Chapter 10

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Jin Ling return to the inn after looking around Yueyang town. "Wei Shushu!" The two turn to see Jin Ling walking toward them. "Everything around here is so new to me!" Wei Ying couldn't help but smile at how happy Jin Ling is.

'Well I been here before. Back then Lan Zhan and I went to search for the next Yin iron.  We didn't have time to look around. Now that everything have settle down, I can relax,' "there are some town that have festival and some town doesn't."

Wei Ying look at Lan Zhan then at Jin Ling, "I will go order more food for us. Lan Zhan, Jin Ling, talk to each other okay?" Wei Ying got up and walk down stair.

The room begin to get really really really quiet, Lan Zhan and Jin Ling doesn't know what to said to each other. "Ummm Lan er gongzi?"

Lan Zhan look at Jin Ling, 'Wei Ying said that I need to talk to other people,' "what is it?" Lan Zhan asked Jin Ling.

"I heard from Jiang Shushu that the Lan clan hold a guest lecture for each clan heir. Will there be another guest lecture soon?" Jin Ling asked Lan Zhan.

"That is the Lan sect leader decision. If there is another guest lecture, they will send out invitations for each of the clan." 'Guest lecture? I don't remember attending one or I did?'

"I guess I have to wait to see if the Jin clan will get one or not. I do love to know what the Lan clan teach us young cultivator." Lan Zhan couldn't help but smile at what Jin Ling just said.

The two doesn't know it but Wei Ying is outside listen to the two of them talking to one another. 'That is a start for Lan Zhan,'Wei Ying open the door, "okay I got the food ready."

As Wei Ying put the food down on the table Jin Ling asked Wei Ying, "Shushu, where will we go after this town?"

"Umm let me see from here...we are heading to Pingyang. I never been to that town before," 'even back then...there's a lot of thing that happen. I never got to see the world until now. I get to go everywhere with Shishu and Song Lan.'

"Pingyang huh? Do you think they will a festival there? I never seen one before?" Wei Ying smile at this, "of course, we will see. Now eat up."

After spending some more day in Yueyang, Wei Ying, Lan Zhan and Jin Ling head to the next town.

While on their way to the next town they see a couple of people running away from something. "Shushu should we stop and see why they are running away?" Wei Ying turn to look at Lan Zhan, he see Lan Zhan nodded his head.

"Okay, one thing, you have to listen to me. Don't be reckless okay?" Wei Ying warned Jin Ling.


So all three got off their horse, they walk into the forest and that is when they see a couple town people running in their direction. "Lan Zhan, Jin Ling get ready!" The three of them take out their sword.

As the town people run pass them, the three of them see different monster is coming their way.  Wei Ying and Lan Zhan standing in front of Jin Ling, "Jin Ling, when I give you the cue then you will attack them okay?"

"Okay Shushu!"

"Lan Zhan let's go!"


The two went ahead to fight all three of the monster. Wei Ying and Lan Zhan take out their instrument, the two begin to play a melody that will bind and tire the monster out.

"A-Ling, now!" Shouted Wei Ying. Jin Ling run forward as he slash through one of the monster. "Continue A-Ling!" Jin Ling nodded his head. The second monster got struck by Lan Zhan chord assassination.

Jin Ling went to take down the second one. With only one slash he cut the monster in half. "Here come the last one A-Ling!"

Jin Ling see the monster is heading his way, "you don't scare me! Come at me!" Jin Ling is at a ready position. The monster come at Jin Ling and when that happen Jin Ling slashed the last monster down the middle.

"Nice one A-Ling!"


"Sound like you never done something like this before A-Ling?" Wei Ying ask as they walk back to their horse. "No, never. Either we run away or fight as best as we can."

"Something like this, you should always have an adult with you Jin gongzi," Jin Ling turn to look at Lan Zhan, "lan er gongzi please call me Jin Ling, Jin gongzi make me sound very old."

Wei Ying chuckle at this, "Lan Zhan is right A-Ling. How come you don't have any adult with you." Wei Ying and Jin Ling got on the same horse while Lan Zhan got on his own.

"Well we did ask one of the adult to come with us but they said that they are busy. I also ask A-Die as well. He also busy."

"Then what about your grandfather, Sect leader Jiang?" Lan Zhan asked Jin Ling.

"Grandfather, doesn't want to go. He scare that grandmother will do something to Jiu Jiu if he leave the clan."

"Do tell, A-Ling?"

"Well Grandmother still keep training Jiu Jiu. I keep on hearing how she compare you and Jiu Jiu."

"Still? Can't she tell that I don't live there anymore? Why is she still comparing us?" Wei Ying is annoy that Yu Ziyuan is still comparing him and Jiang Cheng.

"Jiu Jiu always get angry at what she say. He can't even talk back to grandmother."

"Don't tell me, he still a coward?" 'When I am there, I always take the blame for him. When Shijie is there, she always stop her mother from yelling at us.' "Jiang Wanyin really need to stand up to his mother. If he keep on backing down every single time his mother yell at him, then he won't be a good sect leader. His mother will take control of him."

"Like how grandmother control grandfathers?" Wei Ying nodded his head at what Jin Ling just said.

Soon they finally arrive in Pingyang town, "Shushu can we look around before we go find an inn?"

"Of course. Let's go."

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