Part 21

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Clyde's POV

I woke up to the smell of vanilla and cinnamon. I groaned groggily as my eyes fluttered open, there was a bright light from the window. I sat up slowly, there was a sharp pain in my ass. I was pulled back down by a half asleep, groggy Craig. 

"Mm... Good morning... How'd you sleep?"

Craig spoke in a sleepy, deeper tone than usual.  I smiled and cuddled up to him, he rubbed his eyes slowly, waiting for my response.

"I slept fine. I'm alright, apart from the fact that my ass is literally killing me. "

I replied in a soft tone, rubbing my ass slowly. Craig laughed at me, pulling me closer to him, he kissed my neck softly, his kisses trailed up to my ear before he said in a whisper,

"That would be because I fucked you so hard. You'll be in pain for a little while."

He licked my ear, biting my earlobe. I shivered to the mere feeling of his tongue on my skin. Craig groaned softly; he quickly stuck his tongue in my ear. 

"Yuck, dude what the hell." 

Craig laughed, he kissed my neck again, I sighed softly,

"Are you trying to have sex with me Craig Tucker?"

I asked in a sly tone, smirking at the black-haired guy next to me. He shrugged back in response a smirk on his face as well. 

"Maybe, do you want me to have sex with you Clyde Donavan?"

Craig spoke in a slier tone than my own. I shook my head, rolling over I ignored his question, not bothering to answer it. Craig cocked his head, wrapping his arm around me. He pushed his dick onto my ass. I groaned in annoyance at him, turning back to face him. 

"What? You obviously want something Craig." 

Craig smirked, pecking my lips softly and swiftly. He looked at me, his green pools drowning me. Craig smiled softly at me; his next words pulled at my heart strings.

"Nothing, I already have everything I've ever wanted, that being you, and only you Clyde."

He kissed my cheek, nose, forehead, and even my eyes. I laughed softly, repeating what he did to me, to him. He chuckled, kissing my lips, I kissed back, melting into his kiss. I could never get enough of Craig, he was like a drug to me, a drug that was made for me alone. After everything we've been through, I'm not sharing him with anyone, especially not Tweek. 

I ended up getting kicked out of Craig's house, after Trisha snitched on us. She told his parents that we had sex, so they told us no more sleeping over, and that I couldn't go over for a while. Which is totally not fair, because Tweek and him did the same thing. Favoring people is just called being a pussy. 

I sighed, heading to my basketball practice, in which I will probably not be participating in. 

Craig's POV

"Why the hell isn't he allowed to come over anymore?!"

I screamed at my mom. She had kicked Clyde out for finding out about us having sex. I glared at Tricia (Trisha) who was humbly standing next to our parents. 

"You are way too young to be doing any of those kinds of things Craig Tucker!!"

My eyes widened at my mother's words, I laughed,

"Are you even fucking listening to yourself right now, Laura?!! I had sex with Tweek, and you didn't give a rat's ass, so what's so fucking different about me having sex with Clyde, who, let it be known, I am fucking dating!!" 

My mom held her hand on her chest, acting as if she were offended by my words. She smacked her hand on the table, standing up, 

"Don't you disrespect me Craig, I am your mother! Thomas, back me up here!"

I looked at my dad, who was watching the whole thing play out, as he sat on the couch, sipping a beer. He put his hand in front of him, clearing his throat,

"Laura, he does have a point. It's not like he's getting anyone pregnant. You should be happy he moved on from Tweek." 

I smiled at my dad, always on my side of the argument, the guys in the house got to stick together. My mom started acting as if she were the victim in the whole situation. I rolled my eyes, 

"Mom, life's tough, go grab a helmet and take a nap."

My dad chocked on his beer, hacking it out of his trachea, through his laughing fit. He gave me a thumbs up as my mom left the room, retreating upstairs. I smiled at my dad, who did as my mom, retreating upstairs, to do God knows what. Which left me with Tricia.

"So, you going to tell me why you're being a brat about Clyde and me?"

She shrugged speaking up to me as she grabbed a Capri sun from the fridge,

"You and Tweek were cuter together."

I laughed at her words, witting down on the couch, I finished off the rest of Thomas' beer. Still taste like drinking piss to me. 

"Yeah, even though he cheated on me with no hair line Jason, then lied to everyone in school, including teachers and staff that I hit him, and physically as well as mentally abused his ass. Nobody wanted to be my friend, I was alone, broken because nobody wanted to hear my side of anything, to the point where I attempted to kill myself, so I'm fucking sorry if I'm getting happy again Tricia."

My little sister's expression changed upon hearing her actual name. She had concern in her eyes at my words, walking closer to me.

"I'm sorry, I guess I thought the same as everyone else, not being there for you, I thought you hurt Tweek, blinded by other's words, that I didn't want to listen to my own brother."

I knew from her tone of voice that she was just pitying me. I played along with her, hugging her tightly and thanking her for being here for me now. I swear I felt her tense at my words. If only I knew, what Tweek was actually planning to do.

Tweek's POV

I opened the U-Store it room, making sure everything was in place, one more week of school, and everything had to be perfect for Craig's, Clyde's and my "camping trip" I smirked sadistically, I had never been one for causing physical harm to anyone, though Craig told me that I was the only person he could ever love. Now he's saying the same bullshit to Clyde, I hate that. All the things he and I did, he does with Clyde.

I checked everything, all the plastic around the room, all my tools of torture, and all the pictures I had of the couple together. I can thank Trisha for granting me with all the information about her brother, keeping me updated about everyone's so well-loved couple, which used to be Craig and me, though now it's the double C's. 

Operation Exterminate Clyde is almost a go. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17 ⏰

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