Chapter Six

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Toshinori Yagi sat nervously in a small cafe, checking his watch every few minutes, and his head swiveling around. That day he was following Y/n around, and after she made a speedy escape, he found a slip of paper where she last stood. He deliberated for nearly a full month before sending a text to that number. He glanced back down at his text messages with anxiety. 

Toshinori: I need to talk to you. I know who you are. Meet me at the cafe on Cherry street at 4 pm tomorrow. 

-Read: 12:47 am

He didn't know what to expect. She'd left him on read, and he was worried she wouldn't show and he'd be back at square one. He had arrived around 3 pm just to make sure he wouldn't miss her. Now it was getting close to four. His eyes were too focused on the people walking past the window to notice her walk in. "People watcher, fitting for you." His heart nearly leaped into his chest when he saw the woman. 

"Sorry, I wasn't trying to freak you out with a cryptic message." Y/n waved her hand as she sat down. "It's not an issue, it's much better than being jumped... So what do you want?" Toshinori's mouth went dry as he was at a loss for words. He leaned on the table to be a bit closer to her as he glanced around the room. 

"I know about your quirk, how it works and you as a whole. I need help with something and your quirk is the only way I can make things right." Y/n progressively looked more annoyed as he spoke. "Who do you want dead then?" Her voice was cold and Toshinori paled. "No, no, no! I know you know who Shigaraki is. His real name is Tenko Shimura. I want to turn him back into a young child so I can raise him properly. You are on a mission to bring down All for One, to do so you'll have to get Shigaraki out of the way too." Y/n nodded and sighed. "I'll see what I can do, but I can't promise anything." Toshinori felt elated hearing her agree to try. "Thank you so much. I owe it to his grandmother to put him back on the right track." Y/n looked up at Toshinori. 

"I can't promise that it will all work out, but I will try. That's the least I can do before I die." The man across from her dropped the smile he had grown. "What do you mean?" Y/n chuckled lowly as she moved her dulled eyes to the window. The rain started to pick up as they talked. "When I dispose of AFO, I may or may not life through it. If I live through it, the JHC is going to revoke my contract." Toshinori fell quiet as he watched the woman staring out the window. 

"Come with me." Y/n's head snapped to look at him. "After everything is over, come find me. After you do what you can for Tenko and give him to me, I will take you in." Y/n's eyes watered as they held eye contact. "Thanks for the offer, but I can't accept it. I will contact you if I am able to do what you asked." Toshinori got up as quickly as he could, but he couldn't stop her before she darted out the door and into the rainy streets. The thoughts swirling in Y/n's head all involved those ocean-blue orbs.


"Hey Red, you got a second?" Y/n rolled her eyes at the nickname as she turned around to face Dabi. "Not really, but I guess I do," Dabi smirked as he stepped closer to her. "I was thinking-" "That's dangerous." Both of them laughed at her interruption before he spoke again. "I was thinking, we could go grab a bit to eat before we go fuck some shit up." Y/n shook her head as she turned back around to the sink. "I can't. Shigaraki gave me a run, and he's supervising it." Dabi's face twisted in disgust. "He never wants to go with anyone on a run." Y/n chuckled as she cleaned a plate with a bit more force than necessary. "I guess I'm just lucky. That or he wants to kill me. Either way, I don't particularly care what happens to me." Dabi stormed off in annoyance but paused at the doorway. His mouth opened, but he stopped himself before he could say something he'd end up regretting. 

Y/n slipped into a pair of black leggings and a long-sleeved black shirt. She made sure her hair wasn't in her face and tied on her dark steel-toe boots. Her door swung open as Shigaraki walked in without a care. "Learn to knock. You better be glad I was clothed." She half-heartedly scolded. "I don't have time for your jokes. Are you ready?" Y/n sighed and nodded as she shoved her phone into the pocket of her leggings. 

Shigaraki walked beside Y/n on a nearly empty street. They were headed to Giran's and he was taking the longer route. "What are you really here for, Y/n?" Internally Y/n mildly panicked as she heard her name fall from his lips. She took a breath to steady herself as she matched her pace with his. "I am sick of the hero commission. I want to bring it down and that is something you will do when you kill All Might." Shigaraki hummed as he walked. "I feel like there's something else in there that you are failing to disclose to me." His red eyes met her e/c ones as they waited for the cars to pass. 

Y/n decided on a quick and simple lie. "The hero commission sent me to destroy the LoV. I plan on doing the opposite." Y/n saw the grin Shigaraki had on his face, she disliked the vulgarity behind it. "Another one like Lady Nagant. Master will be pleased." Y/n nodded and crossed the street alongside Shigaraki. He didn't question her anymore before they arrived at Giran's. 

"How come you are being so 'truthful'?" Y/n tensed when Shigaraki spoke up, but she relaxed fairly quickly. "I'm not much of a liar. I have too many telltale signs when I do lie. I suck at poker. Too many lies will start to drag you down." She wasn't wrong about that. "How old are you?" Y/n chuckled as she readjusted the bag on her back. "Twenty-two or twenty-three. I haven't kept up with my birthday since I went on the run when I was twelve." Shigaraki didn't respond as he dipped into an alley. Y/n followed him as he paged Kurogiri and the portal appeared. Shigaraki snatched the bag from Y/n and threw it into the portal, watching it close before walking away. 

"What was that about?" He shrugged as Y/n got more confused. "You're interesting, and I can't get a moment's peace in base." Y/n walked alongside Shigaraki as he continued to question her. 

Word Count: 1,208

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