Chapter 4

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"Why does this feel so familiar?" Lan zhan asked while touching his lips. "Don't think about it, Lan zhan. It will come back to you. I think you should head back to your room now. You don't want your brother to wake up to see that your gone do you?"

"If I ask my brother if I can go with you? And he said yes, are you going to wait for me?" Lan zhan asked Wei Ying again.

Wei Ying kissed Lan zhan on his forehead, "of course." Lan zhan left the room, when Lan zhan is gone Wei Ying covered his eye with his arm, 'What am I doing? If I get any closer to Lan zhan, he will begin to remember. I can't just leave since I said that I will wait for him.'

The next morning, Wei ying waited for Lan Zhan at the front gate of Chongyang town. "Then you take care. I will let Fuqin know where you are and who you are with," Lan zhan gave a bow and then he left from there.

Lan zhan went to the front gate he see Wei Ying is waiting for him, "Wei Ying," Wei Ying jump on his horse, he hold his hand out for Lan zhan to take, "Come, you don't have to maneuver on your sword."

Lan zhan take Wei Ying hand, he pull Lan zhan on to the back of the horse. "Hold on tight," Lan zhan wrapped his arm around Wei Ying waist.

"Wei Ying isn't this way to Yunmeng town?" This got Wei Ying to stop the horse. "Wei Ying what's wrong?" Lan zhan asked with a worry expression on his face. "Do you want to stop by Yunmeng town?" Wei Ying asked Lan zhan.

"We can if you want too. If not then we don't have to stop by there," Wei Ying sigh, 'In the future Lan zhan refuse to go to Yunmeng town with me. I guess I can take his past to see Yunmeng town,' "then let's go, I will show you around Yunmeng town." Lan Zhan nodded his head.

Wei Ying find an inn that is far from the Jiang clan, he doesn't want to see any of the Jiang people. 'I think Shijie is living in the Jin clan now. I don't have to worry about it since Jin Zixuan is the sect leader now.'

Once they settle down Wei Ying and Lan zhan left the inn. Wei Ying show Lan zhan around the town of Yunmeng. "This place have different thing from Caiyi town. Everything is spicy. Does everyone in Yunmeng town eat spice?" Wei Ying giggle at this, "they do but I will make sure there are some dish that doesn't have spice for you."

Wei Ying follow behind Lan zhan since he can see that Lan Zhan want to see everything around Yunmeng town. "Come this way Lan zhan," Wei Ying take Lan zhan hand, he dragged Lan zhan to the Dock where he take a boat, he want Lan zhan to try the lotus seed from the Lotus flower.

"Can we really take them?" Lan zhan asked. "Of course, place is where the Jiang sibling and I usually play. Here," Wei Ying gave one lotus seed pod to Lan zhan to try.

Lan zhan open one of the seed, he pop it into his mouth, "How is it?" Wei Ying can see Lan zhan eye lite up, "is good."

After showing Lan zhan around, they head back to the inn since Wei Ying know that the Jiang disciple will patrol around Yunmeng town to keep everything in place. "You live here, Wei Ying?"

"I did. I use too but now, not anymore."

"I heard that Jiang Fengmian took you in."

"He did. But, this place doesn't feel like home. I feel like a stranger."

"Then what is home to you?"

Wei Ying smiled at Lan zhan question, "home is when I am with the person I love. They make me feel like I belong there." Wei Ying looked at Lan zhan with a soft expression in his eye. This make Lan zhan blush, 'Lan zhan sure blush a lot.'

That night there is a festival in Yunmeng town, Wei Ying decide to take Lan zhan to go see it. "Is this almost the same as Tanzhou town?" Lan Zhan look around the place. "This is the first time." 'Usually, there no festival until now.'

"Lan er gongzi, don't get lost now," Wei Ying follow behind a curious Lan Zhan. "Caiyi town doesn't have any festival. They don't even know what kind of festival they want to celebrate."

"If you like, I can take you to different town to see what kind of festival they have? You grew up in the Lan clan, you barely get to travel around right?" Lan zhan nodded his head. "What about when your out night hunting with your disciple?"

"I don't let them have fun since night hunting is a lesson for them." 'Maybe, I should talk to Xiong zhang about it. I forgot to let Xiong Zhang and Fuqin to know where I am at. I will do that later.'

Wei Ying went to grabbed Lan zhan by his waist, this cause him to blush, "Wei Ying!" Wei Ying smirk, "they are about to shoot firework. Let's head up to the inn roof to watch it."

Once they are on the roof the two sat down to look at the firework, "this is very different from Tanzhou town. The firework is Lotus flower and Yunmeng Jiang clan symbol."

"It is almost like the flare when they sent up into the sky to get their clan leader attention."

The firework didn't stop, the two went back to the inn to get something to eat. While at it they can still see the firework from their inn. "Try some of the Yunmeng town dish Lan zhan and don't worry, there is no spice on your side dish."

Wei Ying see a smile on Lan zhan face, 'that mean he like it. It is a start.'
Remember Lan zhan doesn't remember what happen many many year ago. He doesn't remember who Wei Ying is. Right now, they are just friends. Wei Ying doesn't want to force Lan zhan to remember. He want them to take their time just traveling together and getting to know one another. I hope this make sense.

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