Chapter 7

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Lan Zhan who is in his room reading a book, a Lan disciple knock at his door, "Come in," the Lan disciple slide the door open to Lan Zhan room , "Lan er gongzi, a letter came for you." He went to hand it to Lan Zhan. When he is done, he left from there.

Lan Zhan have on a smile, he see who the letter is from. Lan Zhan open the letter, inside it said that Wei Ying is waiting for him in Meishan. The first thing Lan Zhan did is he went to talk to his father since he is still a sect leader after all.

"A-Zhan, come in," Lan Zhan went to seat down in front of his father. "Fuqin, I have a friend that is waiting for me in Meishan. Can I go meet him? I want to continue to travel around the cultivation world with him?"

"A-Zhan, you have a duty to take over the Lan clan as sect leader once I step down? I can't hand this over to your brother because he already a Xiandu. If you leave who will take over?"

"Fuqin, I don't want to be a sect leader. Can't you let me do what I want? I don't want to get tie down to my clan duty as the Lan heir."


"I have been living my whole life following our clan rule. Always get punish for breaking our clan rule. Why do we even have rule anyway? Why can't we be like other clan? Just have sword practice, help around the clan, have a festival, give the disciple a chance to go down to Caiyi town to have a relaxing day after a long day in cloud Recesses."

"A-Zhan, I never heard you said so many word. You want to be like other rogue cultivator who wonder around the cultivation world to help the weak and the innocent?"

Lan Zhan nodded his head, "Fuqin, I don't want to get tie down by our clan rule anymore. I just want to live a bird out of there cage."

"A-Zhan, where will you go? Where will you live?" Qingheng Jun asked with a worry tone in his voice.

"My friend and I go every where. He is staying in a place call Baixue temple, that is where his uncle is living now."

"If leaving Cloud Recesse make you happy then you can go. A-Zhan, this will always be your home but please come home and visit your family every now and then, alright?" Lan Zhan nodded his head.

"Go see your brother and uncle before you leave." Lan Zhan stand up, give a bow and then left to go said good bye to his brother and uncle.

After saying goodbye to his family, Lan Zhan left to go find Wei Ying in Meishan.

"So this is where that stupid women grew up. Not a bad place but why is she so angry all the time? Jiang Wanyin even take after her. Like mother like son."

Wei Ying is waiting for Lan Zhan in one of the inn. 'I wonder if Lan Zhan can leave his clan? His shifu might not want him to go, I know that his father will let him go.' "It will take Lan Zhan a while to get from Gusu to Meishan. I might as well walk around to see what they have here."

After walking around for a while Wei Ying got bore, he end up walking back to the inn that he is staying in. 'Not that fun as the other city,' "the food isn't that good either but it is food after all."

About 6 days later Lan Zhan arrive in Meishan, 'I wonder where Wei Ying is staying.' Lan Zhan walk around to see if he can find the inn that Wei Ying is staying in.

While eating and drink his wine, Wei Ying see a person that look like Lan Zhan, 'Lan Zhan?' "Yo! Lan Zhan!" Lan Zhan turn around, he look up to the inn window to see Wei Ying smiling down at him.

'Whoa he look very different. He not wearing his mourning clothes nor his forehead ribbon,' "are you just going to stand there or come up here?" Lan Zhan enter into the inn and up the stair.

When Lan Zhan enter into the room, he see Wei Ying looking up and down at him with a smirk on his face, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"You look very good and handsome in your new robes. Grey and white, Mn, it fit you. I like this new look on you. Your Lan white robes, I dislike it. How come you don't wear your forehead ribbon anymore?" Wei Ying asked as Lan Zhan went to sat down on the other side of the table.

"I don't want any attention toward me. That is why I left it at home and change my clothes. These aren't from the Lan clan but from other town that I have pass through."

"It is almost a mixer of my Shishu and Song Lan, one always wear white and the other always wear black. I use to wear black and red, now I wear light blue and dark blue. By the way, how are you able to leave? I thought that either Lan Qiren who won't let you leave or your father who will let you leave?"

Lan Zhan tell Wei Ying what he have said to his father. While listen to what Lan Zhan is saying, Wei Ying is surprise to see this side of Lan Zhan. "Since, when have you become so bold, Lan Wangji? It is true that you grew up in the Lan clan and you were taught to follow the Lan clan rule. I wouldn't want to follow your 3 thousand something rule."

"I know, Wei Wuxian is a free bird, he fly wherever he want."

"So, does that mean your not going back home after our travel?" Lan Zhan nodded his head. "Since Fuqin is still alive and Xiong Zhang is still there, he can take over once Fuqin step down from his duty as sect leader."

"What about Zewu Jun and his Xiandu duty?""

"Xiong zhang, said that he will give it either to Nie Huaisang or his da ge, Nie Mingjue."

"I guess that could work too." The two talk until it is time for them to head to bed. "You take the bed, I will be fine here." Lan Zhan nodded his head, he take the bed while,Wei Ying sat by the window while still drinking his wine.

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