Chapter 19

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The next days Wei Ying ride on his horse as he head back to Jinlintai. When he got there he see Nie Huaisang and Jin Zixuan standing outside the clan, "Huaisang, Zixuan, what's wrong?" Wei Ying asked as he got off of his horse in front of the two.

"Wangji Xiong said he is heading back to his clan," Nie Huaisang point off to where Lan Zhan went off to. "He seem kind of upset for some reason. We asked Lan er gongzi what's wrong but he never answer us."

Wei Ying sigh, 'I know, he already know who erased his memories,' "by the way Zixuan, did A-Ling tell you about his trip and also his gift for you?" Wei Ying asked as the three of them walk back into the big main room.

One of the Jin disciple take the horse away from there. "Mn. He told us a lot of thing on his journey. I'm surprise that he want to learn more about sect leader work and discussion Conference as well."

"Well he is your heir after all. That's right, how is Shijie?" Wei Ying asked Jin Zixuan. "She doing good. And that's not all," this confuse Wei Ying until he hear, "What you are having another child?!" Shouted a very familiar voice.

Both Nie Huaisang and Wei Ying looked at a blushing Jin Zixuan, "congratulation!"

"A-Ling will be a great Da ge. Or more like very over protective Da ge. Like your Huaisang."

"Da ge sure is protective of me since we are the only family left."

"Ah that's true. It is nice to have sibling isn't?" Nie Huaisang and Jin Zixuan know what Wei Ying mean, he did grew up without parents nor sibling around him. Once all three arrive inside the main big room of the Jin clan, they see Jin Ling and Jin Yanli is having a conversation.

"A-Li, look who decide to join us?" Jin Yanli and Jin Ling turn to see, "A-Xian?"

Wei Ying smile, "Shijie." Jin Yanli got up, she walk over to where Wei Ying is at as she pull Wei Ying into her arm. This surprise Wei Ying very much, "Xian Xian, how are you?" Jin Yanli asked as she pull away from Wei Ying.

"I'm doing fine Shijie, how are you?" Wei Ying and Jin Yanli walk back over to where Jin Ling is at. All of them talk until night fall, "Lan Zhan didn't said anything to any of you?"

"No," Answered Nie Huaisang.


When Lan Zhan got home, he walk straight to his home, 'why why why? What is his reason for erasing my memories?' While in his own thought Lan Zhan didn't hear his brother calling his name, "Wangji."

Lan Xichen went over to his brother, he put his hand on Lan Zhan shoulder, "Wangji?" This got Lan Zhan attention. "Xiong Zhang." Lan Xichen know that there is something wrong with his didi, "Wangji, what's wrong? Fuqin said that you won't be coming back to Gusu."

"Xiong zhang, can I ask you something?"

"Of course. Why don't we go inside and talk?" The two walk into Lan Zhan home, once the two have settled down Lan Zhan turn to look his brother, "Xiong zhang, did you know about my memories been erased?"

Lan Xichen sigh, he closed his eye as he think for a while, then he said, "I did."

"How come you didn't tell me?" Lan Zhan asked his brother. "Wei gongzi didn't want me to tell you."

"Then do you know why he erase my memories?"

"He doesn't want you to go after him or more like to go looking for him."

"To go looking for him? Why?"

Lan Xichen sigh, "is because you fell for him, Wangji."

"Is that why?" Lan Xichen nodded his head.

"Is that why you left Wei gongzi to come home? You found out that it was Wei gongzi who erased your memories?" Lan Zhan nodded his head. "Why didn't you stay and asked Wei gongzi why he erased your memories?"

"He probably or he will hesitate to tell me about it."

Lan Xichen shakes his head at how his didi is running away from his problem. "You need to ask him, Wangji. Running away doesn't solve your problem beside Wei gongzi let you go on this journey with him, did he not? You were able to remember your past is because you went on a journey with him."

"I don't think I want to see him yet. Will it be okay for me to come home?" Lan Xichen smile at this, "of course didi."

That night at Jinlintai, Wei Ying who is still awake is sitting on top of the Jin clan roof with a bottle of wine in his hand. 'Lan Zhan shouldn't have left like that, if he wanted answer then I can tell him. The thing is, I wonder what will he said if I tell him the truth.' "Lan Wangji ah Lan Wangji, you won't find me when I leave to continue my journey."

Both Nie Huaisang and Wei Ying stay in Jinlintai for two week until it is time for them to go to the next town. "Jin Ling, make sure you study hard okay?" Jin Ling nodded his head.

"Shijie, take care of your self and your baby. Make sure you let me know if it a girl or a boy okay?" Jin Yanli also nodded her head, "You take care as well."

"I will. And peacock, don't over work yourself."

"Who are you calling peacock!? You just look after yourself!" Shouted a playful Jin a Zixuan.

"Well, Shijie, A-Ling, Sect leader Jin, take care now!" Wei Ying wave bye to the three Jin as him and Nie Huaisang left from there.

"Where do you think this road will take us, Wuxian?" Asked Nie Huaisang as he look around the place. "Let's see, I think is a town call Guangling and beyond that is Gusu," 'I guess we can stop in Gusu for a little bit. I'm sure he there as well.'

"Gusu? Huh? Do you mind if I stay in Cloud Recesse? I want to catch up with Xichen ge for a little bit."

"Of course. Let's go."

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