getting married someday.

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