Chapter 6

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Wei Ying and Lan Zhan have travel for many month together now. "Lan Zhan, why don't you head back to visit your family? I am sure that they misses you."

"And what about you?" Lan Zhan asked Wei Ying. "Me? I'm heading back to Baixue temple to see Shishu and Song Lan."

"After that?"

"Lan Zhan, you don't want to go back to Cloud Recesse?" Lan Zhan shake his head no. *Sigh* Wei Ying sigh, "You can't be away from your family for too long Lan Zhan. They will miss you. They will send someone to look for you."

"But I also will miss...." Lan Zhan stop talking, "you."

Wei Ying have on a slight smile, "just go home Lan zhan. We will meet someday," Wei Ying got on the horse, "see you around!" He left from there leaving Lan Zhan to look at the back of his back as he ride into the distance.

When Wei Ying is far enough from Lan Zhan, he stop as he slow down the horse. "Too close. I can't close the distance between me and Lan Zhan yet. Lan Zhan Ah Lan Zhan, what will you do once you remember everything?"

Wei Ying patted the side of the horse, "Let's head home to see Shishu.I do miss a place that call home. I think Shishu is my home now, he is Niang didi after all. Let's go."

It didn't take long for Wei Ying to arrive in Baixue temple since he didn't stop to rest anywhere, he want to head home as fast as possible.

"Shishu!!" Wei Ying burst through the door, "A-Ying!" Xiao Xingchen rush to where Wei Ying is and pull him into his arm. "A-Ying, I miss you!"

"Xingchen let's him breath," Song Lan pull Xiao Xingchen away from Wei Ying. "You two are more closer then ever." Wei Ying follow behind Xiao Xingchen and Song Lan.

"Did you bring us back any present?" Wei Ying chuckle at this, "of course, I got a lot."

Wei Ying spend the day giving gift to Song Lan and Xiao Xingchen. He really enjoy talking to Song Lan and Xiao Xingchen, they made him feel like home, they made him feel like he have a family again.

The next morning Wei Ying train with Song Lan and Xiao Xingchen disciple, he sometimes help out with the training as well.

After the training, Wei Ying went to a quiet place to play on Chenqing. 'I miss playing the song that Lan Zhan have sing for in the Slaughter Xuanwu cave. I never got to know the name for it.' "What is the name, Lan Zhan? This Lan Zhan doesn't know so I can't ask him."

Wei Ying song spread throughout the temple, those that were busy doing their work. They stop to listen to the melody. Even Song Lan and Xiao Xingchen is listen to it as well.

The two went to find who is it that is playing this song. The two found that it was Wei Ying who is playing the song. "A-Ying," Wei Ying look down from the tree branch that he is laying on.

"Shishu, Song Xiong," Wei Ying stop playing as he jump down from the tree branch. "That song is beautiful, does it have a name?" Xiao Xingchen asked. "No, someone wrote it but they didn't tell me the name."

"What do you think the name is?" Xiao Xingchen asked as they left from there. "Maybe Wuji. I don't know...."

Xiao Xingchen smile at this, "it is a very nice song, I didn't know you can play on a flute?"

"I didn't either until I learn it. I think it is when Wen Chao throw me into the burial mound. I thought that I should use something to control the resentment energy. I come up with a flute."

"A-Ying, this resentment energy?"

"Don't worry Shishu, I won't use it to do evil thing. I haven't found a way to destory the Yin Hufu inside of me but if something happen then I will use it to help out. Let's said I will use it for good deed."

"I did hear you use it to save the Wen clan. You also use it to fight against Wen Rouhan," Song Lan said from next to Xiao Xingchen.

"Of course! My A-Ying is a good person!"

'My A-Ying?' Song Lan is jealous at his lover calling Wei Wuxian "My A-Ying" 'now now Song Lan, Wei Wuxian is Xingchen nephew. No need to get jealous.'

"Ah that's right, Shishu, I still want to go look at other place. Will that be okay with you?"

This make Xiao Xingchen sad, "But A-Ying, you just got back."

"I know. Please Shishu, I want to be like You, Song Xiong, Die and Niang, I want to help out other people as much as I can."

"Xingchen, A-Xian is like your Shixiong and Shijie, they like to wonder the world and help those in need." Hearing Song Lan said this made Xiao Xingchen give up, "okay, just promise me you will write home okay?"


The three is now in the main room, they take time to talk to one another before Wei Ying leave for the next day.

Before leaving Wei Ying decide to write a letter to Lan Zhan, 'I hope that he can leave Cloud Recesse. By the look on Lan Zhan face he doesn't want to stay in Cloud Recesse that much. Then again, Lan Zhan doesn't travel that much either. He stay in his home to either teach, train, meditate, even or might become the next sect leader.' "Sect leader? I wonder if I should ask him about it. I should let Lan Zhan know where to meet me."

After Wei Ying finish writing his letter, he sent it off with a dove. Then he went to see Xiao Xingchen and Song Lan before leaving.

"Take care A-Ying. Make sure you write home, let's us know where you are at."

"I know Shishu, you two look after one another now," Wei Ying jump on his horse, "I will come back. I will make sure to buy more gift too!" With that last saying Wei Ying left from there.

"Take care A-Ying!" Xiao Xingchen waved to Wei Ying as he watch his nephew left for his journey again.

This is the map, this is the destination that Lan Zhan and Wei Ying is traveling

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This is the map, this is the destination that Lan Zhan and Wei Ying is traveling. I just wrote about Tanzhou, Baling, Jiangling, Chongyang and Yunmeng. Next will be Meishan.

Reconnecting The Feeling (Book 2 - Not The Wei Ying Of The Past)Where stories live. Discover now