Chapter 2

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That night, Wei Ying waited for Lan Zhan at the big Lotus lantern. When Lan zhan went to look for Wei Ying, he see Wei Ying is waiting for him where he said that he will be. "Wei gongzi," Wei Ying turn to see Lan Zhan walking over to him.

"You don't have to call me "wei gongzi" you can call me either "Wei Ying" or "Wei Wuxian" either one will be fine." Wei Ying smiled at Lan zhan. Somehow Lan zhan felt his heart skipping a beat, his face heat up when Wei Ying smile at him.

"Then can I call you Wei Ying?" Wei Ying nodded his head. "Then can I call you Lan zhan?" Lan Zhan eye lite up, 'No one have call me that before,' "Mn."

"Then Lan zhan, shall we go?" Lan Zhan nodded his head. Wei Ying try to walk slow and sometimes he try to keep other people away from Lan zhan.

Suddenly it begin to get more crowded. Lan Zhan felt people pushing him here and there, just when Lan zhan is about to fall down to the ground a hand grabbed his wrist. *Sigh* "I found you." Lan Zhan also sigh.

Wei Ying didn't let go of Lan zhan hand, as for Lan zhan he doesn't mind. "Come this way Lan zhan." Wei Ying take Lan zhan over to a vendor that have lantern where they can take home.

"Lan zhan, do you like rabbit?" Wei Ying pointed at a lantern with two white rabbit on it. Lan zhan have on a small smile, 'even though he won't said it, I know that Lan zhan like rabbit,' "I want to get this one please."

Lan zhan turn to look at Wei Ying, "here, for you," Lan zhan is surprise and happy that Wei Ying got it for him. "If you don't want it....I will give it away." Lan zhan take the lantern from Wei Ying hand.

Wei Ying take Lan zhan hand again, "let's go to the river, people there is letting the lantern float into the sky."

"The Lan clan do that too."

'I know, I was there.' "I heard about it. I think you make it with the person you like or just make it with a friend." Wei Ying glanced over at Lan zhan, "how about we make one?"


Wei Ying pay for one of the lantern since the two of them will make one together. Soon, it is time to let the lantern go. Wei Ying take Lan zhan lantern, "hold this," Lan zhan take the lantern, "hold on tight," Wei Ying winked at Lan zhan, he carried Lan zhan bride style and he jump up on to the roof.

Wei Ying put Lan Zhan down, "this place is good enough," Lan zhan look at all of the floating lantern flying up into the sky. Wei Ying glanced back to see how Lan zhan eye shine while looking at all of the lantern above them.

"Lan zhan," Lan zhan take his eye off of the sky, he look at Wei Ying, "I need to go buy something, can you wait here?" lan zhan nodded his head. Wei Ying jump down from the roof, he went to search for that one thing.

A minute later Wei Ying came back. He is holding two candy on a stick, "here, I bet you never have this candy before." Lan zhan take one, "give it a try."

Lan zhan take one off from the stick, he chew it, "How is it?" Lan zhan eye lite up, "Is sweet and is good."

"Thought you might like it. I think Caiyi town have them too. You should give it a try beside eating your none meat food."

"I will."

'At least we can seat and talk to one another. In those year, I want to push Lan zhan away so that he doesn't get involve in what I am doing. Since everything has settle down, I can go back to the way I was before.' "I should take you back to your brother," Wei Ying scooped Lan Zhan up into his arm, "Wei Ying!"

Wei Ying smiled at a blushing Lan zhan, "Now, hold on tight to your rabbit lantern." Wei Ying jump from roof to roof, he is taken Lan zhan back to the inn that the Lan clan is staying in.

Wei Ying see Lan Xichen is searching for his brother and Wei Ying. He landed in front of Lan Xichen, "here is your didi, Zewu Jun." Wei Ying let Lan Zhan down gently. Lan Xichen can see blush on his didi cheek. He even see candy on stick and a lantern in each hand of his brother.

Before Lan Xichen can said anything to Wei Ying, he already gone. "Zewu Jun, Wei gongzi sure leave fast." Lan Xichen nodded his head.

The next early morning, the Lan clan left Tanzhou town. The Lan clan doesn't know that Wei Ying is watching them leave. 'I hope or more like, I won't be running into them . I mean I don't mind is just that....I don't want Lan Wangji to start to remembering me again.'

"Xiong zhang, somehow Wei Ying felt very familiar to me. Have I met him somewhere before?" Lan Xichen doesn't want to lie to Lan zhan but he remember what Wei Ying said, "No, you never met him before. This is your first time meeting him."

The next place Wei Ying went to Baling, "Now this is new. I never been to this town before," 'does every town have a festival or something? What does this town celebrating?' Wei Ying see some town people is making firework.

'Firework? Now, that will be cool to watch. I should wait until night time to see it,' Wei Ying decide to go find an inn to stay in. He even try Baling town wine, 'not as good as Gusu but it is wine after all.' "If I pass by Caiyi town, I should buy some Tianzi Xiao wine."

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