Chapter Nineteen

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It had been a few weeks since they called themselves official. Y/n and Toshinori only spent the night together on the weekends and Y/n took care of Tenko during the day at school. On this particular day, Toshinori was put into the field and Y/n had only two classes. Aizawa planned to take Tenko for the night so Y/n could do something special for Toshinori. 

Y/n made sure Tenko had a bag with anything and everything Aizawa could need for the Two-year-old. She put a specific list of what to do if certain situations arise for the toddler. Aizawa wasn't too happy about having the toddler for an entire night, but he had Eri and Hizashi to help him cover taking care of the child. "Thank you so much. It means a lot to both of us. I promise I'll take Eri for you guys here soon!" Aizawa simply nodded as Y/n helped him put Tenko into his dark gray SUV. "I'll hold you to that. See you tomorrow afternoon." Y/n waved them off before going back into Toshinori's house. 

She planned out a full meal. Ribeye steaks, loaded mashed potatoes, and sauteed vegetables. She also planned to bake a cake for him. Today was his birthday after all. She slipped on her shoes and grabbed her purse. Checking one last time that everything was on the list before locking up and leaving the house. 

After getting everything she needed from the store, she dropped the groceries at home and went back out for his birthday present. She went to several different places before she finally stopped by the Nighteye agency. "Do you have an appointment?" Y/n shook her head as she pulled out the card Toshinori gave her. It gave her access to the Nighteye agency. The receptionist allowed her to pass and she made a beeline for his office. If anyone knew where to find what she was looking for, it would be the biggest All Might fan himself. 

She knocked on the office door and a harsh voice told her he was busy. She opened it against Sir Nighteye's wishes. "Sir Nighteye." The man straightened up as he realized who it was. "Sorry. I didn't realize it was you Y/n." She nodded as she closed his office door and strode over to his desk. "I'm looking for something... It's for Toshinori." Nighteye nodded with a sigh "Just tell me what it is." Y/n felt her face heat up a bit at asking him to find it. "It's a bit embarrassing, so please don't get mad." She pulled up the picture on her phone, worried about the backlash she might get. 

The room was uncomfortably quiet for a few too seconds long before the man before her let out a stifled laugh. "Sorry. This is incredibly unprofessional." Y/n's face burned as she crossed her arms and huffed. "Just tell me where the damn sorts are. I gotta get home and cook dinner before he gets off work." Nighteye sighed contently as he handed her a slip of paper. "It's the collectibles store on West Ninth Street. I'd run if I were you." Y/n thanked him profusely as she took the paper from him. Their hands brushed and they made eye contact briefly. The expression on his face fell into a devastated one. 

"After you get what you need, go home. Immediately." Y/n's brow scrunched in confusion. "Why? What did you see?" She was no stranger to his quirk. "I can't explain it. If you don't get home within the next hour something devastating is going to happen." Y/n heeded his words with a quick thanks before she ran down the stairs. She got Toshinori's present as quickly as she could. When her bottom hit the seat of the car, she burned rubber left the parking lot, and drove like a bat out of hell to get home. 

When she pulled into Toshinori's driveway, she saw his other car was parked in the wrong spot and the front door was left open. Already on the defensive, she walked into the house. She dropped everything in her arms when she saw a familiar scrappy blonde head of hair hanging limply over the back of the couch. 

"Toshinori! What happened-" Her words choked off as she saw his previous wound was reopened. his costume was completely soaked in blood. His face was bruised and bloodied. "Toshi. Please. What happened? Why didn't you go to the hospital?!" Y/n's hands pressed over the wound and he groaned in pain at the contact. "They wouldn't have been able to do anything." He weakly coughed, blood coming up with it. Y/n used her free hand to support his head up. "I just needed to see you one last time-" This time when he couched blood splattered on Y/n's shirt. "I love you-"

"No! You will not be saying your goodbyes today. Toshinori. You are NOT dying today. Not on my watch." Y/n pulled him down to the floor, moving the coffee table away and making room. She laid him down flat and tore the front of his costume to expose his chest. "I'm going to apologize now. This is going to hurt." 

Y/n pressed both hands over his heart and started forcing her quirk into his body. A garbled yell sounded from his throat as her quirk activated. She knew putting life into someone else was painful, but she wouldn't be able to bare her own pain knowing she could have done something to save him. Y/n's screams echoed out of the house as she forced half of her lifespan into Toshinori. Toshinori's screams were also heard as his body had life forced back into it. 

When Y/n's quirk deactivated, her body collapsed to the side, and the use of her quirk rendered her unconscious. Neighbors who heard both of their screams had called the cops. Red and blue lights filled the street as several squad cars arrived. Endeavor, Sir Nighteye, and a few other Pro Heroes arrived on the scene to discover what happened to the Number One Hero. Sir Nighteye vouched for Y/n L/n not to be handcuffed. He told them what really transpired, his quirk being Y/n's only saving grace. 

Sir Nighteye and Endeavor stood in Toshinori Yagi's hospital room when he awoke. Both were confused when met with a Twenty-year-old Toshinori. "W-what happened? Where's Y/n?!" He would've jumped from the hospital bed if it weren't for his two colleagues. "She's still unconscious. You were severely injured after your time limit caused your form to fall apart. You were severely beaten." Toshinori looked down at his hands seeing their fullness. "What happened after that? I remember going home to see her one last time, I- I was going to die." 

"She used her quirk on you. If I didn't tell her to go home ASAP, you would be dead." Toshinori's eyebrows scrunched up as he stood up out of the bed. He disconnected the IV and walked into the bathroom. "AH! What the hell?!" Toshinori stood before the mirror, looking at his Twenty-year-old self. "I-I didn't know she could do this... Did she really do this?!" Sir Nighteye nodded and adjusted his glasses. "She is the only person who could have. She should be waking soon. You should go see her." Nighteye didn't have to tell him twice, Toshinori's bare feet slapped the linoleum tile flooring as he ran out of the room. As soon as a room number was spat at him he was off again, the number two Pro Hero and Sir Nighteye chasing after him. 

Seeing Y/n in the hospital bed, Toshinori felt tears fill his eyes. Y/n woke up moments before he walked in. "Y/n!" Her head snapped to look at him, confusion dotting her features. "Who are you?" Toshinori's grip on her loosened as he pulled away from the hug and his eyes met hers.

"I am Toshinori Yagi. Your boyfriend." Her confusion deepened as she scratched her head, trying to wrap her head around everything. She pushed him away as she started to speak "I can't have a boyfriend. Hawks will tell them. And they'll punish me. You're lying to me." Toshinori's face fell from hope to despair. "I'm telling the truth. I helped you get away from the JHPSC. You are free from them. Please. Hear me out." Y/n's head nodded in confusion. She couldn't help the attachment she felt to the man before her. She didn't understand what was going on. "Let's start off with why your memories are muddled... I came home nearly dead. You used your quirk on me and saved my life." the confusion on her face melted away as she realized what happened. 

"Toshinori. Shut up and kiss me." He stopped his rambling at her demand. "Pardon?" 

"I said. 'Kiss Me'" Toshinori hesitated before fulfilling her demand. Sparks flew through both of them as their lips touched. Their kiss quickly became heated as memories flooded through both of their minds. 

"Let's Begin Again, Toshi." 

Word Count: 1,505

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