Chapter 12

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The next town they arrive to is Yangquan town, "Wow! This town is big Wei Shushu!"

"Hey Jin Ling! You don't know about this town or the way around this place. You will get lost!" Shouted a worry Wei Ying. "Don't worry! I will come find you! Just don't go into the room!"

Wei Ying sigh, "that child I hope he doesn't cause any trouble while we are here. Come Lan Zhan, let's go find an inn." The two find an inn near the end of the town this way they can leave when they are ready.

They take their horse to the back stable, when that is done they went into the inn. They waited for Jin Ling at the table since this way Jin Ling can see them. "So Lan Zhan, how do you like the traveling so far?"

"Mn. It is very refreshing. I am not in my clan, I'm not following my clan rule, I feel I can do anything I want."

Wei Ying let out a laugh, "that's right! That is how I feel. Just like my parents they are a free, rouge cultivator."

"Your parents were a rouge cultivator?"

"Yeah. I want to be like them. Wondering around to help other people. That is what I did with my Shishu and Song Lan."

"Song Lan? Who is your Shishu?"

"Yes, Song Lan known as "Distant Snow and Cold Frost" and my Shishu is Xiao Xingchen also known as "Bright Moon and Gentle Breeze""

Lan Zhan eye widen, "I would love to meet them someday. They are famous among the cultivation world."

"Okay." The two look outside, "where is that child?" Just as Wei Ying said that a voice call out, "Wei Shushu!" Wei Ying sigh, "Take your horse to the back? Wash up and come in for dinner."


A minute later Jin Ling walk into the inn, "this town is big, bigger then the LanLing town. They have a lot of different thing here but they don't have clan like we do."

"As you can see Jin Ling, every town and city is different. Either they live in peace or there is a battle between different clan. As for us cultivator, we help the weak and the innocent. We can't interfere with what is going on with other people."

"I see. A-Die never really tell me this kind of thing. Wei Shushu, you sure know a lot of thing."

"Of course. I travel the world with Song Lan and Xiao Xingchen, they tell me a lot of thing too. I might as well teach you a few thing, if you like?" Wei Ying winked at Jin Ling.

That night the town that they are in is having a light festival along with fireworks. "Whoa! Didn't know this town is having a festival? Wei Shushu, should we head out to see what they have?" Jin Ling asked with a happy expression on his face.

"Okay but you have to stay next to me and stay close. This town is big, I don't want you to get lost."

"Okay Shushu!"

Wei Ying turn to look at Lan Zhan, "Lan Zhan, do you want to come along as well?" Lan Zhan look at the crowd outside, "too crowded...don't want to go."

'Of course, Lan Zhan hate crowded place,' "is okay, I will hold onto your hand. This way you won't bump into anyone," Wei Ying take Lan Zhan hand in his.

This make Lan Zhan ear turn red, "let's go Jin Ling." All three left the inn to go look around. "Whoa! They have a lot light hanging around the town!" Jin Ling went back over next to Wei Ying.

"Shushu, let's try some of the food?!" Wei Ying shake his head at how childish Jin Ling is, "okay, don't try too much since we will have dinner later."

"Okay. Let's go Shushu!" Wei Ying and Lan Zhan follow behind a very energetic Jin Ling. "This place have many different thing, thing that none of our town have. I'm envy them."

"Shushu, do you think Niang and Die will like this?" Jin Ling hold up a hair pin with a lotus flower at the end, and with dangling pearl at the end. And then he hold up a tassel with a White peony on it.

"Mn, I think they will like it. Hey Lan Zhan, are you going to buy anything else for your family? You should get them different Gift from different town. Oh that remind me, have you write any letter home for your family?" Wei Ying asked while they walk around the festival in Yangquan town.

"Okay, I will see what they have here then I will buy it for my family. I will write one soon when we arrive to the next town."

"Okay, then let's have some fun tonight. Let's go Jin Ling, Lan Zhan!" The two nodded their head.

"Shushu! Do you think Jiang Jiu Jiu will like these? He doesn't have a tassel on his sword." Jin Ling hold up a tassel with light purple and dark purple, it is the Jiang clan color after all.

"I guess you can get it for him, I mean it is from his nephew after all. If anyone else give him a gift he will throw it away or don't accept it."

"He does that?" Jin Ling asked while paying for the gift that he is buying for Jiang Wanyin. "Yep, since he doesn't want other people to see a heir that accept thing from other people."

"Is Jiang Wanyin that weak?"asked Lan Zhan. 'You have no idea how weak he is. He always back down when his mother shouted at him or get angry at him.' "He always scare of his mother. I wonder how will he become a sect leader anyway."

"Grandmother, she is scary after all. I can't even look at her in the eye, she sometimes glared at me. I like grandfather the most, he a kind sect leader. I want to be like him once Die step down from his duty as sect leader."

"Jin Ling, you will make a great Sect leader," Lan Zhan gave a smile to Jin Ling who nodded his head. "Thank you Lan Shushu!" This make Wei Ying smile, "shall we keep going?" Jin Ling and Lan Zhan both smile as they nodded their head.

The next day all three left Yangquan town as they head to the next town. "Last night was the best!"

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