Chapter 14

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On the next day Wei Ying, Lan Zhan and Jin Ling head back to Yangquan, this will take them to Qinghe that is where the Nie clan is at. "Wei Ying, Jin Ling, since we are heading to Qinghe, we should go greet Chifeng Zun and Nie Huaisang."

"Okay." The three stop every now and then so that Wei Ying can train Jin Ling. "Relax your body...move like the water. This way no one can touch you or know your movements. Sometime when you don't have a sword on you, you need to know how to use your hand and feet to fight."

"You mean like tai-chi?" Jin Ling asked. "Yeah like tai chi. This way you can use hand when your sword got knock out of your hand. Let's begin." When the day turn to night time, the three settle down outside since it will take them a while to arrive at Qinghe town.

"Wei Shushu, is it alright to sleep outside? What happen if there is monster, Yao or other thing that will attack us?" Jin Ling asked as he look around the forest. "Don't worry A-Ling, with me and Lan Wangji here, we are safe. Beside you are Shijie son, it is my duty to protect you while you are with me. Now, go take a rest okay?"

"Okay," Jin Ling went to sleep while Wei Ying and Lan Zhan take turn staying awake to watch the night. When Wei Ying is sleeping Lan Zhan couldn't help but look at Wei Ying, 'I know you from somewhere. You said that my memories got erase, who erase my memories? Why did they do it?'

The next morning all three got ready to leave, on their way to Qinghe town they stop by a small town to have breakfast since they don't have much food on them.

While the three is eating Jin Ling look around the place, "so this what it feel like not to have war at there door step. It is very peaceful out here. Everywhere we go the people life is full of happiness and their town is full of festivals."

'Is was never like this..first it was the Wen clan that attack each clan one at a time. Then it was the Jin Clan who is greedy to take the Yin Hufu from me. The cause a war to break out.' "What will you do to stop the fight A-Ling? Since someday you will take over as Sect leader after all."

"Stop a fight huh? I never thought about it. Do you think I should ask A-Die about it?" Asked Jin Ling.

Wei Ying sigh, 'as if that peacock can answer your question.' "How about you ask Chifeng Zun instead? He know more about war then your father?" Wei Ying smirked at the reaction on Lan Zhan face.

"Then I will do that."

The three finally arrive at Qinghe, "Wei Ying let's head to the Nie Clan?" Wei Ying nodded his head. "Come on Jin Ling." So all three walk to the Nie clan. "Wei xiong! Wangji Xiong!" Come Nie Huaisang loud voice.

Wei Ying, Lan Zhan and Jin Ling got off of their horse, they make their way to where Nie Huaisang is at.

"Nie Xiong!" Come Wei Ying happy voice. "Wangji Xiong, Xichen ge said that you are traveling around with Wei xiong and Jin Ling. Do you like it?" Nie Huaisang asked as they walk into the Nie clan house.

"Yeah. This help me to get out of my clan. I can travel as much as I can. Nie Huaisang you should try it as well." This got Nie Huaisang to think about it, "I have to ask Da Ge first."

Then a voice said, "Ask me what Huaisang?" All four look up ahead to see Nie Mingjue. "Da ge!" Wei Ying, Jin Ling and Lan Zhan gave a bow to Nie Mingjue. "Chifeng Zun!" Nie Mingjue gave a slight nod to his head.

"Huaisang, you said that you want to ask me something? What is it?" Nie Mingjue asked as they walk into the main room. "Wangji Xiong said that I should go travel with them. I always want to see the outside world, can I? Da ge?"

Nie Mingjue look at Wei Ying, Lan Zhan and Jin Ling, "where are you three heading to?" This got Wei Ying to think, "let see."

"Wei xiong, northeast from here is a town call "Hejian" then a town east from here is call "LaoLing" and from LaoLing is LanLing."

"LanLing?! Then I can go home to see Niang and Die!" Said a happy Jin Ling. "Then we should head to Hejian first. How about it Jin Ling?" Jin Ling nodded his head. "Da ge, can I also go with them?" Asked Nie Huaisang.

"If you don't cause trouble for Wei gongzi and Wangji of course," Wei Ying couldn't help but hold back his giggle. "Da Ge! You know that I wouldn't never do that!" Nie Huaisang turn to look at Wei Ying and Lan Zhan, "Right Wei Xiong? Wangji Xiong?"

"Don't worry  Chifeng Zun, I'm sure Nie Xiong won't cause us any trouble," Wei Ying said with a smile on his face. "See Da ge!" Nie Mingjue shake his head at this, "okay, you can go but I want you to let me know where you are at by sending home a letter okay?"


That night Nie Huaisang show Jin Ling, Lan Zhan and Wei Ying around Qinghe town. "I never got the chance to look around Qinghe town. What is there to eat Nie Xiong?" Nie Huaisang is surprise and shock to hear Wei Ying asking him this.

"No idea. I never left the Nie clan to go into town."

"What?! Your joking right?!" Shouted Wei Ying. "Wei Ying, why not try different food and wine from different restaurants?" Wei Ying sigh, "okay."

There are a few place that Wei Ying and Jin Ling like especially the wine. "Shushu, can I buy some of the wine for Die?" Jin Ling asked. "But A-Ling, we won't head to LanLing after Hejian. The wine won't taste good if we take it with us."

"Then how about this? After we stay in Hejian, we can travel back to Qinghe. Then you can buy the wine."

"Oooo good idea Nie gongzi! Then I will do just that!"

The next morning Nie Huaisang is also going on a journey with Wei Ying, Lan Zhan and Jin Ling. "You all take care. Huaisang make sure you sent a letter back to me okay?" Nie Mingjue doesn't want his didi to go but he know that he also want Nie Huaisang to see the out side world beside their town.

"I will Da ge. We will go now," they all got on their horse, "take care Chifeng Zun." Nie Mingjue wave good bye to boys as they left the Nie clan as they head to their next town.
This story will take awhile for Lan Zhan to start to remember what happen to him. I will write each memories one at a time for each chapter. So the next chapter, it is when Lan Zhan see Wei Ying in cloud Recesse during their guest lecture.

Reconnecting The Feeling (Book 2 - Not The Wei Ying Of The Past)Where stories live. Discover now