Chapter 3

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After staying 3 week in Baling town Wei Ying left that town to head to the next town. On his way to the next town Wei Ying decide to get a horse, he doesn't want to maneuver on his sword.

As Wei Ying is heading to the next town, he hear sword fighting coming from within the wood. He got off the horse, tie it to a nearby tree and then jump on to the tree. He jump from tree to tree so that he can get to where the sword fighting is at.

When Wei Ying got there he see the Lan disciple is having trouble fighting the yao. "Yo, isn't the Lan disciple. Where is your Lan er gongzi and Zewu Jun?" Wei Ying asked the disciple while they are fighting off the Yao.

"They are in the inn nearby. They let us handle this by ourselves!" Said one of the Lan disciple.

Wei Ying sigh, "if you keep on fighting like that, you will tire yourselves out."

"Then how are we suppose to fight them?!" Asked the one name Lan Jingyi. "Have your back against one another?" The Lan disciple did just that, "close your eye, get your breathing in sync, let go of your aura, and when you sense them around your aura, that is when you attack them."

Wei Ying watch as the expression in all of the Lan disciple change, even their attack and fighting style change too. "Make sure you all have one another back!"

The Lan disciple fight back to back with their fellow disciple. 'I can't believe the Lan clan doesn't teach their disciple about fighting against these monster, Yao and ghost. I bet they still teaching them rule this, rule that and their ancestors thingy.'

About an hour later the lan disciple have finish with taken down all of the Yao, "seat down, meditate yourself, get your energy back before going back to meet up with your Zewu Jun and Lan er gongzi."

Wei Ying decide to play the melody that Lan zhan from the future once play for him. The Lan disciple felt their energy is coming back, "how do you all feel?" Wei Ying jump down from the tree top as he landed in front of the Lan disciple.

"We feel a lot better, thank you Qianbei," Wei Ying nodded his head. The Lan disciple gave a bow to Wei Ying, they left from there to go meet back up with Lan Xichen and Lan zhan.

"I didn't see you sent up a flare. Everything went well?" Lan Xichen asked his disciple. "Yes Zewu Jun, we got some help and instructions from the same person we saw in Tanzhou town."

"Wei Wuxian?" The Lan disciple nodded their head. "It look like Wei Qianbei is traveling."

"Traveling?" The Lan disciple nodded their head again. Lan Xichen breath in then out, "since Wei gongzi helped you, did you learn anything?" Lan Xichen asked as they enter back into the inn. The Lan disciple tell Lan Xichen and Lan Zhan about how Wei Ying tell them what to do and how to keep themselves calm while fighting the other monster.

Wei Ying arrive in a town call Chongyang, "Chongyang, very quiet town." Wei Ying went to one of the inn. He take his horse to the back of the inn, "Thank you for the ride, take a good rest now," the horse make a sound which let Wei Ying know that he is welcome.

Wei Ying walk into the the inn, "Wei Qianbei!" Wei Ying look over to the left, "this is such a coincidence, Zewu Jun, Lan er gongzi," hearing Wei Ying call him Lan er gongzi make Lan zhan pout.

'Cute, I didn't know Lan zhan can pout,' "gongzi can i help you?" The waiter asked Wei Ying. "Can I get a room? Some food, two bottle of wine and bring them to my room."

"Right away, please come this way." Wei Ying look at Lan Xichen, "is nice to see you again Zewu Jun," Wei Ying gave a bow and then left with the waiter.

That night while everyone is sleeping beside one person or said two person. 'It wasn't a coincidence or faith that I see them here. I mean I didn't know that they were here,' *Sigh* "what is going on here?" Wei Ying drink his wine cup after cup after cup.

Then come a knock on his door, "who is it?"

"Wei Ying, is me," Wei Ying groan, 'Why isn't he in bed? Isn't pass his Lan bed time?' "Come in."

When Lan zhan open the door, he see Wei Ying sitting on the window sill. "Come seat, Lan zhan." Lan Zhan went to seat down next to Wei Ying on the window sill. "Isn't pass your bed time, Lan zhan?" Wei Ying asked without looking at Lan zhan.

"I couldn't sleep. I been standing outside your door for more then an minute. I don't know if you are awake or not, so I decide to knock on your door."

"Something on your mind?" Wei Ying turn to look at Lan zhan. Lan zhan nodded his head, "what is it?"

"I always want to travel the world. But, I'm afraid that if I ask Fuqin if I can go, he won't let me. Will it be okay, if I go with you?"

"What about your brother? Shouldn't you tell him first?" Wei Ying can see the hesitation in Lan zhan eye. Wei Ying putted his hand on top of Lan zhan head, "if you ask your brother, then you can come with me."

'This feel familiar, where have I felt it before,' "then will you wait for me?" Lan zhan glanced up at Wei Ying.

"Mn. I will wait for you," as the two staring into each other eye, they couldn't help but close the distance between them. Wei Ying pull Lan zhan closer to him, Lan zhan wrapped his arm around Wei Ying shoulder as he went to sit on Wei Yang lap.

The kiss went from a slow one to a passion one, while kissing Wei Ying, Lan zhan have a flash back. He can see someone is kissing him, he couldn't see their face, he can only feel the lips on his.

When air become a problem the two of them pull away, "This feel very familiar."

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