Part 5

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Time flew by and before he knew it, Clyde was getting ready to meet his beautiful girlfriend at Starks Pond. He cleaned himself up quite nicely. He fixed his hair and put on the nicest clothes he had. He would make it up to his lovely girl, for not showing up last night.

Clyde made his way to Starks Pond, when he received a call from Bebe. He quickly answered,

"Hey babe, I was just on my way over there."

"Babe! Can you hurry, some dude followed me here, I'm scared."

Clyde's boyfriend instincts kicked in and before he knew it, he was running all the way to Starks Pond. Clyde arrived there, just to find Bebe sitting on the bench, bouncing her knee, and looking around. When she saw Clyde, she jumped up and ran to him. Hugging him very tightly.

"Oh, Clyde I was so scared, I thought I was going to get abducted."

Clyde hugged the curly blonde-haired girl tightly and kissed her lips. 

"So, what's up?" 

Clyde said obliviously. Bebe looked at the ground, 

"I just wanted to talk, that's all." 

Clyde hugged her, 

"I'm so sorry I ditched last night! I was just super busy with-"

"I know." The blondie said interrupting her boyfriend. 

Clyde looked at her surprised, 


Bebe looked at the ground, 

"Craig texted me and told me why you couldn't make it last night. He said that he and Tweek had broken up and he was going through a lot. He got into a fight with Jason and didn't want to go home so he crashed at your place."

Clyde lifted Bebe's face by her chin and stared deeply into her eyes. Bebe looked at Clyde, and smacked him in the face. 

"You could've at least texted me you jackass, and don't use the excuse you fell asleep because that's bullshit!"

Clyde waved him hands in front of himself,

"But I did fall asleep!" 

The two argued for what felt like forever, before Clyde brought his beautiful girlfriend back to his house.

Meanwhile at Craig's place he was just laying bed, looking through his phone gallery. He was listening to depressing music and crying. Craig was trying to delete all the pictures he had of Tweek, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. He stared at how happy they were and watched how his thumb hovered over the trash icon. He sighed, deleting these pictures was like deleting a memory. He wished he could let it go, but what was life without Tweek? It's shit, Tweek was Craig's life, and now he's gone.

"Craig time for dinner!" Craig's mom Laura yelled from downstairs.

Craig groggily turned off his music and walked downstairs. 

"I'm not really hungry at the moment mom, I'll probably just eat something later.

Laura nodded but knew something was up. Craig walked back up to his room and broke down in tears, he couldn't control it, he was broken. He sighed and laid in bed just to fall into a deep, but depressing sleep.

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