Chapter Ten

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After Y/n had hung up on Toshinori, He had tried to frantically call her back. He hated how his stomach churned from the lack of knowledge he had of her situation. He carried Tenko in a baby backpack against his chest as he walked into UA High. He still had a class to teach and Izuku to train. "A-All Might?! Who's child is that?!" Toshinori sighed as he looked down at his student. "He belongs to a friend of mine. She isn't able to care for him, so I am his legal guardian till she can come back." Izuku sighed in relief as he mentally scolded himself for jumping to conclusions. 

"So what's his name?" Toshinori smiled as he removed Tenko from the carrier. He hadn't told Izuku about Nana, so for now giving him the baby's name wasn't too problematic. "Tenko. He is a year old." Izuku smiled down at the baby and felt his heart warm up seeing the sleeping baby. Something about the child was familiar, but he couldn't place it. 

"Can I hold him?" Toshinori nodded and handed the baby to his student. Izuku held Tenko with the utmost caution as he lightly rocked the child. "You think I could borrow you after school to help with him?" Izuku nodded and cooed to the baby as his eyes opened. The baby's red hues shocked him, Izuku shook off the odd feeling he had and passed the baby back to Toshinori. "I gotta get moving, Class starts in ten." Toshinori nodded as he watched his student jog off into the school.


After a week of avoiding revisiting him, Y/n finally was backed into a corner and was forced to visit him. She could feel the smugness radiating off the old disfigured man as she sat down in a chair across from him. "Have you finally come to your senses?" Y/n shrugged as she took a swig of her glass of whiskey. "I guess. I can't really deny my own roots, nor can I fight them. So I might as well just deal with it." 

"Are you willing to join me?" Y/n set her now empty glass down and smiled. "I guess so." Y/n stood up and walked around to his side. His hand outstretched to shake hers. She unexpectedly leaned over him and hugged him. Y/n's arms clenched around him tightly as she started to activate her quirk. "Not so sorry to say this Gramps, but I won't be joining you. And I can't leave you alive." All for One had very little life left in his current body, which was why he wanted Tomura to be his next host. His plan was just to use Tomura's body to further his own life and since Y/n removed him, he was planning to use her. All for One didn't have the energy to talk as Y/n's quirk took every last second from his lifespan. "It was always you or me. And I can't die knowing you lived. I hope to see you in hell so I can properly kick your ass." 

All for One's body started to crumble to ash as Y/n's quirk took the last of his life from him. He had long lived past his original lifespan, and he had forced her grandmother to put life into him to keep him alive. Now with nothing left, his body was nothing but ashes. When Y/n stepped back from the chair he had sat in, she saw a photo that poked out of the man's clothes. She retrieved it and stared at it sadly. It was of him and her grandmother. Dressed as bride and groom. She tucked the photo into her pocket and left the warehouse. She took the longest way back to the JHC's headquarters to let her mind and quirk cool off. She texted Toshinori, letting him know that she had finished her end of the contract and would need a ride. 


"The deal was that when I disposed of All for One I could have my freedom!" Y/n struggled against the cuffs as they dug into her skin. "We revoked the contract after you did not check-in for three weeks." "You can't do that! I couldn't blow my cover!" The woman sucked her teeth as she slammed down a stamp and waved the paper in front of Y/n's face. "You have been hereby revoked any and all credentials and will be imprisoned for the rest of your life. Get her out of here." Two burly men gripped Y/n by her arms and dragged her out of the room. 

 "I did what I was told to do! I signed a contract! There was nothing stating I had to check in every night! I have my rights!" Y/n kicked and struggled as the two men hauled her down the hall and into an armored van. They tethered her to the rail and slammed the doors shut as she kicked and screamed. 

When they arrived in Tartarus, Y/n was dragged from the van. Two different men and a woman exited from a set of heavy double doors. The two men dressed in the correctional officer's uniforms took Y/n from the commission's custody and replaced her current cuffs with their own quirk-canceling cuffs. Y/n resorted to being silent after all her attempts to scream in the van were met with silence. 

"Miss L/n, I can't say it's nice to see you here. Again... You know the drill. Once we get you inside the facility, you are to strip out of your civvies and allow us to perform a full-body search for anything considered contraband. Then you will be allowed a shower and be given your 'welcome package' and escorted to your cell." Y/n nodded feebly as she followed the woman. The two guards behind her followed closely behind them. The heavy doors slamming shut caused Y/n to flinch. She hadn't heard that sound in such a long time, and now it was the confirmation of her life imprisonment. 

She dully followed the prison's procedures and was left in her cell with a medium-sized box in her hands. She didn't bother unpacking the box, her first instinct made her body drop the box and lay on the bed. Her ears filled with the sounds from other inmates and her head filled with the memories.

Word Count: 1,056

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