Chapter Five

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"I'm not here to be your friend so buckle up buttercup. I don't have the patience to babysit you all week." Y/n didn't argue with Dabi as she tied up her steel-toe boots and slipped her arms through her jacket sleeves. "Watch what I do and then repeat." Y/n watched as he leveraged himself up to the roof of a two-story building by kicking himself off of the wall of another building and the one he now stood on. She copied his movements with ease and only had a little trouble getting balanced. Dabi didn't give her much time before he ran off, yelling back to tell her to match his pace and keep up. She didn't have trouble with that at all. Jumping roof-top to roof-top, narrowly missing chimneys and vent pipes. It wasn't long before she caught up with him, while he was starting to get tired, she was just getting started. 

"Pretty good for a newbie." Y/n chuckled as Dabi sat down on the ledge of a billboard. "I'm not really a newbie. New to your group is all, I've been doing misc shit for years. What we just did is child's play." Dabi's turquoise eyes shined in the dying daylight. Over the last few weeks, Y/n was starting to grow on Dabi. At first, he couldn't care less for the woman, but now he felt an odd attachment towards her. 

"What really happened to you? For you to change your name." Y/n blanched for a moment. She only used her alias on missions. "My parents were not the best people. Dear old dad died when I was twelve, my mom ran off with a guy she was having an affair with, and I got thrown into the system. I got to see all sides of everything from there, and I feel like some of you have a point. Stain had a point, but he was going a bit far with it. Shigaraki wants All Might dead, but I don't understand why just yet. But I do believe the system is royally fucked, and if tearing it all apart is what it takes to fix it, then so be it." Y/n wasn't completely lying when she spoke, but most of what she said were half-truths. Dabi felt semblance with her words to what he felt and had gone through. Dabi started to open his mouth to say something when a gunshot rang out. 

Y/n's face twitched as she felt like her gut was on fire. She turned her head quickly and saw Snipe's familiar form standing on a rooftop far enough away that he was barely visible. "Fuck!" two more shots rang out, one hitting Dabi in the shoulder, and Y/n jumped into action. She grabbed a fistful of Dabi's coat and dragged him with her as she jumped off the billboard. Y/n spun them to where she could break Dabi's fall. Her back made contact with hard asphalt with a sickening crack before Dabi landed with his back on her. He quickly jumped up and helped Y/n up. "Shit! Are you okay?!" Y/n nodded and stretched. "This isn't my first rodeo with death, let's get moving before Snipe finds us." Dabi nodded as Y/n snatched his arm and dragged him with her as she slipped in and out of the alleys. 

Y/n dragged Dabi across an open street to get to the manhole cover she saw earlier. She internally cursed as she saw Snipe aim at them again and she spun around, putting herself in front of Dabi as she jogged sideways to cover Dabi. Three shots rang out, two hitting her back and the third hitting her thigh. Her body involuntarily flinched as each shot hit her. She fought the urge to go find Snipe and beat the living hell out of him. "What the fuck was that for?!" Y/n popped the manhole cover up and pointed down. "I don't have all day, I'll explain back at base." Dabi was pissed that she willingly took several bullets for him. He ducked down and jumped down the manhole. Y/n followed and replaced the cover behind her. Dabi bumped the pager and a portal opened up. 

"What the fuck happened to you guys?" Y/n ignored Shigaraki as she snatched the rag Kurogiri was cleaning glasses with and turned to Dabi. "Drop the coat." Dabi listened as he pulled the coat off and rolled his shirt sleeve up. Dabi flinched back with a groan as Y/n's fingers dug into his left shoulder and pulled the slug out of his wound. She quickly slapped her hand over the bullet hole and activated her quirk. His wound was healed within a few minutes and she shoved his coat back into his hand. 

"Kurogiri, pass me the bottle of whiskey." The mist man hesitated before he obliged and handed the woman the bottle. She popped the top off and took a few swigs. She looked around and saw a few familiar faces. Toga and Compress were staring at Y/n. Toga just wanted to see blood, Compress was confused by the whole scene he just saw. Y/n set the bottle down and slipped off her dark top, she tossed it at Toga, who took it and ran off. 

Y/n ran whiskey over the rag and patted the wound on her abdomen. She started to fix herself up as she started to pull out the slugs she could. The ones she couldn't reach she would have to use her quirk to push them out. "Are you going to answer me or not?!" Y/n stopped halfway through pulling a slug from her thigh, her fingers were dug into her own flesh as she spun her stool to face Shigaraki. "Snipe saw Dabi and me when we were scoping out a few places, he started shooting. We were standing on a billboard and I dragged Dabi with me when I jumped off. I broke his fall and I took a few more bullets for him." 

"Why the fuck would you do that?" Y/n pulled the slug out of her thigh and dropped it into a bourbon glass. "Who the fuck else would be able to call for Kurogiri? Not to mention, how the fuck would having a dead comrade help the league?" Shigaraki huffed as he turned his attention back to the Gameboy he had. "Compress, could you do me a favor?" He hummed as he walked over. "Could you get the ones out of my back? I can't get them." He sighed and nodded. Y/n didn't move or flinch as his fingers started to pull slugs out of her back. He was almost shocked by her resilience, she simply took swigs of the whiskey as he worked on her back. "Do you want stitches?" Y/n shook her head as she stretched. "I'll be fine. My quirk will take care of it." Compress nodded and left to clean himself up. Y/n followed the halls to her own room and sat down with her bottle of whiskey. Her thoughts started to slow down as she laid back to rest. 

Word Count: 1,212

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