Part 2

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As soon as the bell rang, Craig ran out and to the park. He wanted to get himself ready for the fight.

When he arrived, he dropped his backpack next to the brown wooden bench and chucked his old blue jacket to lay on top of it. He sat down on the bench and quickly shot a text to his best friend, Clyde.

Get to the park ASAP. Some shit with me, and Jason is about to go down.

Craig waited and waited and waited for Jason to show, and just as he was about to get up and leave, Jason finally showed up. Craig let out an annoyed yawn,

"Let's get this over with. My favorite show comes on soon."

The brown-haired boy smirked, removed his jacket, and handed it to his messy, blonde-haired boyfriend. Just as they were about to begin, Clyde ran into the park, out of breath, and still in his basketball uniform.

"Don't... st-start with...out m-me."

The now messy brown-haired teen had said out of breath. He smirked towards the ground, looked up at Craig, and lipped. Give him Hell. Craig smiled at his friend, and as soon as he looked over at Jason, he was standing right in front of the gay boy.

Jason threw the first punch, and it hit Craig straight in the jaw. Craig fumbled back and almost lost balance due to the blow, but he ran over to the brown bowl-cut boy and sweep-tripped him before climbing on top of him and throwing repeating punches to his face.

Tweek screamed out for Jason, but Craig kept going. He was covered in blood. Some was his own, but most was Jason's. Clyde noticed Tweek was about to throw himself into the fight, and he didn't want the scared blonde to get hurt because of his friend. So, Clyde reached down and yanked his black-haired friend off of the brown-haired boy and frantically said in reassurance,

"It's over, buddy, you won, you won."

Craig gathered himself, panting heavily as he watched how his now crying ex-boyfriend ran to the bowl boy and huddled over him. Tweek looked up at Craig,

"You're a fucking monster, I'm so goddamn glad I broke up with your ass."

Those words hit Craig straight in the chest. He just sighed, gathered his things and walked home. Clyde looked over at his buddy and followed him, sighing.

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