Chapter Eighteen

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Y/n didn't tell anyone of her encounter with Dabi, she refused to tell anyone. She told herself it was self-defense and if anyone questioned her about it, she would respond that it was in self-defense. She scrubbed her body and her mouth nearly raw when she had gotten home. 

The weekend was already upon her and she was worried about going to the beach with Toshinori. She bought a brand new swimsuit in f/c and a beautiful strapless beach dress that hugged her in all the right ways. She had a pair of platform flip-flops that matched her dress. She told Toshinori she would meet him at the beach around three. Y/n mentally slapped herself as she put on her swimsuit, dress, and shoes. She stashed two bottles of wine in her sachel bag as she walked out. 

When she got to the beach she called Toshinori's phone, only to be met with the familiar "I AM HERE" ringtone behind her. She turned around to greet him only to see him faking himself out in his all-might form. She elbowed his ribs and his body deflated back into his normal form. She noted his swimsuit was a pair of swim trunks and a swim shirt. "I prefer you in your smaller form. So stay that way unless you have to be All Might." Toshinori nodded as he toted a cooler and a beach bag beside her. She helped him lay out the beach blanket, and the umbrella, and weigh both down with a few rocks he thought to bring along. They settled down on the blanket and watched the waves. This had been the beach Toshinori had Midoriya clean up as training. Not many people came to it, and this was a particularly dead day. 

"Lunch or swim first?" Y/n looked up into his eyes as he was standing. "Lunch then swim. We don't want the perishables to go bad." Y/n nodded as he got their lunch pulled out of the cooler. She noted the sandwiches and the chips, but she realized that he brought along a plastic set of wine glasses. Y/n laughed as she pulled out the wine bottles. "I figured we'd just drink from the bottles." Toshinori winked at her. "Nemuri told me you'd bring wine." Y/n felt butterflies in her gut as she stared at him. She scooted closer to him and pulled him in for a kiss. Toshinori welcomed her soft kiss and returned it till both of them pulled away. 

They quickly ate lunch and started racing down the bank of sand. Y/n hit the water first, Toshinori on her heels. He slowed when he realized how chilly the water really was, and was debating on if the beach was really a good idea. "It's not too cold is it?" He hollered over the crashing waves. He watched as Y/n's head dipped under the water's surface and his stomach flipped. He looked over the current trying to find her, but after a minute his uneasiness turned into stress. He bounded into the water to find her. When he was shoulder deep and starting to tread water he started to yell out for her. 

Suddenly something latched onto his ankle and tugged him under. It let go as soon as his body was completely submerged. When he broke the surface of the water again, he was met with Y/n who was in a fit of laughter. She irked him but he laughed it off. He poofed into his larger form and he picked her up above his head. "Ah- Wait! I'm sorry! No no no no no!" Her voice raised a few octaves as he threw her up in the air. A pitchy squeal broke the air as she fell back down to the water. When she resurfaced, she was laughing. "Do it Again!" She swam back to him and he gladly did it again. He would give everything to continue hearing her giggles and playful squealing. 


When the sun started to reach its setting point, they decided to dry off and enjoy some wine. Their bodies cuddled closely in the second blanket Toshinori had brought. "This is the best day of my life." Toshinori felt pride swell in his chest, knowing he was the one to make it one of her best days. "It doesn't have to stop as just this one day." Y/n looked up at him with a grin splayed out on her lips. Toshinori couldn't deny that the woman before him was the most beautiful woman in the world. "Are you asking me to be your girlfriend?" He hummed and nodded yes. 

Y/n spun around and stood on her knees, her hands lightly gripping the sides of his head as she pulled him closer to meet her lips. When they parted they both were nearly breathless "So I guess that's a yes?" Y/n laughed at him breathlessly and pecked his lips. "Nothing would make me happier." 

Toshinori took Y/n home with him, when they got there, he had to relieve Aizawa from his babysitting duty. Aizawa was a bit shocked seeing Y/n trailing in behind Toshinori. Her hair was crazy from the salt water, and she was in a beach dress. Aizawa made a quick and awkward retreat to the front door after they got inside. He did not want to have any part in their antics. 

"Aizawa said Tenko just went down for the night. So if you'd like to, we could watch a movie and order some take-out." Y/n nodded with a smile. "First things first. I need some clean clothes and a shower. Saltwater isn't so nice on my skin and hair." Toshinori nodded and led her to his room. He pulled out a t-shirt and a pair of his red plaid bedroom pants. "I don't have any underwear, but these should do for now." Y/n took them with a quick thanks and took off for the shower. When she returned to the living room, Toshinori was on the couch. He was already freshly showered and in a clean change of clothes. 

Y/n snuggled into his side as he flipped through different channels. She was asleep before he could ask her what she wanted to eat. 

Word Count: 1,041

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