Chapter Thirteen

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After several weeks of deliberation and many visits to the courthouse, Toshinori Yagi sat beside Y/n as the Judge looked over the ruling. Even he was shocked by what the jury had come up with. The court was silent as the Judge cleared his throat. The representatives for the JHPSC were handcuffed to their tables and kept their heads on a swivel. 

"By the power invested in me and the Jury, the JHPSC representatives will be sentenced to multiple life sentences in prison per each representative. Their actions against Miss L/n and other heroes are inexcusable and have cost the lives of many innocents."

"Miss L/n will be released from prison." The Judge banged his gavel as the three representatives started to protest the verdict. Y/n felt the cuffs on her arms clink as they were released. She sighed in relief as she was allowed to walk out of the courthouse without cuffs on. She didn't mind the vulturous reporters from the media as she basked in the sunlight. 

"-/n. Y/n. The car is here, time to go home." Y/n's mind focused back in on Toshinori's words as she nodded and followed the man. After getting into the car and buckling up, she stared down at her hands in her lap. "Everything okay?" She nodded as she thought over everything. "I- uh- I don't know how to thank you. I honestly was expecting them to pay the Judge to sweep it under the rug. I was sure I wouldn't get the chance to be free." 

"They tried to pay the Judge off. He was furious, that's why he pushed for consecutive life sentences. He was also moved by you. He saw how they preyed on you from a young age, and what they forced you into." Toshinori reached over and gently grabbed Y/n's hand. "I don't know where to go from here. I never fully planned for everything to go in my favor." 

"You are not alone. Even if you didn't plan for this, I did. I have an extra room in my house if you want it, or if you want your own place we can start looking as soon as everything settles down. I want to help you after everything you've done to help me." Y/n looked up at him with a teary-eyed smile. "Thank you, Toshinori." He smiled back softly "Anytime Y/n." 

-Two months later-

Y/n had only spent a week with Toshinori before she started to stay out later at night and hardly stay home. Toshinori suspected that she was trying to get herself established and not burden him with her expenses. So he finally got her to talk and set her up with her own apartment. It wasn't much, but it had everything she needed to live. It was just a small studio apartment with a kitchenette, a bathroom, and a bedroom. Toshinori had discussed her getting a job, and he had told her she didn't have to get one right away, but Y/n had already been looking for one. 

She had been working at a small convenience store that gave her just enough to support herself in the cheap studio apartment she had. It wasn't too far from UA Highschool, so seeing some of the students and staff before and after school hours was a given. "Yo, Y/n! What's shakin'?" Y/n enjoyed her morning conversations with Present Mic and Nezu. This morning the Principal wasn't to be seen, which struck Y/n as odd. "Ah- Nothing much. I've had a few weird loiterers, but nothing I can't handle. What about you, I bet you've got all kinds of crazy stuff going on since the school year just started." The voice hero laughed as he set a few snacks and energy drinks on the counter. 

"This year is going to be insane! Don't tell anyone... All Might is going to be a teacher this year!" Present Mic barely lowered his voice, but luckily the store was dead around four in the morning. "That sounds amazing! I bet you guys will have lots of new students because of him!" Present Mic shook his head. "Nope! The school won't announce it till after the full roster of students is announced." Y/n nodded as he handed her his debit card. She quickly swiped it and handed it back. He was about to walk away, but stopped and turned back to Y/n.  

"Hey, I was wondering if you would like to try out this new place that just opened in Hosu with me?" Y/n's lips pursed as she tried not to laugh. "I'm sorry Hizashi, I have to respectfully decline." The blonde visibly deflated at her answer but smiled. "Can I know the reason behind your answer?" Y/n chuckled aloud as she leaned on the counter. "I guess you can say I'm a bit too old for you." The blonde looked puzzled as he looked the woman over. "You don't look any older than thirty! I half expected you to say you're underaged!" Y/n laughed at his reaction "Well, I guess I can take that as a compliment. Just so you know, I'm nearing my fifties." Hizashi's jaw would have hit the floor if it could've. But before he could find anything to say to her, his best fired dragged the shell-shocked blonde out of the store. 

When Toshinori finally strolled through the sliding doors around seven am, Y/n couldn't help but tell him about her encounter with Hiazashi. Both of them laughed over his reaction as they walked around the store. When Toshinori had bought what he needed and left, Y/n clocked out as the dayshift took over. She wandered around Musutafu before she went home. Her body hit her futon with a thud and she didn't waste any time before falling asleep.  

Word Count: 965

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