Chapter 3: To Begin

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Italics- Memories
TA 2941

     "You could die Nyx! And at this rate you will. You'll get yourself killed!"

     "Maybe that wouldn't be such a bad thing."

     The next morning, Dwalin began the process of waking the others. Nyx, already awake, stood by, her eyes watching the sun rise. The house was chaotic from the mess the dwarves made last night but they seem willing to clean it. Nyx decided it best she doesn't try and intervene, keeping quiet on the outskirts of the chaos.

     Not long later, the group is ready to set out, the hobbit's home put back together the best they could. The hobbit himself had yet to appear but they all agree it best if they set out now. Many still doubted if he would even show. Somehow though, Nyx felt he would show, his thirst for adventure was buried but still there. She only feared it would be far too sated by this quest.

     The group sets out through the wooded parts of the Shire, the dwarves upon ponies and her and Gandalf upon horses. She considered bringing Varno, her wolfhound, but figured the dwarves would object to him and also that he had other things to do. Regardless, the horse she has been given is calm and keeps a good pace, evidently at ease with its rider. She rides towards the back, near the two dwarf princes.

     The dwarves, always loving a good gamble, start placing bets on if Bilbo will show or not. She elects to decline. She believes he will come but is not going to risk money on that. Instead, she enjoys the decent weather, the sun upon her back and the birds singing around her. However, as they talk, she hears distant yelling and slows her horse, knowing what is coming.

     "Wait!" comes the distinct voice of Bilbo as he races to catch up with them. The contract is gripped in his hand which he passes to Balin upon reaching them. "I signed it."

     The dwarf pulls out a reading glass and checks it over. "Everything appears to be in order. Welcome, Master Baggins, to the Company of Thorin Oakenshield."

     Thorin, still with his doubts, ignores the others' excitement and continues riding on. "Give him a pony."

     Instantly, the hobbit stops smiling, and begins protesting. "No, no, no. I'm sure I can keep up on foot. I- I've done my fair share of walking holidays. Even got as far as Frog Morton once."

     His words fall on deaf ears. The company continues onwards, Fíli and Kíli picking him up and placing him on a pony. Nyx rides up beside him, offering him a hopefully comforting smile. He sits awkwardly upon the pony, his hands holding the reins up high and his body coiled like a spring.

     Coin sacks go flying through the air, the group talking and laughing. Nyx ducks as one almost flies through her head, smiling softly. "What's that about?" Bilbo asks.

     "They took wagers on whether or not you'd turn up. Most of them bet you wouldn't," Gandalf responds, turning back to him slightly.

     "And what did you think?"

     A rather hefty coin sack lands in the wizard's hand, "My dear fellow, I never doubted you for a second."

     Bilbo is about to reply when he abruptly sneezes, soon going to search his pockets. "Oh it's horse hair. Having a reaction. Uh.. wait, wait. Stop!" He cries, having not found his handkerchief. "We have to turn around."

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