Prologue: The Call

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FA 583
Ered Luin

A roar shook the earth. 8 soldiers didn't even lift their heads from where they rested, each too tired to care much. Their Commander eventually glanced up, gauging the distance before deciding they were safe. For now.

They had camped in a small alcove upon the mountains, out of the raging wind and storms that had not ceased for years now. Most of them were laying down, utterly exhausted but two remained sitting, talking in low voices, one being the Commander. Fire light danced across their faces, lightning occasionally adding to it.

The fire they lit kept them all warm, while also lighting the dark night so they could see. However, their ears were what they needed, they needed to be able to hear an approaching threat, and the storm made that all the more difficult.

Weapons were scattered across the camp, great swords and black arrows, valiant shields and strong bows wielded by the best. And each of these warriors were the best, the best of the best, and with little left to lose. That was why they had been chosen, for their skill and their lack of ties. If they died, fewer would miss them.

The dwarf sitting turned to his Commander, an elven woman with fiery red hair and a fearsome expression. He, like the others, had questioned her involvement but all had eventually come around to her. When you fought almost entirely alone against beasts sometimes as large as mountains, you needed a Commander with a steady head and nerves of steel. The woman had taken to that position well.

"Commander, that sounded close," he murmured, eyes drifting to his great axe next to him.

"I know. But we are no match for a dragon right now. We will do better to hide if we can than to hunt tonight," the Commander replied, also in a low voice.

The dwarf nodded, agreeing they would not do well against a dragon in their state. After an ambush a few days ago, they had lost 3 soldiers and been in combat for days. Finally, a well placed arrow had brought the last dragon down and they fled the scene. Those who had survived had barely done so, and certainly not without injury. The dwarf himself had taken a cut to the shoulder.

Another roar sounded, this one much closer than the previous. This time, the majority glanced up before looking to their Commander who had risen to her feet. Tilting her head, they watched as she listened, her keener senses able to pick out wing flaps amidst the raging storm.

Then in a quiet voice, "We have incoming."

Fear instantly transformed the faces of the soldiers. While each of them had known they would be in combat with dragons, they feared the fight on its way. They were exhausted, injured and simply not in a good state to fight. They didn't stand a chance. If the dragon found them, they were dead.

"Köan, with me," the Commander whispered, picking up her great bow and arrows.

     The dwarf nodded and went to her side, following her as they went up the cliff face. Carefully, they made their way up, using various handholds and assisting each other when needed. The rough stone cut into their palms but they did not let it halt them. The greater difficulty came in the wind which roared around them as they made their way up, reddening their faces and chilling their bones.

     Upon reaching the summit, the duo crept around, finding a stone to crouch beside. Nearby, a great reddish golden dragon crouched, smaller than most but still deadly. It looked to have already been injured by something, though she could not tell what. With almost silent movements, the woman began to draw her bow.

     In a nearly silent whisper she spoke to Köan, "I will try to bring him down in a single shot but if I miss.." she trailed off, knowing the dwarf understood the implications. If she missed, they were as good as dead.

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