Chapter 5: Troll, Elf and Hobbit

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This chapter is dedicated to Jelly_Legs. I've been using their fanfic for some of the dialogue and you should definitely go check it out, they're an amazing writer!

TA 2941
The West

     The sound of dwarf battle cries filled Nyx's ears as she slashed at the troll's hands, the blade ringing in the night. The burglar was instantly released and Nyx caught him in her arms, telling him to run for it. Turning from him, she reentered the battle, slashing at the trolls' legs and hands, cutting each time. She spun from their grasping hands and stomping feet, constantly moving. She knew she could bring them down, she just needed a chance to strike a deep wound.

     Yet the wounds were not severe enough and the others had difficulty piercing the trolls' thick skin as well. They made do though, cutting at the ankles of the brutes and nearly bringing one down. Nyx ran between the dwarves, going wherever she was most needed, always seeking an opportunity to bring one down.

     Their fighting was brought to a halt when they spotted Bilbo being held by two of the trolls, moments away from being torn to shreds. "Lay down your arms! Or we'll rip his off," one of the trolls commanded.

     Nyx turned to Thorin, awaiting his order. While she personally would gladly give her blade up to keep Bilbo safe, it was their leader's call. He glanced over at her as well, surprised to see her awaiting his order rather than making the decision herself. She gave him a nod, telling him they stood a better chance without their weapons than with Bilbo dead.

     In one swift movement, Thorin plunged his sword into the ground, Nyx and the dwarves following his lead. Frustration marked each of their faces but they would not abandon their burglar. Even if it meant being captured themselves.


     They all ended up tied up, some put in burlap sacks and laid on the ground, the others being tied to the spit over the fire. Nyx is the last to be turned to, still standing tall, desperately wishing for her sword back. Still, she has the tiny blades around her cuffs but she won't use those. Not yet.

     One of the trolls peers down at her, "This one isn't a dwarf. Or a flurba-hobbit." The troll uses his finger to push back some of her hair, revealing a pointed ear. "It's an elf!"

     Excitement breaks out between the trolls before she spits out, "De lhyda nin!" Her voice is clear and sharp and the trolls back away for a second before one grabs her too. (De lhyda nin- you sicken me, Sindarin)

     The troll lifts her into the air, tying her to the spit as well. They look angry at her for her words, for while they cannot understand them, they could hear the hatred in them. She is set on the lower ring of dwarves, Dwalin's boots digging into her back. The spit begins to turn again, a constant switching of scenes making her slightly nauseated.

     "Ignore the elf witch!" The fat one says as he spins the spit. "And forget cooking 'em. Let's just sit on 'em and squash 'em into jelly!"

"They should be sautéed and grilled with a sprinkle of sage," another troll argued, Nyx catching a glimpse of him as she spins.

The fat troll then speaks again, glancing down at the dwarves, "Oh, that does sound quite nice."

"Never mind the seasoning, we ain't got all night. Dawn ain't far away, let's get a move on. I don't fancy being turned to stone," the third troll snaps back causing Bilbo's eyes to widen at the new information.

The hobbit struggles to his feet before hopping towards the dwarves. Nyx watches, understanding what he is trying to do. "Wait! You are making a terrible mistake!" he cries, his small form tiny in comparison.

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