Chapter 10: Into the Mountains

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Misty Mountains

That next morning, Nyx headed down to the dwarves' camp and waited until they had finished eating. It was early hours yet, the sun scarcely scraping the horizon. Yet Nyx felt uneasy, though perhaps it was just the knowledge that they had a set amount of time to reach the Mountain. But as Thorin appeared to not have mentioned it yet, she stayed quiet.

     Finally, Thorin turned to her, "Do you know a way out of here where we can pass unseen?"

     She nodded and at a gesture by Thorin, the dwarves began to pack up. In a shorter amount of time than she had expected, the camp barely existed. The only signs were the bench Bombur had broken their first night there and the smoldering remains of a fire. Bluntly put, Nyx had expected there to be a worse mess.

     Seeing all of the Company prepared to march out, Nyx led the way out of Rivendell. The place was quiet, no elves walking between the various elegant buildings and verandas. A bird sang a joyous melody above her, causing her to lift her gaze into the tree branches above. It flitted to another tree, leaving her with only the memory of its sweet song.

     Leaving the main buildings behind, Nyx led them onto a path over one of the rushing rivers. It was narrower than she would have preferred but it would do. Her boots scraped slightly against the stone beneath as she crossed, sending a few pebbles down into the water below.

     They cross easily, the path having widened and then opening up into the foothills of the mountains. Nyx gazes upward, staring at the high peaks above them. Some are wrapped in mist, winds churning around icy cliffs. She grimaces slightly, there's a storm trapped in the valleys and passes. When they enter the mountains true, they'll get hit by a mountain storm.

     Balin takes the lead. Nyx says nothing, trusting that the dwarf knows his way through the foothills. She'll only speak if there is a better path or they walk a dangerous one. Already she considers various paths into the mountains. Her thoughts are interrupted by the dwarves passing her by. Their journey has begun in earnest.

     She notices Bilbo gazing back at Rivendell and smiles sadly. Her own heart aches to leave behind such a place of peace but they cannot linger. "When this is all over, I would be happy to guide you back here," Nyx says softly.

Bilbo glanced back at her, "I couldn't possibly. I'm sure you have other things to attend to."

"Nonsense. At the very least I could send one of the Battalion," Nyx retorted, gesturing for him to follow as she headed after the dwarves.

Walking alongside her, Bilbo sighed. "When all this is over.... Seems an awful long time to wait. Assuming we even get through this. If that dragon wakes up..."

"Perhaps. But the memory of something beautiful will give you something to fight for." Nyx paused, brow furrowing. "And should the dragon awaken, then it'll be time for me to earn my keep. I didn't just come to guide you, but also to guard the Company. Even if it means guarding against a dragon."

Bilbo nodded, silently grateful for her words. As they marched deeper into the mountains, the two continued to talk. They spoke about the Shire, Rivendell, the Wilds ahead of them and other more mundane things. Their conversation wasn't exactly philosophical but it helped pass the time.

     Before long, the Company was setting up camp in a small clearing within the forest of the foothills. An ancient oak looms near where they began setting up, its branches reaching far into the sky. As the sun dipped beneath the trees, shards of light met the ground. A bird flies over to a nearby tree, its song speaking of the incoming night.

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