Chapter 2: Landing

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Your POV

I woke up just before landing and Luna was already awake trying to look out the little window we had. It was mid-day in Japan and the skies were clear as day. "welcome home Luna," I said to her. We must have flown for 8+ hours or something. I felt relief that we don't have to go back to that old hag of a landlord apartment. It might have taken a couple of years but It was worth the wait. I don't have to worry much about my lease being broken because Atem's lawyers are taking care of that right now, although I still needed to find a place to live and a job. Oh, great new stress for me, ha ha. I did send my employer the resignation letter for my position, but they said I can work online to help with monitoring financial services for now until I secure a new job. It was difficult for me to put in my resignation but working remotely for two weeks will help bring in some income.


"Good afternoon everyone, this is you captain speaking. We will be landing in just 15 minutes. Today's weather will be sunny skies at the highs of 80 degrees. Remember to have your electronics on airplane mode while we start descending the aircraft. Thank you for flying with us and we hope you enjoy the rest of today."


"Oh I should text Atem that I'll be landing in 15 minutes"

Pulls out 📱 phone:

——text message ——

"Hey 👋Atem, just to give you aheads up that the plane will be landing in 15 minutes."

Alright (y/n), I'm sending someone to pick you up and take you to my house. You'll be staying with me.

"Are you sure you want me to stay with you? I could get a hotel for me and Luna."

Yes, I'm sure you can stay with me. I don't want you spending any money on a hotel. I have a spare bedroom I had put together for you and I'll add some more stuff for Luna. I can't believe you still have her!

"Lol. Yes, I still have Luna and thank you so much!"

I'll see you two really soon 😉

"Lol, okay! 😁"

——— end of text message——-

I put my phone on airplane mode and set it back in my pocket. I couldn't wait to see my old friends again. Atem and I meant in one of my freshmen classes at a university college we attended together. To be honest, when I first saw him, I thought he was going to be one of the airheads. Everyone treated him like royalty because he was King of Duel Monsters, but I didn't give in like other people. During the mid-semester of fall we were assigned to start our final project, but the catch was that we had to be in pairs. Our professor happened to pair us together.

{Flashback of college}

"Miss. (L/N)."

I looked up at her, "Yes, professor Moody??"

"You will be partnered with Mr. Muto" she points at him.

😪 *sigh*

"Is there a problem miss (L/N)?" she slams the ruler on her palm.

"No, Professor....I uhh...I'm okay with your decision" 

"Great! Now class get with your ASSIGNED partners and start talking about what you want to do on the project. Please read over your packets to follow the instructions and what is needed for this assignment. Please let me know before you leave what you have picked, so I don't have 10 of the same projects. I'm tired of the same topic it makes the project boring."

I got up from my seat to sit next to the King. "May I seat with you?" I asked

"Yes you may." He told me with his husky baritone voice. I must admit that his voice did give you shivers.

"So Atem, I figured we do our research paper on Ancient Egyptian times. What do you think?" I asked 

"You know (y/n), I heard in those times they used to play duel monsters." He explained

"Can you think of anything else besides Duel Monsters? I mean I know you play for a living but can we focus on something else?" I said sounding a little annoyed. "That's all I hear about you."

"Well it's true they did. My grandfather has told me many stories about ancient Egypt. He eve told me that the pharaoh had the most powerful monsters."

"Are you saying we should do our project on this powerful pharaoh?" I asked him.

"No, but before I say yes or no to your idea. I wanted to thank you for being my partner." He said

I was puzzled, "why are you thanking me? I didn't do anything."

"Actually you are doing something. Since I've been here as an international student, you're the only person who doesn't talk about the game of duel monsters or asked me to a duel and not going out with me because of my money. You're treating me like actually human being and I understand if you don't like me. But to answer your question earlier, I think writing a paper on Ancient Egypt is a fine idea." Atem said

I almost felt like an asshole for snapping at him about duel monsters. When all he wanted was to be treated equally and not some famous person. I should apologize to him. "(y/n)? Are you okay?" He asked.

I quickly snapped out of my thoughts and said. "I'm fine and I'm sorry for sorta snapping at you. I didn't realize how you feel."

"It's alright, we can move on pass this and hopefully we can become friends." He said

"Of course! I would be honored to be your one and trusted friend!" I said

"It's settled than, let's do some research on Ancient Egypt!" Atem shouted

"ahaha, yes! We'll have the best project yet!" I shouted

"Well it looks like Egypt is off the maps everyone." Ms. Moody stated while everyone else sighed, "now will you two shush your tone."

Atem and I apologized to the professor but giggled quietly to ourselves. "This is going to be fun." Atem said.

{Flashback of college ended}

As we landed I grabbed my stuff and put Luna in her cage to meet our driver. As we walked off the plane and into the airport I couldn't help but think about the project that Atem and I did from our class. I kept all the paper work we did and put them in a binder which is in my bags. I put Luna on a counter top close to the food court to make sure I had everything.

"meow???? 0.o"

However, I continued to think about how many hours and days it took us to put the project together. But to think that back in Ancient Egypt they really did use to play duel monster but with stone structures. It explains how industrial evolution began, but some the duel monsters were spirits of people who were haunted by their inner demons. So how did they get monsters that shade light, unless when someone passes part of their soul gets put into a stone tablet.

"meow 🙀?!"

Come to think of it, we did research on the young king that Atem told me about before I snapped at him. The pharaoh had the power to seal anything away for good, even his own spirit.

"MEOW!!! 😾"

"Oh fuck, sorry Luna! I was in my own little world; I didn't realize I put you on a rotator for our bags. Ahah I was just thinking about some of my old research back in college."

Luna: -____- "meeooww"

"Well, next time speak up, haha. come on silly girl we got to get to the front. I bet our driver is here." 

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