Chapter 21

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No matter how much Lan Zhan search for Wei Ying in Guangling, he couldn't find him anywhere. 'If Wei Ying isn't here then he must be in Gusu,' with that thought in mind, Lan Zhan head straight back to Gusu.

When Lan Zhan arrive in Gusu, he went in search for Wei Ying. He went from one inn to the next. He even asked the inn owner if they seen a person in red, with a red ribbon in his hair. All of the owner shake their head no.

Lan Zhan sigh, he give up, 'he not even here in Gusu,' "if he not here then..." Lan Zhan rush home to Cloud Recesse, he hope to see Wei Ying there if he not here in Caiyi town.

When Lan Zhan got home he hear that Nie Huaisang is with Lan Xichen. 'If Nie Huaisang is here then Wei Ying is here as well,' so he walk really fast toward his brother room.

As Lan Zhan got there, he only see Nie Huaisang but no Wei Ying. 'Wangji?" Lan Zhan looked at Nie Huaisang, "Nie gongzi, how come Wei Ying is not with you?" Lan Zhan asked.

"Oh, Wei xiong said that he is heading back to see his Shishu. I think the two of them are staying in Baixue Temple with Song Lan. Are you looking for him, Wangji Xiong?" Nie Huaisang asked Lan Zhan.

"Mn." Lan Zhan gave a nod as he went in to seat down on the other side of the room. "Are you going to go see Wei Xiong?" At this question Lan Zhan want to think about it, "I'm not sure yet but I don't know if Wei Ying want to see me there or not."m

"I'm sure Wei Xiong won't mind beside on our way to Guangling, I couldn't help but noticed how down Wei xiong is. Even though he hide it behind his smile, I know that he is down."

"Then why didn't you go with Wei Ying?" Lan Zhan asked Nie Huaisang. "I want to come here to see Xichen ge. Beside, I also got souvenirs for him and master Lan. I also want to let my brother to know where I am at as well."

"But no one know where Baixue temple is at, how am I suppose to get there or find it," Lan Zhan sigh at his own questions.

"It is easy Wangji Xiong, just ask people around the town you go too. I'm sure that some will know and some won't know."

"Huaisang is right, Wangji. The only way to find Baixue Temple is to ask," Lan Zhan nodded his head, "then I will leave tomorrow."

Baixue Temple

"Shishu!" Wei Ying jump down from the horse as he rush into the temple.

From inside the main room both Song Lan and Xiao Xingchen hear a loud, "Shishu!" Xiao Xingchen eye lit up as a smile appear on his face, "A-Ying!" He got up and rush out of there.

Wei Ying have on a big smile as he see his uncle again, "Shishu!" The two meet half way as Xiao Xingchen pull his nephew into his arm. "A-Ying, I have misses you so so so much!"

Song Lan who is behind Xiao Xingchen sighed, "Don't you dare go on a journey again Wei Wuxian," Wei Ying chuckled at this, "did something happen while I was gone?" Wei Ying asked as the two pull away.

"Xingchen won't stop worrying about you. He is scare that something has happen to you, even though you sent letter home, he will won't let the feeling go."

"Song Lan!" Xiao Xingchen turn around with an blush on his face, "what is the truth? You won't even let me sleep, you keep on saying how worry you are about your nephew."

"Zichennnnnnnnn!" Song Lan sigh, he can't stand it when Xiao Xingchen whine and pout like that. "Since you dear Shijie nephew is home now, can you stop worrying?"

Xiao Xingchen turn back to see a smiling Wei Ying, "Come on Shishu, I got tone of grift for you, for you too Song xiong."

"Tell us about your journey," Xiao Xingchen asked as the three went toward the main room.

"I wasn't alone on my journey. First I met up with Lan Wangji, then I saw Jin Ling who is on a night hunt with his disciple, he also want to join us and then Nie Huaisang want to come as well when we journey to Qinghe."

"How is all of the town? We can tell that you got many different thing from different town," Xiao Xingchen looked at the gift in Wei Ying bag.

"They are wonderful! All of the town have their own festivals. You wouldn't believe it! They have flower lantern festival and other different festival as well."

"Sound like you really enjoy your journey around the cultivation world?" Wei Ying smile as he nodded his head. "I do but...I miss home....I miss Shishu and Song Xiong."

"No more going on a journey, okay A-Ying?"

"Okay Shishu."

That night Wei Ying stay awake with Lan Zhan in his mind. 'I bet when he got home, he will ask his brother if he knew anything about his memories getting erased.' "I wonder what will he do next. I am guessing that he will try to come find me. If he do....then what will I said to him or more like will he get angry at me for erasing his memories or not."

Wei Ying sigh, 'it will be very hard to sleep tonight, all my mind can think about is Lan Zhan.' He end up getting up and out of his room. "Wei Wuxian," Wei Ying see Song Lan walking pass his room, "Song Xiong, why are you still awake?" Wei Ying went to meet Song Lan across the room.

"I'm doing my walk around the temple. Usually, there are disciple taken different shift, tonight it was suppose to be me and Xingchen. Since, Xingchen is sleeping I don't want to wake him up. What about you?" The two continue to walk around Baixue temple.

"Got a lot on my mind right now," Song Lan put his hand on Wei Ying shoulder, "Why don't you tell me about it while we walk around the temple?"


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