Chapter 11

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*Sigh* "A-Ling, why don't you continue to go look around? Lan Zhan and I will go find an inn. We will let you know where we are staying okay?"

"Okay! See you soon!" Jin Ling ran off in the other direction, "Kid he should be," Wei Ying turn to look at Lan Zhan, "Shall we go?" Lan Zhan nodded his head.

"How was your trip back to Cloud Recesse?" Wei Ying asked as the two look around to find an inn to stay in.

"Nothing change though, it is always the same. But I'm glad that Fuqin came out from his seclusion. Now, he can help Xiong zhang with the clan. I don't have to take over as sect leader."

Wei Ying smile at what Lan Zhan just said, "I'm glad." Lan Zhan nodded his head, "oh that's right, Jin Ling ask me about the guest lecture."

"Guest lecture?" Lan Zhan nodded his head again. "He ask when will the guest lecture start and will his clan get the invitation."

"I hope your clan won't use the same rule on them. Or they should write the rule down on the book and then sent it to each clan for them to learn it. This way they will be prepare. Mhm, I really don't like your clan rule, it is too much."

"I don't want that either. Is just that Shifu want us Lan to follow our ancestors foot step, I am sure Fuqin will make sure that there are less rule for the students."

Once the two found an inn, they went inside. They got a room upstairs this way Wei Ying can keep an eye on Jin Ling.

Wei Ying look down at the town, he want to make sure that Jin Ling doesn't cause any trouble. "This town is bigger then other town, even bigger then Yunmeng and Caiyi town."

"Mn, I'm glad that I went on this journey with you. I get to see more outside of Gusu. Oh that's right, do you know what town will we go next?" This got Wei Wuxian to think what town is ahead of them.

"I'm not sure, if we keep going then we will hit the next town."

"Wei shushu!" In come Jin Ling. "I got lot of gift for Niang and Die and Jiang Jiu Jiu as well."

"Jin Ling don't you want to head home for a little bit?I bet your parent is wondering where you are right now?"

"Don't worry Wei Shushu, I am sure we will travel to LanLing somehow. When we are in LanLing I will head to Jinlintai to see them." Wei Ying can see how happy Jin Ling is. 'At least in this past time line, Jin Ling is happy to have both of his parents with him.' "Okay, why don't we order something to eat?" Jin Ling nodded his head.

That night the whole town light up lantern, and other thing that is hanging around town. "Now that is fun!" Shouted Jin Ling.

Wei Ying and Lan Zhan smile at how happy Jin Ling is, "Wei Shushu, Lan Shushu can we go?"

Wei Ying choke on his wine, "Jin Ling! Why are you calling Lan Zhan "Lan Shushu"?" Jin Ling have on a playful smirk, "You two have becoming very close ever since you started this journey together. I think you two have something going on between the two of you, so if you two are together. I might as well call Lan er gongzi "Lan Shushu" instead."

Lan Zhan ear turn red at what Jin Ling just said. Even Wei Ying is blushing, "A-Ling!" Jin Ling laugh as he jump from the window, "I will head to see the town festival first! See you later Wei Shushu!"

"That little brat!" 'How in the world did he become so mischievous lately?' Wei Ying turn to look at Lan Zhan, "you don't have to listen to what Jin Ling said, he just messing around."

"I know but...." Lan Zhan look at Wei Ying, "But what?"

"I really don't mind Jin Ling calling me that..." Wei Ying sigh, 'that boy,' "okay, whatever you said Lan er gongzi. Want to join everyone?"


The two jump down from the room,  and they landed in front of the inn. "Shall we go?" Lan Zhan nodded his head, the two walk around the festival to see what the town people have at their stall.

"Do you want to buy anything for your family? I'm sure your father, brother and uncle want a gift from you?" Wei Ying asked while keeping an eye on Jin Ling who is nearby. Lan Zhan look at different vendor to see what is there to buy, "they all have different things."

"Don't worry take your time. A-Ling! Don't wonder off too far I don't want to come find you later!"

"I know!" Shouted Jin Ling.

Wei Ying turn back around he see Lan Zhan buying three pouch with cloud symbol on it. They were all different color, "Excuse me, does your town have any tea? Special tea? Or your famous tea?"

Wei Ying smile at how much question Lan Zhan have asked the owner, "yes, we have all kind of special tea and their famous tea as well. Just ask the owner about it, if you keep on walking in this direction you will find their tea shop."

"Thank you," Lan Zhan turn to look at Wei Ying, "shall we go?" Lan Zhan nodded his head. The two turn to walk into the direction that the stall owner have told them about, "A-Ling, come on," Jin Ling went to follow Wei Ying and Lan Zhan.

"Why are we at the tea shop Wei Shushu?" Wei Ying and Jin Ling is waiting outside for Lan Zhan to finish buying his tea for his father and Uncle. "Lan Zhan is buying tea for his family. Let's wait okay?" Jin Ling nodded his head.

"Tomorrow before we head off to the next town, how about I teach you some of my swordmanship?"

Jin Ling eye lite up, "okay!"

Once Lan Zhan got everything he needed all three continue to look around the festival before heading back to the inn.

The next morning before they head to the next town, Wei Ying show Jin Ling some of his fighting style, style that is from him. After sometime, they went to get breakfast and then left Pingyang town.

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