Chapter 8

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That night Lan Zhan woke up, he see Wei Ying leaning against the window while sleeping. He grab a blanket nearby, and went over to where Wei Ying is at and put it on him.

Lan Zhan take a string of hair out of Wei Ying face, 'I feel like I have seen Wei Ying somewhere before I couldn't figure out where. Where have we met before, Wei Ying?' When Lan Zhan is about to touch Wei Ying face, a hand grabbed his hand.

"Lan Wangji, what are you doing?" Wei Ying asked while still keeping his eye close. "Ummm....I...." Wei Ying let go of Lan Zhan hand, "go back to sleep Lan Zhan." Without saying anything else Lan Zhan walk back over to the bed.

'Ah, that was close. Lan Zhan Ah Lan Zhan, what am I going to do with you? I wonder, what will happen once you remember everything? Will you hate me for erasing your memories or will you go back to the Lan clan?' Wei Ying opened his eye, he look at the sleeping figure on the bed.

The next morning Wei Ying show Lan Zhan around Mieshan even though he doesn't want to since it is a boring town after all. "Lan Zhan, I think you should get a horse. It is kind of cramp when riding on the same horse."

"Okay, should we go look at the horse then?" Wei Ying nodded his head. The two went to the horse stable, Wei Ying stay back so that Lan Zhan can pick his own horse. Lan Zhan end up getting a white horse.

'White one? Not bad. Fit Lan Zhan.' "Shall we head to the next town?" Lan Zhan nodded his head.

The next town they went to is, "Qishan. This town look different when Wen Rouhan take over." Wei Ying look at how happy the town people is, "they don't have a ruler. They live free life, this is how people in every city should live. Shall we go find an inn?"


They found an inn that is near a river side, "it look like Qishan is about to have a festival."

"What kind?"

"Why don't we eat something first while ask the inn owner about it?" The two went to find a table, they found one that is near the front door. "Gongzi, what would you two like to drink?"

"Wine for me and tea for him, by the way owner. It look like your town is having a festival. What kind of festival is it?" Wei Ying asked while the inn owner worker put down a pot of wine and a tea in front of Wei Ying and Lan Zhan .

"This is the first time our town and clan have a festival. Wen Rouhan take over after Wen Mao, we never have any festival or celebration. Today and tomorrow and many day on, it is a celebration of free living and free from the control of the Wen clan. Please do stay and enjoy our festival." After saying that the owner left, one of the waiter come to take Wei Ying and Lan Zhan order.

After the two have settle down in their own room, they went to walk around Qishan town. Wei Ying can see how happy the people in Qishan town is, 'I wonder if I should let Wen Qing and Wen Ning know? I haven't seen them for a while. If I end up in Yiling I think I will visit them.'

"Lan Zhan, do you want anything at all?" Lan Zhan shake his head no. "No, why not?"

"If you buy them for me, I don't know where to put them," Wei Ying chuckle at this, "you can always give it to your Xiong zhang as a gift or to your Shifu, even to your Fuqin. I am sure they will like it."

Wei Ying see how Lan Zhan is looking at one certain item, "I will take this one please," the owner wrap it up for Wei Ying as he pay for it. Wei Ying take Lan Zhan hand, they went over by the river side, "This is my gift for you, if you don't like it, then you can give it to anyone."

"I will keep it," Wei Ying can see a smile on Lan Zhan face, "You should smile more often. You look very handsome when you smile," this got Lan Zhan to blush. "Nonsense," he walk away from there.

"Come on Lan Zhan!" Wei Ying follow behind Lan Zhan, "then how about this? Your smile is only for me?" Hearing Wei Ying said this Lan Zhan stop walking. 'I feel like I'm flirting with Lan Zhan here.'

"Do you flirt with every girl like this?" Wei Ying have on a smirk, a smirk that Lan Zhan didn't see, "Of course, but I don't like them. Lan er gongzi, are you jealous?"

Lan Zhan turn around to look at Wei Ying, he see a mischievous smile on Wei Ying face. "Absolutely nonsense!" Lan Zhan turn back around to walk away from there leaving a laughing Wei Ying.

'Ah this kind of remind me when I switch the book that Lan Zhan was reading to something else,' "lan Zhan, let's head down by the river side to see what the other is doing," Wei Ying take Lan Zhan hand, the two head down the river to see what the Wen town citizens is doing.

When Wei Ying and Lan Zhan got there, the two see teenagers, children and their sibling is letting lanterns into the river. "Oh this is similar to the one in Tanzhou town. Quiet beautiful isn't?" Lan Zhan nodded his head.

"I wish Caiyi town can do this too. We never have any festival or celebration, everyone there doesn't know what kind of festival they want. Beside, new year come once a year."

"Lan Zhan, if you don't intend on going back to Gusu then every year we can go to other town to see what they are celebrating or we can go to other town that we never been to before."

"I'm not going back to Gusu. I don't want to follow my clan rule anymore. I feel like I'm trapping in a place where we can't show our emotions or do what we like. When we do something wrong we either get punished by our clan rule rod or get punished by writing the rule down all over again."

"Ah, that I definitely don't want to write again. Anyway, let's continue with our journey then."


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