Chapter 22 - Final Chapter

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Lan Zhan left to go in search for Baixue Temple. He asked the people in town about Baixue Temple. This is the only way for Lan Zhan to know where it is. There are some people in each town know where it is and some doesn't.

Some pointed Lan Zhan in the same direction every single time he ask them. He walk out of town, toward the forest and that is when he see step that lead up to Song Lan temple.

"It is almost like Cloud Recesse. I wonder if this is the same or different," Lan Zhan walk up the step, as he walk up each step he see how the step branch off to the right and to the left. 'It is very different from Cloud Recesse. Where does these step lead to anyway?'

He continued to walk up the step toward Baixue Temple. When Lan Zhan got to the top he see two disciples of the Baixue Temple is standing guard, "Can we help you gongzi?" One of the guard asked Lan Zhan.

"I am looking for Wei Wuxian. Is he here?" Lan Zhan asked the two guards. "Master Wei?" Lan Zhan nodded his head. "Yes master Wei is here. Who are you to him?"

"Tell Wei Wuxian that Lan Wangji from the Lan clan is looking for him, tell him that I want to talk to him."

"Please wait here," one guard went in while the other guard stand outside to keep an eye on Lan Zhan.

A minute the door open up, "Lan Zhan," Wei Ying turn around to look at the two guard, "tell the rest to keep practicing, I will be back later," the two guard nodded their head as they left from there.

"What bring you here, Lan Zhan?" Wei Ying asked without smiling even though inside of him, he is happy that Lan Zhan is here or more like he came to look for him.

"Can we find a place to talk?" Wei Ying breath in then out, "Okay, follow me." Wei Ying take them to the path way that branch off from the left and the right. He take the left path, it take them to here:

 The two arrive at a structure that is in the middle with a lake view, that have cherry blossom tree around them, that is still in bloom

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The two arrive at a structure that is in the middle with a lake view, that have cherry blossom tree around them, that is still in bloom. (Just use your imagination okay) "this place is beautiful, Wei Ying."

Wei Ying smile at this, "Come this way Lan Zhan, I already ask someone to bring some food and tea here for you." Lan Zhan follow Wei Ying to the wood table and chair in the middle of the structure.

Once the two of them has settle down Wei Ying looked at Lan Zhan, "I know the reason why you are here. You want to know the truth? You want to know why I erased your memories?"


"Mhmm how do I tell you the truth? All I can said is I regret some of the thing that I did to you. I regret some of the thing that I said to you. At the end of the war against Wen Rouhan I decide to leave with my Shishu and Song Lan. But before I left, I erased your memories. I don't want you to follow me nor I want you to come find me."

Wei Ying can see how quiet Lan Zhan is, "I know you have feeling toward me but....I wasn't myself back then. I want to be myself again before I want to see you again. But I didn't expect to see you in Tanzhou town, along with your brother there."

"No wonder I got the feeling that I known you before. But why did you let me come with you on your journey?"

Wei Ying lend on his hand as he gave Lan Zhan a grin, "you want to know?" Lan Zhan nodded his head.

"I want to spend time with you, I want you by my side." Hearing Wei Ying said this, lan Zhan felt his heart is beating very fast. "What do you said, Lan Zhan? Want to stay here with me?"


Wei Ying breath in then out, "take your time, no rush at all. But one thing I want to ask you though."

"What is it?"

"After everything I just said to you, will you forgive me or will you think about it?"

"You know that I will always forgive you, Wei Ying. But what did you do to me that make you regret it?"

Lan Zhan suddenly a flash in Wei Ying eye, the next thing he knew the whole place is cover in black curtain. A spell has been activated around the structure that they are in. "Wei Ying?"

Wei Ying stand up, he went over to Lan Zhan, lifted his face up, "Do you want to know? If you give me permission first?" All Lan Zhan can do is nodded his head. With that approval Wei Ying lean in to kiss Lan Zhan.

This shock Lan Zhan at first, soon he melt into the kiss from Wei Ying. The two wrapped their arm around one another as Wei Ying bring Lan Zhan body closer to him. With a snap of his finger, the two of them disappear from there and reappear in his room.

That night it is a passionate night for Wei Ying and Lan Zhan. He finally told Lan Zhan why he erased his memories. In the end Lan Zhan forgive Wei Ying because he can never stay mad at him at all.

When Wei Ying woke up the next day, he smile down at the body that is laying in his arm. He slowly removed his arm from underneath Lan Zhan head, when he finally got his arm from underneath Lan Zhan head he got off of the bed and went to see Xiao Xingchen.

"You want to know if Lan er gongzi can live here with you?" Xiao Xingchen asked his nephew. "Mn."

"Of course he can. He is your lover now, am I correct?" Wei Ying face went tomatoes red. "I take that as a yes."

"Master Xiao, Lan gongzi is here," both Xiao Xingchen and Wei Ying turn to see Lan Zhan standing next to the temple disciple. "Thank you," the disciple gave a bow as he left from there.

"Lan er gongzi, please come," Lan Zhan went to sit down next to Wei Ying, "Xiao Xingchen please call me, Wangji"

"Then call me Shushu." Wei Ying sigh at this, "Since you are here, A-Ying will take you into town. He will show you around there and here as well. You will live here from now on."

Before Lan Zhan can ask Xiao Xingchen about it, Song Lan came and dragged him away from there. "Wei Ying?"

"I asked Shishu to see if he can let you stay here and live here with me. What will you answer be, Lan Zhan?"

"Mn. I'll stay here and live here with you. I also want to be by Wei Ying side." Wei Ying look here and there, front and back, side and side, when no one is around he pull Lan Zhan into a kiss.

The kiss become slowly as it turn into more heated kiss but when air become a problem the two pull away. "Let's head down toward the town,I will show you around there first then I will show you around Baixue temples, okay?"


The two left from there as they head down toward the town below the temple. Since it is just the two of them, Wei Ying take Lan Zhan hand in his. This made Lan Zhan feel very safe and warm knowing that Wei Ying is right here with him.

From that day on, Lan Zhan stay with Wei Ying at Baixue Temple. He is happy that he got to meet Wei Ying again, he is happy to know that Wei Ying still love him after all this time. He is now here with Wei Ying forever.

The End
How is this ending? I hope it is a good one. Thank you everyone for reading this story of mine. Thank you for the vote and the comment everyone. See everyone in my other story! Bye now!

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