Chapter 1: Dwarves

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     Night was fast falling upon the Shire and most of the streets were empty of any, save those taking an evening stroll. One figure stuck out from the others however. Tall and bearing weapons, it was clear they were no hobbit and instead a strange traveler. Still they walked with purpose, heading towards a place commonly called Bag-End.

Arriving at the hole they had been searching for, they carefully head up the path, minding the neatly manicured plants surrounding it. They can see where others have not and wishes not to add to the problem. The hole looks simple from the outside but warm light comes from the windows and smoke rises from a chimney. The green door has a familiar mark scratched on it, a signal to those traveling there.

They arrive at the door and knock at first quietly. Upon receiving no response, they knock louder, this time hearing a voice groan in frustration. They step back, awaiting their host.

The hobbit opens the door, expecting yet another group of dwarves. That is not what he finds. Instead, a figure taller than even Gandalf stands, clad and hooded in a deep red cloak. He can see weapons upon their back and at their waist and instantly takes back any snappish words.

He cannot make out their face, instead only seeing a pair of silvery eyes from beneath the hood. He watched as they flick over his shoulder, noting Gandalf before returning to him.

"Are you Bilbo Baggins?" came a rough voice. He stares in surprise. The voice is rough and scratchy but at the same time possesses a musical quality like the legends say the elves have.

"Uh. Yes, yes I am. I'm assuming you are here for the same reason dwarves are here?" he stammers out. He doesn't wish to seem afraid of the figure in front of him, but he cannot hide it. He knows nothing about them besides their appearance, which is rather menacing.

A nod. "I am here on Gandalf's behalf. May I come in?" replies the voice, still polite.

He opens the door more, allowing the stranger to enter. They walk in, setting their bow and quiver by the door though they keep a staff with them, having to stoop to remain standing. They did not yet remove their hood, instead walking further inside towards where Gandalf stood. He notes they walk with a slight limp but still with a strength in each movement.

     "Ah, Nyx, it is good to see you have made it. The dwarves seem to be preparing a feast though Thorin has yet to arrive," the wizard told the stranger. They just nodded, not speaking anymore.

     The two Big Folk walk further inside, until they enter a hall near the pantry which most of the dwarves are passing through. Nyx watched as one walked by with three cheese wheels in his arms. Upon seeing them however, the dwarves come to a stop.

     "Thorin didn't tell us another was joining us," said a bald, tattooed dwarf gruffly, sizing up the stranger.

     "Because he only recently received confirmation my friend would be joining us. This is Nyx, an old friend who will serve as a guide and guard for your quest eastward," Gandalf responded, gesturing for them to remove their hood.

     In one swift movement, the stranger lifted their hood. They were a she actually, with fiery red hair that had been intricately braided back and adorned with beads. Her face had a noble, proud quality to it, with sharp, silvery eyes and pointed ears. She had also been scarred upon her face, a particularly bad cut running through her left eye and eyebrow down to her lips. Bilbo stood frozen upon realizing an elf, quite possibly a very old elf stood in his house.

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