Chapter 20

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When Nie Huaisang and Wei Yang arrive at Guangling, there is many decoration around town. There is lantern of many different shape hanging from the shop and home.

"Wow! Now, this town is more festive then any other town we went too. What do you think they are celebrating?" Nie Huaisang asked as they walk around the town to find an inn to stay in.

"No idea, once we find an inn to stay in then we can look around. Must be some kind of season or something," 'this will be fun.'

The two finally found an inn to stay in. They got a room on the second floor, this way they can see the festival from below. "Gongzi, do you want to order something to eat?" The waiter gave the menu to Wei Ying and Nie Huaisang to look at it.

"Can I get some wine, first?" Asked Wei Ying as he look at the menu. "Tea for me," the waiter nodded his head as he went back down stair to get what Wei Ying and Nie Huaisang needed.

"I love how every town have different festival. It make everyone very happy," this Wei Ying agree to what Nie Huaisang just said. "Do you think Da ge will have a festival for Qinghe town if I ask him?"

"Well, you can ask him once your visit in Gusu is over. Oh, don't forget to send me a letter and tell me about it, okay?" Nie Huaisang smile as he nodded his head.

Cloud Recesse

Lan Xichen doesn't like how his didi is mopping around the clan like this, the other disciple is worrying about their Lan er gongzi. With a sigh Lan a Xichen walk up to his didi, "Wangji."

"Xiong Zhang, why don't you go find Wei gongzi and ask him why he erase your memories? I don't like seeing you like this. If your angry or mad about this whole situation then go find Wei gongzi and ask him about it." Lan Xichen is trying to get through his didi thick head about Wei Ying erasing his memories.

"I want too Xiong Zhang is just that...."

"Is just what Wangji?"

"Is just that I don't know what to said to him or more like what to ask him," Lan Xichen sigh, "first thing first Wangji, you should go find Wei gongzi and then you can ask him about it."

"But I don't know where he is at right now?" Lan Xichen sigh once more, 'My didi sure is a slow at these thing.' "Then where did you last saw him?"


"Then where do you think he will go next?"

"Ummm let's see...probably....Guangling."

"Guangling? That is the town that will take you to Gusu town. Will you go?"

Lan Zhan breath in then out, "I will."

Guangling Town

After Wei Ying and Nie Huaisang have finish eating their food, the two went down to see what the vendor is selling and what kind of food and wine do they have. "Are you going to buy more wine for your brother to try?" Wei Ying asked as he stiffed the air to find a good place to drink there wine.

"Maybe, I do want to buy some souvenirs as well."

"What are you going to buy? Are you buying some for Lan Xichen as well?" Wei Ying asked Nie Huaisang.

"Yeah. We are close to Gusu anyway."

'Right. Lan Zhan went back to Cloud Recesse after all. I think I will stop at Gusu and then head back to Baixue Temple.' "Hey Huaisang?"

"What is it Wuxian?"

"I was thinking after this I will head back to Baixue Temple. And you head to Gusu, okay?"

Nie Huaisang stop what he is doing, he turn to look at Wei Ying, "You don't want to continue your journey?" Asked Huaisang.

"I think I'm satisfied with my journey with you, Lan Wangji and Jin Ling. It was a fun journey. I want to tell my uncle and Song Lan about it."

"Okay, then after our journey here in Guangling I will head to Gusu while you head back to Baixue Temple?"

"Shall we continue with the festival?"

"Let's go!"

Nie Huaisang is has buy a lot of thing, even many wine as well. Wei Ying couldn't help but chuckled at how much thing Nie Huaisang have in his bag. "You know I'm glad we have horses instead of maneuvering on our sword. I don't have a sword, we have horse instead."

"It is also easier to carried our thing too." The two of them arrive back at the inn. They went back upstairs as they look down at the festival that is still going on outside.

"It is a good feeling isn't, Wuxian?"

"A good feeling?" Wei Ying asked Nie Huaisang, "Mn. There is no war, no fighting, and no evil monster around here. Everyone is living in peace, unlike our teen year."

"I know what you mean. Well, we didn't start the war, you know."

"Your right. Wen Rouhan started the war, I don't understand why? Do you know why, Wuxian?"

"Let me see. If I remember correctly, Wen Chao said that his father want him and his brother to take out all of the clan so that they won't go to war with their clan. At that time Wen Rouhan has a piece of Yin Iron in his hand, I think that is why he want to take down all of the other sect before they can get to him."

"That clan is one corrupted clan. I think it is the same as the Jin clan as well."

"The Jin clan?"

"Mn. Jin Guangshan somehow wanted to plot a battle against you, Wuxian. Didn't you know?"

Wei Ying hand fisted underneath the table, "I did. He is one greedy clan leader."

"I agree." With a loud boom coming from outside, the two turn to look up into the sky. "Fire work!" That night Wei Ying and Nie Huaisang enjoy Guangling firework all night long.

The next day Wei Ying and Nie Huaisang went their separate way once the two arrive in Caiyi town. Nie Huaisang went to Cloud Recesse while Wei Ying went back to Baixue Temple to see Xiao Xingchen and Song Lan.

On that same day Lan Zhan went to Guangling to see if he can spotted Wei Ying or not. He described Wei Ying to the people in each of the inn since he know that Wei Ying will stay in one of them.

About a minute later Lan Zhan found the inn that Wei Ying was staying in, "I'm sorry gongzi but the gongzi that you just described, he already left with his friend."

'I just miss them. Wait! Xiong Zhang said that this town will take them to Gusu, then that mean Wei Ying will go there next,' lan Zhan rush out of there, out of town and when he did he got on his sword and went back to Gusu.

Lan Zhan doesn't know that Wei Ying won't be there. He doesn't know that Wei Ying left to head back to Baixue Temple instead of going to Gusu.
I think either one more chapter or two more chapters and then this story will be done. See you soon!

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