Part 3

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Clyde was walking Craig home when he saw Craig walk right past his house,

"Craig, where are we going?"

Craig smirked and walked up to Clyde's house, Clyde's dad was barely ever home, and Craig couldn't be seen like this by his parents. He would be killed. So, he let himself into Clyde's house. Craig walked upstairs and set his things down in Clyde's room before walking into the bathroom to take a shower.

Clyde got dressed into comfy clothes and laid on his bed. He was just scrolling through TikTok when he heard a loud Crash!! Clyde jolted up and ran out of his room, across the hall, and to the bathroom. He opened the door and to his surprise it wasn't as bad as he thought.

Craig was standing there looking into the now shattered mirror crying and bleeding from his hand. Clyde looked down, just to see his best friend was naked. He looked back up quickly.

Craig looked over at Clyde and walked out of the bathroom ashamed like he knew what his buddy's face was saying. He walked past Clyde and into the bedroom. Clyde stared into the bathroom but brought himself to gather medical supplies that were needed to tend to Craig's wounds.

Clyde was so focused on Craig that he didn't realize that he was walking on glass shards. He walked back into his room only to find the black-haired boy cuddled up in the blankets.

Clyde sighed, walked up to his bed, and climbed up, only to be shoved off by Craig.

"Oh, so we're going to play like that, huh?"

The brown-haired boy said, fixing his hair. Clyde jumped onto Craig and yanked the blanket off the now clothed boy.

Clyde paused, which caused Craig to chuckle,

"What? Hoping I was naked, Cydey?"

Clyde rolled his eyes at his friend's comment and touched the newly formed bruise on the side of Craig's jaw. Craig winced back from his friend's soft yet painful touch, but he leaned into Clyde's hand. Clyde chuckled,

"You are so gay dude."

Craig shoved Clyde off the bed and flipped him off. Clyde chuckled and climbed back onto the bed before grabbing Craig's hand and tending to his friend's wounds. Craig sighed,

"I don't know what to do, Clyde. No matter how hard I try, Tweek won't love me -"

He started to tear up,

"The way he used to -"

He started crying,

"He hates me, b-but I st-still l-love h-him."

Clyde grabbed his friend and hugged him close, kissed him on the head, and cuddled up to him.

"It's going to be okay, shhh, it's going to be okay. You'll get through this, I promise."

Craig and Clyde fell asleep in Clyde's bed, covered up, and tangled in the sheets, cuddling close like how best friends do.

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