Chapter 6: Wizards and Elves

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Italics- Elvish
TA 2941
The West

     Evidently the others heard it as well. Thorin called for the others to stay close and she could see Gandalf glance over at her. With the keenest ears in the company, she could pick up exactly what was coming. A sled she guessed, not the method of travel for any of their enemies. Regardless her hand drifts to the dagger at her waist.

"Thieves! Fire! Murder!" calls a voice through the still forest. A voice Nyx recognizes from long days spent in Mirkwood.

She holds up her hand upon seeing Kíli about to load his bow. Shaking her head, she says, "This is Radagast."

The wizard had reached them at that point, having been pulled in a sled by rabbits. Though not rabbits of the ordinary kind. One sniffs at her boot, likely recognizing her as she did it. Radagast wears his usual robes which are forever stained with the mess of nature. She had once offered to clean them for him but he had refused.

Gandalf sheathes his sword, the one he found in the troll cave. "What on earth are you doing here?"

     "I was looking for you, Gandalf. Something's wrong, something's terribly wrong," the wizard replied, looking distraught.

The company watches as Radagast tries to remember what he was going to say, holding up a finger and asking them to give him a moment. "Oh, I had a thought and now I've lost it. It was, it was right there on the tip of my tongue."

"It's not a thought at all, it's a silly old..." Nyx watched in disgust as the wizard stuck out his tongue and as Gandalf carefully picked a stick insect off his tongue. "...stick insect."

Kíli glances over at her as if trying to ask her if he was dreaming. She shook her head, a soft smile upon her lips. The old wizard was perhaps slightly mad but he was kind and honest. Traits she considered far more important than his oddity.

Gandalf tells them to stay there and walks away to talk with Radagast. He's out of earshot to the dwarves and Bilbo but not to Nyx. Something she knows he did on purpose. Taking a seat upon a stone, the company soon follows suit, falling into quiet conversation.

She listens to the conversation between the two wizards but elects not to inform the others. If Gandalf deems it important, he will inform them. Still, she can't hide the slight shiver upon hearing of the Necromancer in Dol Guldur. Nyx remembered that land in the height of Oropher's power and it saddened her to hear of its fall.

A howl rips through the air, piercing the stillness of the forest. Nyx stands, tilting her head. It was not the sound of a wolf or even one of the great wolves of the Battalion. That howl could only belong to a warg and that did not bode well for them.

     "Was that a wolf?" Bilbo asked fearfully, taking a step closer to Nyx. "Are there wolves out here?"

     She shakes her head softly as Bofur answers, "Wolves? No, that is not a wolf."

     The others have gathered close, each of them having heard the wargs in the distance. Each clutches at their weapons but none dared to move. Perhaps they could avoid a chase. In the silence, one sneaks up behind Dori and Thorin.

     Its growl meets all of their ears as it springs onto Dori's shoulder. As the dwarf falls, Thorin stabs it with the blade from the troll hoard. Its cries die quickly. Dori crawls out from under the beast but Nyx hears another behind her.

     Spinning to her back, she grabbed an arrow out of her quiver and stabbed it into the neck of the beast. At the same time Kíli fired, the two arrows bringing it down. Ripping the arrow out she turned to Thorin, "Warg scouts."

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