Part 12

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Clyde's POV:

I walked to and from the hospital for a week now. Nothing has changed, Craig is still in a coma, his heart has stopped a couple of times, but deep down I know he's fighting. As I'm sitting the usual spot I sit in at the hospital, I hear a harsh inhale. I look at Craig, but it wasn't him. I whipped my head over to the door, and Tweek was there, crying and holding Jason's hand tightly. 


I said in a groggy voice. Tweek let go over Jason's hand and sprinted to the side of the bed. He started saying some weird shit, but I think he still has feelings for Craig. Jason walked over to Tweek, and nodded towards me, so I nodded back confusedly.

"So, why're you here? I thought you guys hated Craig's guts."

Tweek snickered, and Jason rolled his eyes,

"We don't hate him, he was just pissed off, I mean we both still care about him, and his safety. Besides Tweek wouldn't leave me alone about coming here, so here we are."

Jason said in an annoyed yet snotty like voice. I stared at them both confused as hell, then Jason bent down and whispered something to Tweek. Then they just got up and left. I just stared in astonishment or was it in confusion, I can't remember.

"Hey Craig, Tweek was just here, it was fucking weird as hell."

I stared at the door and shook the feeling away. I had to leave for a little bit for my basketball game, but I would go back. Soon enough.

Craig's POV:

It's like I'm trapped in a nightmare. I feel like a dog that keeps getting called back home, but I'm lost somewhere, and can't find my way back. I can't tell whether this is purgatory or just a bad dream. I'm walking around in what looks like the real world, but it feels different. I mean people can see me, but I haven't talked to a single person since I've been here. Clyde! I have to find Clyde. 

I ran to Clyde's house and basically bashed the door in, before Roger opened it. 

"I need to talk to Clyde."

Roger just stared at me in concern,

"Craig, you don't remember, Clyde's been dead 8 months."

My eyes widened and teared up,


Roger stared at me, 

"Do you want to come in?"

I nodded. And was invited in. Roger sat me down on the couch, and a pregnant woman came from the kitchen. I looked at her and she smiled widely,

"Hey Craig, how have you been? How's Laura and Thomas?" 

I blinked at least 20 times before rubbing my eyes,

"Who's she?"

Roger placed his hand on my forehead, 

"Craig, are you feeling, okay? This is Juliet, my wife."

I sighed,

"How'd Clyde die?" 

Roger sighed as if he was reliving the exact moment.

"You really don't remember? Fine, I'll tell you. So, 10 months ago, Betsy was upset because I was seeing Juliet behind her back, and she found out. But Betsy had cheated on me multiple times anyway, so it was pretty much payback. But that's beside the point. Okay it was about 8 months ago, Betsy had been dead for 2 months, because of her toilet tragedy. I had noticed that Clyde had gotten what seemed like depression, and it had been getting worse. He would always go to see you about it, but one day he just snapped. He took a gun and blew his brains out, right in front of me and Juliet. I was never sure if he missed Betsy, or if it was because of Juliet, or even you. But he left a note in his room, that said that he wanted to do this for a while, he would miss all his friends, family, and about not being able to meet his little sister. You were in the letter a lot Craig, something about him being in love with you, but you were with Tweek. Or something like that. But yeah, we held the funeral, and you were there. You seriously don't remember any of this?"

I shook my head. That sounded like the same letter I wrote. So, is this like so alternate universe or something? I stood up and walked out of the house without saying another word. I walked down the street to Tweek's house, I knocked on the door.

"Hey baby, What's up?"

I grabbed Tweek and pulled him into my arms,

"I don't know what to do."

Tweek pushed me away and looked at me, 

"What do you mean?"

I looked at the ground,

"Tweek, I think I'm in some alternate universe. You're supposed to be dating Jason. And Clyde is supposed to be alive. The last thing I remember was trying to kill myself, and then I was here."

Tweek shook his head,

"What do you mean you tried to kill yourself? I'm supposed to be with Jason. What's that supposed to mean? You don't want to be with me anymore?" 

I shook my head.

"I would give the world to be with you again sweetie."

Tweek sighed and slammed the door in my face. Rude. I walked away and started crying. I was never going to get home. 

"You know they say the 'dead' are usually lost souls in the hospital."

A woman said on the phone as she passed me, I looked up and quickly made haste to the hospital. I ran around aimlessly, I kept running and running, but couldn't find anything. I walked down a random hallway, and it got longer. I walked farther, and farther, until I came to a room, the sign outside of the door read Clyde Donavan. 

I walked inside, and Clyde was laying limp in the bed, Roger was next to his body, the heart monitor was just a straight line. I looked straight ahead and saw Clyde standing there looking at his body. He looked at me and pointed to the curtain next to him. I looked at the curtain, and pulled it back, there was a tank, I was in it. I started punching the glass, nothing happened. 

Craig if you can hear this, it's Tweek. Jason and are here, and he thinks you should give up. But Craig you have to fight, not for me but for Clyde. he needs you. He comes to the hospital everyday just to be near you. Even if you can't hear or feel his touch, we all know he really misses you. Laura and Thomas are scared they're going to lose you. So, by all means even if you can't you have to fucking fight. Just live. I love you, Craig. I got to go, bye.

I punched the glass repeatedly, nothing. I looked around for something, anything, to break this glass. There was nothing. I could see the heart monitor that was next to beeping rapidly, I was dying in real life. I had to hurry. I punched the glass until my knuckles were bleeding, it cracked a little bit, but that was it. 

Clyde walked up to me and kissed my forehead. I punched the glass one last time, and it shattered, love was the key. I'm in love with Clyde. 

I jolted up in a hospital bed and looked around. I felt arms wrap around my neck and I was pushed back down to the bed.

Clyde's POV:

Craig just woke up out of the blue. He jolted off the bed, and I wasn't sure what else to do so I hugged him and shoved him back down to the bed, holding him close, and listening to his steading heartbeat. He looked at me confused when I sat up and all I had to was kiss him passionately for him to understand how I felt. I'm never losing this man again. I'm in love with Craig.

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