Chapter 15

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About two days later Nie Huaisang, Lan Zhan, Wei Ying and Jin Ling arrive in Hejian. "This place is surrounded by river and lake just like Yunmeng. They even have lotus flower as well."

"Jin gongzi, there are place that have the same environment and some have different environment. It is no surprise to people who travel to different place. Why don't we go find a place to stay for the night?" They all nodded their head.

After they found a place to stay in, they decided to go walk around the town to see what they have. Each town have different item, food and wine, "Wei xiong, do you want to try there wine?" Wei Ying eye lite up, "let's do it!"

"You know something Wei xiong, if back then, when we were studying in cloud Recesse we should have gone down to Caiyi town to get there famous Tianzi Xiao. I would love to try it out."

"Wei Ying, he was there in cloud Recesse for the Lan guest lecture?" Asked Lan Zhan. "Yes, don't you remember Wangji Xiong?" Nie Huaisang answered Lan zhan question.

Suddenly a flash image appear in Lan Zhan mind. (This is what he see)

Lan Zhan is walking around to see if there is anyone around. As he walk to another area he see a shadow on the ground, so he look up on the roof, there he see a person drinking wine on the roof.

He jump up onto the roof, "we're you the one who broke the shield?" Lan Zhan asked. That person said, "what if it was me?"

"You have broken one of the Lan family clan rule. Those who return after 5 can't come back until tomorrow. Alcohol is forbidden in Cloud Recesse, you have broken many Lan family rule."

That person put down his wine, he stand up, he disappears from there and reappear in front of Lan Zhan. This surprise Lan Zhan, he back away from that person. His back hit the pillar on the other side. That person appear in front of Lan Zhan again. He take Lan Zhan chin in his hand, he ran his thumb across Lan Zhan lips, and then he kissed Lan zhan.

"Hey Lan Zhan! Lan Zhan! Are you alright?" Lan Zhan snap out of his memories. He look deep into Wei Ying silver eye, 'it was Wei Ying. He...he...he..kissed me. But why is it that I can only remember one thing at a time.'

"Lan Zhan, your scarring us, are you alright?" Wei Ying asked Lan Zhan again. "Yeah...yeah...I'm fine."

"Wei Shushu, why don't you take Lan Shushu back to the inn? He look like he need to get some rest?" Jin Ling look worried at  Lan Zhan. "Alright, we will see you two back at the inn then," with that Wei Ying walk Lan Zhan back to the inn.

'So it was Wei Ying. I knew him since his time in Cloud Recesse. How come only right now is when I remember him? Wei Ying did said that someone erase my memories but who?'

Once they arrive back at the inn, Wei Ying take Lan Zhan to his room, "rest up okay?" Lan Zhan nodded his head. As he step into his room, he closed the door behind him. 'What else don't I remember? What is my relationship with Wei Ying?' With that last thought Lan Zhan closed his eye.

While waiting for Nie Huaisang and Jin Ling to come back Wei Ying couldn't help but look up at the second floor. 'He seem out today. I wonder why? Did Huaisang say something that got Lan Zhan to remember something?'

"Wei xiong," hearing Nie Huaisang voice he turn his head to see Jin Ling and Nie Huaisang sitting in front of him. "Anything interested while you two walk around Hejian town?" Wei Ying asked as he pour tea for the two of them to drink.

"We did." Nie Huaisang put down many wine bottle in front of Wei Ying, "I got all different kind of wine from different store. We can try it out while we eat," Nie Huaisang hold up his hand, one of the waiter come over to their table.

He ordered food for them and some for Lan Zhan when he wake up from his sleep. A second later the food arrive at their table, "right let's try the wine."

Nie Huaisang pour the wine into his and Wei Ying cup, "don't I get to try it too?" Asked Jin Ling.

"You can try it when you turn 20 or older A-Ling," Wei Ying drink down the wine. Once the two of them have tasted the first bottle of wine, they seem to don't like it very much. "Not quiet a good taste Huaisang, let's try the other."

The two try all of the wine, some of them are good and some them aren't that good. "We should stick with drinking Gusu wine instead." Wei Ying agree to what Nie Huaisang just said.

Lan Zhan woke up since he saw the memories in his dream, he touched his lips, 'I wonder why did Wei Ying kissed me? Did I fallen in love with Wei Ying back then? So many questions but no answer. I hope Wei Ying can answer them someday.'

Lan Zhan then heard a knock on his door, "come in," Wei Ying open the door and walk into the room as he carried a tray of food in his hand. "I brought you food, your Lan clan style."

Lan Zhan looked at Wei Ying, he want to ask Wei Ying something but decide not too. "Thank you."

Even Wei Ying have something on his mind. 'I think I will wait until the right moment to ask Lan Zhan, he look like he doesn't want to talk right now.' "We will continue our journey tomorrow. Can you still go on?"

"Yeah. I can still go on. I just need more sleep."

"Alright, then after you eat, get a good night sleep. Okay?"

One memories at a time. Okay? ^_^

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