Chapter One

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...Twenty years ago...

"L/n Y/n, you are hereby released from the containment ward. In exchange for having limited freedom, you will follow any and all orders given to you by the Japan Hero Commission. Refusal of any kind will not be tolerated and will have you sent back to a cell in the CW. Do you understand?" 

"Yes, Ma'am." A loud buzz blared through the Ward as her cell door was opened. A corrections officer stepped forward and unlocked her cuffs, pulling the heavy pieces of metal off her forearms. "Print your name here, Signature here, and Thumbprint here." Y/n's eyes followed the  Lawyer's fingers as she pointed at the paper. Y/n's eyes lazily skimmed over the paperwork, pausing briefly when she got to the end of the contract. "Refusal to follow direct orders can result in a permanent life sentence, injury, or death penalty."  Shakily she printed her full name on the paper and continued to sign and provide a thumbprint. 

"You will be escorted to a shower room and be given a change of clothes. After you are clean and properly dressed, you will be escorted to the JHC headquarters and stand before the commission leaders to be given your first assignment." Y/n nodded and followed two men dressed in white coveralls. 

Y/n stood under the showerhead, hot water poured out in sheets as she stepped under the water. She released a sigh of utter relief as her body relaxed into the steaming water. Having been held in containment, she wasn't allowed to have hot showers. They were deemed "unsafe" and people who are inmates were only allowed cool or lukewarm showers. Those showers were also monitored. Y/n quickly washed up and scurried out of the shower room with damp hair. 

Y/n had to shield her eyes as she was escorted from the containment facility. She couldn't remember how bright the sun really was, and now with it beating down on her, she wondered if she preferred the fluorescent lights. She was quickly situated into a sleek black car, its windows were tinted to where only the occupants can see out, and it was much darker inside. "Miss L/n, I do believe it's been a while." Her deadened eyes met with brown ones. It didn't take long for her to recognize the man. "Gran Torino, It has been a hot minute. I was, what, ten when you started to see me and fifteen when you quit visiting? I think I'm around my mid-twenties now. You feel old yet?" Gran Torino simply chuckled as he reached over the seat. "You still have that bite huh? I thought you would love being out and about again. I had to pull some hefty strings for you, kiddo." Y/n softly smiled and nodded. "I'm glad you did. Let's just hope it wasn't all for nothing." 

Y/n held her breath as she rode an elevator up with two guards and Gran Torino. Reaching their destination floor, they strode through the halls and into an enclosed office that had no windows. "Took you long enough to get here. Let's get down to business." 

"Most of your missions will basically be orders for where to point and shoot. If you refuse or fail at any mission, you will be disposed of in a quick and quiet manner." A woman in a black pencil skirt and grey blouse stood not an inch away from Y/n, her body oozing with venom. "I say jump, you ask how high. I say sit, you will drop to the floor. Capishe?" Y/n nodded and stood motionless. Gran Torino nearly felt sorry for the poor woman who would now be under the tightest iron grip in Japan. 

"For the next six months, you will be reintroduced into society to become reacclimated to how the world works. After that, we will evaluate you and you will then be given your first official mission." Y/n's head bobbed as she listened to the woman. "As per your contract, you will be provided with housing, clothes, food, and any other necessities. You will be under around-the-clock surveillance. Once you leave this building today, you will be an official agent under the JHC. You will not be considered a Hero, a villain, or a vigilante. You will simply be called an agent." 

"We made an agreement with Gran Torino. He will be the one to supervise you when you are outside of your home and not on any missions." Y/n's eyes met with his as she felt relief. "Sit." Y/n looked back at the chair that was set behind her and nearly fell into it. Almost immediately her arms were being held down and a man in a white lab coat stood by her side. He quickly prepped her left inner bicep with an alcohol cloth and prepped a needle. Y/n struggled with the grips of the two guards holding her. The man pushed a numbing agent into her arm and then prepped another needle that was a bit larger than the first. He immediately pushed the next needle into her arm and inserted the device it held. As soon as the needle was removed, the man stitched the wound shut and wrapped her bicep in a grey pressure bandage. 

The three men quickly stepped back after releasing the woman. "What the hell was that?!" The other woman towered over Y/n's panting form. "That was your tracker. In case you try to run away. And we will know if it was removed by someone other than us. The tracker mainly monitors your whereabouts and will alert us if you have left the country or any other boundaries we set." The woman turned around and grabbed a box and turned back to Y/n. "You are free to leave. Gran Torino will follow you home and make sure you get into your new home. Here. You're going to need this to know when we set up appointments or missions for you. You are not authorized to put any other contacts into that phone. Any contacts you need will already be saved in it, or sent to you shortly." She shoved the box into Y/n's hands and left the room. 

Word Count: 1,029

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