Chapter 17

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Finally all four of them finally arrive in LaoLing, "LaoLing is very close to LanLing, right Wei Shushu?" Wei Ying nodded his head. "Once we stay here, A-Ling, I want you to spend time with your parents okay? I am sure that they misses you very much. You can also tell them about your journey."

"I will!" Come a very happy Jin Ling. "Now, let's go find an inn. Then we can go look around LaoLing." The other nodded their head so they went to go find an inn to stay in.

Once they found a place to stay in, all four of them decide to go look around the town. "This town is big, should we try every food vendor here in LaoLing?" Asked Jin Ling. "Or you can just buy them and let your parents eat it?" Wei Ying teased Jin Ling.

"Wei Shushu, I think that is a good idea. Niang and Die never try other food from other town. I think I will buy them when we leave, this way the food will stay fresh." Wei Ying nodded his head.

"I think I will buy some gift for Da ge as well. Wangji Xiong, why don't you do the same or have you already got enough from your travel with Wei xiong?" Asked Nie Huaisang who is looking at the vendor in front of him.

"What do you think your Da ge will like Huaisang?" Nie Huaisang look around the vendor, "Not really, I'm sure he will like anything that I buy for him. What about you Wuxian?"

"I don't know yet." 'There are thing from other town that haven't caught my interest. I want to buy something for Shishu and Song xiong, what can I buy for them?' Wei Ying look around the vendor as they walk down the street.

Wei Ying see Lan Zhan eyeing a pouch, "Lan Zhan do you want it?" This pouch have two rabbit on it, one black and one white. Wei Ying know that Lan Zhan want it, he just doesn't want to say anything.

"Excuse me guniang, I would like to get this please," Jin Ling then pick up something he like as well. "Wei Shushu can you get me this?" Jin Ling hold up tassel that have his clan flower symbol on it.

"Of course, this one too please," Wei Ying pay for the two item. "I want this one," Nie Huaisang hold up a very very neat and elegant brush pen, "Are you getting that one for your brother, Huaisang?" Wei Ying asked as he gave Jin Ling his tassel.

"Thank you Wei Shushu," Wei Ying nodded his head.

"Yeah, my brother brush pen is very old, I might as well get him a new one." Nie Huaisang pay for the pen brush.

"Here Lan Zhan," Lan Zhan look at the pouch then to Wei Ying, "thank you," Wei Ying smile as he nodded his head.

The four went to other vendor to see what they have. They even try different food as well, especially Wei Ying with his wine. "This town wine is alright. But the best one is Gusu!"

"I agree." Wei Ying tasted the wine in LaoLing. They soon went back to the inn that they are staying in. Lan Zhan look around the room, 'why does this look so familiar?'

Lan Zhan see Wei Ying jumping over the roof of Cloud Recesse. "Well well well isn't Lan er gongzi. Isn't pass your bed time?" Wei Ying asked Lan Zhan. "I should be the one asking you the same thing. Are you trying to leave Cloud Recesse?" Lan Zhan see Wei Ying jumping down from the roof on the other side of the wall.

Lan Zhan followed Wei Ying down to Caiyi town. "Why are you following me anyway?" Asked Wei Ying as they enter into the wine house. "I don't want you to get in trouble. That's why I come along with you."

"If you said so," Wei Ying drank down his favorite wine in Gusu. "Do you want to try some?"

"No, thank you."

"What up with you Lan? Have you ever drink a cup of wine before?" Lan Zhan shake his head no.

"Lan Zhan stop spacing out. Did you see something?" Asked Wei Ying as he put a cup of tea in front of Lan Zhan. "Is just a past memories. I see something familiar to this. You sitting there drinking wine, me going with you to Caiyi town."

'Ah, that is when I came from the future.' "Do you see anything else?" Wei Ying asked. Lan Zhan shake his head no. "It seem like we have known each other for a very long time. But how come I only see them one at a time?"

"You mean you don't remember anything about Wuxian?" Asked Nie Huaisang. Lan Zhan nodded his head. "Then that mean someone erased your memory of Wuxian. But who?"

"Can someone really erase one person mind?" Asked Jin Ling. "Of course. If that person is powerful enough or even learn how to erase a person memories," explained Wei Ying.

"I see."

That night all four see people carrying different lantern in there hand, "Hey, what's going on down there?" Jin Ling look out the window. "It look like a lantern festival," Nie Huaisang also look out the window too.

"Every where we go, there is always a lantern festival? Does people like to have a festival that much, especially lantern?" Come a curious Jin Ling.

"A-Ling, the Lan clan also have a lantern festival as well. I think is when the guest lecture is about to end. That is when the Lan clan have a lantern festival. Either they do it with their friend or with the person that they like." Wei Ying explained to Jin Ling.

"Really? Jiang Shushu never told me about it? Wei shushu, how come you know about it?" This got Lan Zhan and Nie Huaisang to looked at him.

'Crap. That wasn't meant to come out.' "It was just a guess. But I am right, right Lan Zhan?" Lan Zhan nodded his head.

"Then shall we head out to see?" They all nodded their head. Once all four of them is outside they see the town people holding different lantern. "Wow, Shushu!" Wei Ying smile as he nodded his head.

All four of them walk in the same direction as everyone else, that is when they see a lake full of different lantern. "Wow! Look at how the lake is full of light up lantern!"

"Ge ge!" All four turn around to see four small children giving them a lantern. "For us?" Asked Nie Huaisang. The children nodded their head, "Then thank you," Wei Ying, Jin Ling, Nie Huaisang and Lan Zhan take the lantern that is in front of them.

"Shall we put it in the water?" They all walk over to where the lake is at, they put the lantern into the water as they watch the lantern float toward the other lantern in the lake.

"When we get to LanLing, I will tell Die and Niang about this." 'Really is beautiful.'

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