Chapter 11: Flickers of Ages

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In a cavern, there is no louder sound than the stone itself. It was one of the reasons Velcanyxa quite preferred the open spaces. As pickaxes rang against stone walls, the sound reverberated, easily reaching the keen ears of the elves.

     She stood, arms crossed and brow furrowed as she watched the mining. Caranthir stood beside her, bearing an oddly regal air. Since taking charge of the eastern lands, he'd been more serious. Not that her elder brother had ever been particularly free spirited but it had grown clearer in recent years.

      Perhaps it was the sense of duty he felt in controlling such a large area. Maybe it was the knowledge that they couldn't be sure what laid beyond the peaks. Or that Morgoth could so easily send armies to attack them. And maybe it came from the imprisonment of two of his siblings, the act showing the danger of the war they waged.

     "I confess, I hesitated in working with the dwarves. But they are remarkable craftsmen despite their creation," Caranthir murmured, voice somehow quiet in the cavern. "With their miners added to ours, we managed to create a practical kingdom down here."

     Velcanyxa nodded. "Aye. I hear others are settling far to the south yet still near the mountains. Trade can spring up along the ridge lines. Though it's always hard to predict what an army may do when they enter rougher terrain."

     Her brother's expression hardened. He didn't seem angry like he had in their meeting with Thingol. Concerned more. Eventually, inevitably, Morgoth would strike. He would not allow the escape of two prisoners to go unanswered nor the settling of lands he considered his.

     "Then we best start preparing. War will come but I would not face it blind," he replied. He tilted his head, thinking of all the things they could do and how to effectively prepare. "I'll talk it over with Maglor and Maedhros. The three of us control most of the border territory. Though I wouldn't mind your input."

     She grinned, quietly grateful. Morgoth had made this personal, the war between the two of them already raging. If there was anything she could do to defeat him or weaken him, she would do it. She would see him brought low, however long it took. However much it cost, she'd keep going.


     Varno tore across the forest, his paws digging up leaves and sending them flying behind him. Velcanyxa held her bow in her hands, eyes scanning the trees for even a flicker of movement. These lands were under the control of Dior, king of Doriath. He who kept the Silmaril from its rightful owners. She gritted her teeth at the thought.

     A message had arrived from Caranthir two days past. How it had reached her, wandering the western lands was beyond her. Since leaving Túrin, she hadn't stayed in one place for very long, choosing to wander. Though she knew it was not the man's fault, she could not easily forget watching him cut down Beleg.

     She and her fellow elf hadn't been very close but the sight had bitterly reminded her of the Kinslaying. Cutting down orcs and dark beings was one thing, to kill kith and kin another. She turned her back on the man, unable to remain with him any longer. After all, she had an Oath to keep.

Before long, the standards of her brothers came into view, the eight pointed star towering above all. I'll keep our Oath, Father, I swear, she thought quietly. He had begun this mission and she would see it through. A dead wind blew through the camp, the grey clouds gazing down at her with expectation.

Caranthir came to meet her, his sword strapped to his waist and a stern expression on his face. She wasn't surprised to see him. Out of all of them (except perhaps Maedhros), he did best in managing forces and material. His skills with people weren't as good but when it came to management, he was best suited.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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