Chapter 18

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The next day all four of them left LaoLing as they head to LanLing. "I'm so so so glad that I got so many gift for father and mother!" Jin Ling said with a big smile on his face. At the mention of his mother Jin Ling slow down to ride next to Wei Ying, "Wei Shushu, do you want to come visit Niang? She talk a lot about you to me whenever I ask her about you."

Wei Ying remember his time back at the Jiang clan, the only person who treat him like part of the family is Jiang Yanli. "Wei Xiong, we can go there? We should see how Jin xiong is doing as well?" Nie Huaisang turn to look at Lan Zhan, "What do you said, Wangji Xiong?"

"I don't mind."

"Then let's head to Jinlintai once we arrive in LanLing," so all four head to LanLing. "You know Wei xiong, I never get to see what LanLing town is like. How about when we get there? Let's walk around town to see what is like."

'Well that's true. In the future I didn't get to see what LanLing is like,' "let's do that." Wei Ying look at Jin Ling, "How your mom doing, A-Ling?" He asked his nephew.

"Niang is doing great, she help Die with the clan work sometimes. Sometimes, the two of them didn't stop until night time. I'm worry about them, especially Die. He doesn't have anyone to help him beside Niang. I don't even know anything about sect leader work."

"Then I think is time for you to learn about it. This way you can help your father out. Beside, once your father is at an old age or is time for him to step down, then it will be your turn."

"Wei xiong is right Jin Ling, even though my Da ge can do his sect leader by himself, I also help him every now and then. It is just the two of us after all." Nie Huaisang smiled at Jin Ling.

"I understand Nie gongzi."

It didn't take long for the four of them to arrive in LanLing, "A-Ling, why don't you head back to Jinlintai first? I think I want to head toward the wine house. I want to taste the wine here in LanLing."

"Okay. I will let Niang and Die know that you will come stay with us here in Jinlintai," with that Jin Ling left to head to Jinlintai.

"Wei xiong, we will go with you to the wine house. I would love to try out LanLing Jin wine."

"Okay, let's go," Wei Ying and Nie Huaisang walk ahead while Lan Zhan follow behind. 'The wine house again, does Wei Ying like to drink that much?'

When all three arrive at the wine house, "every place is different," they got off of their horse as they tie it at the nearby pole where you leave your horse.

Just like before Lan Zhan begin to see another vision.

"Wei Wuxian," Lan Zhan see Wei Ying with a annoying expression on his face. When Lan Zhan walk over to where Wei Ying is at, a wall of resentment energy stop Lan Zhan from coming any closer to Wei Ying.

"You stay over there. Why are you here Lan Wangji?" Asked a very annoying Wei Ying.

"Come back to Cloud Recesse. Do you know how much trouble you have cause every one? Even sect leader Jiang is here."

Wei Ying slammed his hand on the table, "who was it that call him here?!" Wei Ying glared at Lan Zhan. "Beside, why in the world would I want to go back to Cloud Recesse?  Your place is boring. Always rule this and rule that. Can't do this and can't do that. Is not fun as here, so why don't you go back to your so call righteous clan Wangji."

"Wangji Xiong sure space out a lot on our journey lately. What do you think he is seeing?" Asked Nie Huaisang who is walking up the stair to the wine house. "Not sure." Wei Ying walk back down the stair, he stand in front of Lan Zhan.

"Lan Wangji, Lan er gongzi, Lan er gege," Wei Ying sigh, "Lan Zhan!" This got Lan Zhan to snap back to reality. 'I am guessing that he is seeing his memories again. I wonder which memories is he seeing.' "Is everything alright, Lan Zhan?"

Lan Zhan eye focused on Wei Ying, 'what was that energy just now? When and where did Wei Ying learn that dark energy?' "Yeah...Yeah...I think I will head to Jinlintai first." Without saying anything else Lan Zhan left from there.

Without much thought Wei Ying and Nie Huaisang walk up the stair to the room that they will be in. The two stay there until night fall, "Wei xiong, are you staying here?" Nie Huaisang asked.

"I think I will stay here. I will head to Jinlintai tomorrow," 'I'm getting the feeling that Lan Zhan saw something, I just don't know what. I also know that he is slowly getting his memories back.'

That night while Lan Zhan is sleeping, he's begin to dream, dream about his past, about what happen in his life so far.

This continue from what he saw earlier:

Lan Zhan see Wei Ying is ignoring him, "Your not the Wei Wuxian of this timeline are you?" Lan Zhan asked Wei Ying. "I'm surprise you can tell. Then you should stay away. If you don't....I will erase all of your memories of meeting me."

"Erase my memories?" Lan Zhan asked Wei Ying. "Yes, erase your memories."

"You can do that?" Wei Ying smirked at Lan Zhan, "of course I can. If you don't want me to erase your memories Lan Wangji, then do what I said...stay away. If you don't, your whole clan will burn down to the ground."

Lan Zhan woke up with a shock and angry expression on his face, "he....he...he...he erase all of my memories of him. Why did Wei Ying erased my memories of him?"

Many question is going through Lan Zhan mind, he doesn't understand why Wei Ying erased his memories like that. "I don't understand."
Lan Zhan finally know who erased his memories....let see what will happen next okay.

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