Sneak Peek

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A/N: So I know I haven't been updating this story very much. I've had final exams and some personal stuff going on. Not to mention writer's block but we don't talk about that.

Now that summer's here, I'll probably be writing more. However it takes me a bit to write a whole chapter so here's a sneak peek/little one shot for you guys.

Also I have to say thank you so much for the continued support. We've almost hit 1K reads which I never thought we'd get to so seriously, thank you. It means a lot to me considering I'm just a random person writing the stories in my head. I wanted to write just to get the ideas down and out of my head and apparently you guys like it?

So to all the lovely commenters/voters and even the silent readers, thank you and please enjoy this little one shot!

SA 1698
Misty Mountains

Velcanyxa stood atop a cliff face, hood pulled up over her face. There are none who can see her from her position in the mountains but the bitter cold wind on her face is not the most pleasant feeling. She suspects a storm is on the way, something that makes her fear for the newly established refuge of Rivendell below.

Sauron had begun to move his forces in earnest, his treachery fully exposed to the elves. The storm would only hide his soldiers' movements. Despite the now united front against him, Velcanyxa fears it will not be enough. The forces of Mordor are great indeed if her scouts' reports are anything to go by. And Rivendell will take some of the first hits as the war begins.

She knows Elrond is a more than capable leader but not even he knows what awaits him. He doesn't fully comprehend the treachery of the Maia or the power Sauron possesses. The scouts of the elves have not traveled as far or watched as long as hers have. They have not wandered the hellish lands of Mordor or watched through smoke for the movement of Orcs. They do not know what awaits them.

A scraping sound behind her catches her attention. Aironsír, her Lieutenant, stands nearby, looking rather cold in the howling wind. "The scouts have a report," he says, handing her a paper.

She reads it over, brow furrowing. Sauron had moved faster than she had expected. Already forces are in the Mountains, uncomfortably close to their position. Close to Rivendell.

"Has Lord Elrond been informed?" Velcanyxa asks, turning her gaze back to Aironsír.

He shook his head. "I'll have Captain Terian relay the message. If those are your orders, Commander?"

She narrows her eyes, gazing down at the buildings below her. For hundreds of years, Velcanyxa had remained on the sidelines, having her soldiers relay information when needed. The people of Middle Earth know the name of the Battalion, of the soldiers who work to help in the various ways they can.

They do not know the name of the Commander. She made sure of that. The elves believed she had died in the Ered Luin and she'd worked to keep it that way. She didn't know if she was even wanted amongst her people. Not after what she had done to in a desperate bid to fulfill the Oath.

Aironsír came up beside her, evidently understanding what she was thinking. "I'd put money on Elrond being glad for your return. When the king declared you dead, I saw his face. It was one of grief, Nyx. Even the king seemed to wish he didn't have to make such a declaration. They miss you, and I cannot imagine their joy upon seeing your face again."

Velcanyxa turned to face him, sighing. Returning would be interesting to say the least but at the same time, she misses her kin. Elrond and Galadriel, her family whom she had been apart from for hundreds of years. Did they truly miss her? Would they welcome her back home? Or would they shun her and wonder why she had abandoned them?

Regardless, the people of Rivendell need to be informed. She cannot sit by as Sauron's forces march to Rivendell. Perhaps this is her chance to return, to return as a changed man, working to serve common interests rather than her own. Maybe this is her second chance. To help instead of hurt.

"Lead on then, Lieutenant. It's time the elves met the Battalion's Commander."

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