Chapter 1

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"A-Ying will you be fine by yourself?" Xiao Xingchen asked with a concern tone in his voice. "Shishu, I will be fine. Beside, Song Xiong let me stay here in Baixue temple. This is my new home with you now. I will come back after my journey."

"Alright, just be careful and sent home message for me to know where you are at?" Wei Ying sigh, "I will Shishu," he take out Suibian, "Song Xiong take care of my Shishu now!"

While flying in the sky Wei Ying thought to himself, 'where should I go first? I already went everywhere with Shishu and Song Xiong? Oh I know, Tanzhou town, I haven't been there for a while. I heard that they will have flower festival there.' That is where Wei Ying is going.

When Wei Ying got there he see the town have different kind of flower all around the town. Flower petal fly all around the town, it is like a rainy day. Instead of rain drop, it is flower petal instead.

'So festive,' Wei Ying went into one of the wine inn. He went to sit at the very top of the inn where he can see everyone in town. While drinking his wine, Wei Ying see a group of white clothes walking here and there down the street.

'Oh, isn't that Zewu Jun, Lan Wangji and their disciple,' "Yo! Zewu Jun," all of the Lan look up at the wine shop. "Wei gongzi."

"What are you all doing here? If you are not busy, do you and your clan want to have lunch together?" Lan Xichen look at his brother and disciple and then back to Wei Ying, "I'm sorry Wei gongzi, we are in a hurry."

"Of course, the Lan is always busy. Then I won't be keeping you here long then," as the Lan clan left from there Lan Zhan asked his brother, "Xiong zhang, who was that?"

'Doesn't Wangji know Wei gongzi?' "That was Wei Wuxian. Wangji, you know him too."

"I do? I don't feel like I know him," this got Lan Xichen to stop walking. "You don't know him?"lan Zhan shake his head no. Lan Xichen decide to head back to the wine inn.

'Why suddenly did they return?' Wei Ying see Lan Xichen walking into the wine inn and up the stair. "Wangji, you and the disciple sit over there. Order some food," Lan Xichen walk over to where Wei Ying is at.

"Wei gongzi, did you do something to Wangji?" Lan Xichen asked Wei Ying.

Wei Ying glanced over at Lan Zhan, "what if I told you that I erased Lan er gongzi memories of me?"

"Memories of you? But why?"

"If I don't, he will go to search for me. I can tell that Lan er gongzi have feeling for me, that is why I erased his memories. You don't want your didi to go searching for me, do you? Someone who won't return his feeling?"

Lan Xichen turn to look at his didi who is eating with their Lan disciple, then he turn back to Wei Ying, "I guess your right about that but what if he does remember you again?"

Wei Ying sigh, "well then just let faith and destiny to deal with it. I rather not interfere Zewu Jun. Beside, I won't force Lan er gongzi to remember. Just let him be."

"Beside that, why are you here?"

"Oh, I just finish going on a journey with Song Lan and Xiao Xingchen. They are home now, so I decide to go on my journey by myself. I decide to come here to Tanzhou town, they will have a flower festival tonight."


"You should let your disciple have some fun before going to wherever you are going."

Lan Xichen glance back at his disciple again, "well they have been working hard since they left Cloud Recesse, I should let them enjoy the festival." Lan Xichen got up he walk over to where Lan Zhan and his disciple is at.

Wei Ying smile at how happy the Lan disciple is, 'I wonder if Jin Ling is happy? His parents is still with him. The Jiang clan is still there. Since Jiang Fengmian is still alive then Jiang Wanyin isn't a sect leader yet.'

"Wei gongzi?" Wei Ying glanced at the person in front of him, "Lan er gongzi, have a seat?" Lan Zhan did just that.

"Are you going to join your disciple for the flower festival tonight?" Wei Ying asked while drinking his wine.

Lan Zhan Shake his head no, "Why not?" Then Wei Ying remember why, 'of course, Lan Zhan doesn't like crowded place or lot of people around.'

"I don't like crowded place or lot of people around," Wei Ying knew that Lan Zhan will said that.

"Then how about this, we will go together. This way you won't get lost or people pushing you around. What do you said?"

"Go on Wangji, you should go have some fun," Lan Xichen sat down next to his brother. "Wei gongzi, I will leave my didi in your hand."

"Don't worry Zewu Jun, I won't let anything happen to your didi. By the way, since you are the cultivation Xiandu, why are you here?"

"Well....since father is out of seclusion, he ask me to go out to train our new disciple with Wangji. He want me and Wangji to teach them as much as we can."

"I see," Wei Ying glanced at the new disciple, "it look like they just graduated from the Lan class."

"I'm sure they will do great," one of the Lan disciple caught Wei Ying eyes, "it look like one of them isn't a Lan Lan like."

Lan Xichen sigh, "that is Lan Jingyi, he some how very similar to you." This got Wei Ying to laugh, "don't tell me, he break rule and drinking wine?" Lan Xichen nodded his head.

"I already like him. Anyway, Lan er gongzi, I will wait for you at that big lotus flower lantern. Agree?"


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