Chapter 1: Safety

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It felt like it was just yesterday you were in your old rundown apartment in another town, which was filled with holes, mold, and thin walls. It wasn't the best apartment but it was what you could afford and on a more downside it came with a horrible landlord. This landlord was a definition of creepy and gave you shivers that ran down your spin. But right now you were holding onto your furry companion, looking out the window in your new and much improved bedroom. You put your pet down for a moment and walked outside your balcony. The city of Domino looked beautiful tonight as the light twinkle the night and the moon beaming down onto your necklace. Your mother mentioned to take extra care of the item because not only did it belong to your ancestor's but it was also supposed to unlock your future. You did question your mother what kind of future but all she said was to trust your instincts.          

As you were deep into your thoughts, you suddenly remembered those awful monthly rent day. Ruk was the landlord that always tried to get you the marry him or be his girlfriend. He wasn't really old but he did look old like he was on some sort of drugs. He was a very dangerous man and at times when he didn't get his way he would harm the tenants. There were children that lived not too far from your apartment and their mother wasn't making very much money. But there was a time that Ruk did harm her, the police were called but never showed up. Everyone was scared, not one person helped..



"Come (y/n), you know I could always lowered your rent. If you would only go out with me or provide a little something else" said the old hag landlord. I opened the door very little.

That something else was not what I wanted nor was I going to give myself up that easily for lowered rent. "Sorry, but I don't get involve myself with people like you who are greedy, self-centered and disgusting" I replied. I shut the door quickly after I handed him the money because just by looking at his ugly face would just make me vomit. I despite that man so much that all I wanted to do was leave this place and never come back.

"You'll regret your words (y/n), but I will have you and make you mine! Someday you'll see we were meant for each other!" he spat and punched my door.

I closed my eyes for a few minutes thinking what could have happened if he could have pushed my door open. With that type of force, who knows if anyone would had come to my rescue. I slid down from the door to the floor putting my head between my knees, however I opened my eyes looking down on the softest and cuddly fur ball, it was my cat Luna. She's always there for me when I need comfort or needed someone to talk too. Yeah all she says is meow or purrs but it still helps ease the pain. My parents disappeared when I barely started college 5 years back and I miss them terribly, but Luna was a gift from them when I moved out to college. She's all I have left from my parents.

I picked her up. "Thank you Luna, you always find ways to make me worry free." I look her, "But I think it's time that you and I find another place to live."

"meow" (^. ^) replied Luna

I laugh, "Ha ha ha, well I do know someone back home, maybe they can help us and help me look for a job."

No ones POV

You open up your laptop and started searching for a new job back home. However, you loved your job at the Egyptian museums in San Francisco because you always thought that one day you'll visit Egypt again someday. After all your major was archeologist with a minor in business. You searched hard to find this job and they offered you the job because of your well knowledge of Egypt that they hired you as a specialist. But now you'll have to leave it due to your safety concerns. Suddenly you remembered you had a friend in the Japan area who had a gaming business. The last time you saw him was after graduation in college. He ended up moving away back home while you stayed put in SF area.

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