Chapter 16

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After the four stay in Hejian, they head back to Qinghe. While there Nie Huaisang went toward his clan to give his brother a souvenir on his traveling. The other is waiting outside of the Nie clan for Nie Huaisang to come back out.

Once Nie Huaisang came back all four of them started their journey again. "How your Da Ge doing Huaisang?" Huaisang have on a big smile since Wei Ying is calling him by his name.

"He the same. Always getting angry and such," Wei Ying and Huaisang walk behind Lan Zhan and Jin Ling since the two of them always have ton of thing to talk about. "Sound right."

"By the way Wuxian, I noticed how Wangji Xiong doesn't remember much about our time in Cloud Recesse?" Asked Huaisang. Wei Ying looked at Lan Zhan when Nie Huaisang asked him this question.

"I don't know, it is best if we leave it like that," 'it is best not to tell Huaisang since he does ask a lot of questions which I don't mind at all, is just that it will be very hard to tell Huaisang why Lan Zhan doesn't remember.'

"Okay if you said so," Nie Huaisang went to catchup with the other two. Wei Ying sigh at this, 'Lan Zhan will be very angry to know that I was the one who erased his memories. When that time come I wonder....what will Lan Zhan do?' Wei Ying also caught up with the other.

"Nie gongzi, when will we arrive at Laoling? I'm getting tire. It is almost night time too,"  everyone look up into the sky and indeed the sky is about to turn night time. "Why don't we rest somewhere and then start out journey again tomorrow?" Jin Ling, Nie Huaisang and Lan Zhan all nodded their head to what Wei Ying just said.

"Wuxian do you remember that time when Xichen ge want us to go down to Caiyi town to help them with the water ghoul?" Nie Huaisang asked Wei Ying. "Yeah, what about it?"

"How come you didn't go? I mean you and Jiang xiong live in a place that is surrounded by lake and river and also might I said have water ghoul in it."

"To tell you the truth Huaisang, what's the point of going when the town is safe. I mean someone did stop that from happening right?" Huaisang think about what Wei Ying just said. "I guess your right."

Lan Zhan who is listen to this felt a flash of pain running across his mind.


When class have ended for the day, Wei Ying left from there first. Lan Zhan decided to follow Wei Ying again.

When Lan Zhan turn the corner, he got pull and slam into the door, "Lan er gongzi, why are you following me?" Wei Ying asked while trapping Lan Zhan between him and the wall.


Wei Ying eye turn from silver to red, "listen here Lan er gongzi. I would love it if you stay away from me. Don't get to close to me or....." Wei Ying take Lan Zhan chin into his hand.

He went closer to Lan Zhan ear whispering, "or I will end up fighting you and your clan." Wei Ying pull back, he can see how terrifying Lan Zhan is. His eye went back to his usual color, he put his hand on top of Lan Zhan head while saying, "stay away from me if you know what's good for you." After saying that Wei Ying left from there.


"Lan Zhan!" Wei Ying shouted Lan Zhan name to get Lan Zhan back to earth. "I'm sorry, did you say something?" Asked Lan Zhan.

"Your spacing out again," 'is he starting to remember again? I just hope that he won't ask Lan Xichen who erased his memories. Lan Xichen is the one who I told him about it.'

"I'm seeing thing," Wei Ying sigh, "what did you see?" Lan Zhan think what he just saw. "I saw you and me talking to each other but the you in my memories is different you right now. I don't understand, we met before but how come I don't remember it."

Lan Zhan remember what Wei Ying said to him, "you did said that my memories was erase right?" Wei Ying stiff at this, "Yeah."

"Do you know by who?"

Wei Ying shake his head no, "let's go, Jin Ling and Huaisang is waiting for us," he went ahead avoiding answering Lan zhan questions. 'Not the right time to tell Lan Zhan it was me who erased his memories.'

"Wei Shushu, Lan Shushu, Nie gongzi, why don't we rest over there? I think it will rain soon," they all look up to see dark cloud hanging over their head. They all went over to an abandoning temple near the forest, they all go there just in time before it started to rain.

While everyone is sitting around the fire Jin Ling couldn't help but have on a big smile. Lan Zhan look at a happy Jin Ling, "Jin Ling, why are you smiling? Not any smile but a big smile."

"That is because I feel so relax around everyone right now," this got Lan Zhan, Wei Ying and Nie Huaisang to look at one another then back to Jin Ling, "Why do you said that A-Ling?" Asked Wei Ying.

"Durning my night hunt with my clan disciple they are all tighten up. Jin gongzi this and Jin gongzi that, I don't feel relax around them at all, it is the same as the Jiang clan disciple. That's not all, Jiang Jiu Jiu isn't fun. He always scare of grandmother, I wonder how will he become a good sect leader like grandfather anyway."

Wei Ying and Nie Huaisang who hear Jin Ling saying this let out a laugh, "hahahahahah!"

"Nice one Jin Ling!" Nie Huaisang said this while continue laughing. Lan Zhan try to hold back his laugh, he can only smile at what Jin Ling just said. The two slowly slowly try to stop laughing, "That you have to ask Jiang Cheng, A-Ling."

"To tell you the truth Jin Ling, when we were about your age. We never got this chance to go on a journey like this."

Jin Ling look at Nie Huaisang, "why is that Nie gongzi?"

"There was a war going on. Thing wasn't that peaceful back then."

"I heard about that. One thing I don't like is when the past Sect leader Jin did is, he went after those innocent Wen remnant. I mean they aren't part of the war right? They didn't even get blood on their hand. It is Wen Rouhan fault that he attack other clan and their sect."

'What a smart boy, he will make a great sect leader after Jin Zixuan step down from his duty as sect leader.' Wei Ying is proud of his nephew.

All four of them talk about different thing until it is time for all of them to head to bed. So that they can head to the next town when the rain stop by the next day.

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