Chapter Seven

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For both of her current assignments, getting close to Shigaraki was the first step after achieving a minuscule amount of trust. Y/n had an entire afternoon, uninterrupted, with Tomura Shigaraki. Of course, he wasn't the type to spill all his secrets to a practical stranger, but the little he did tell Y/n gave her a few ideas of how to get started. 

"I have something for you to do." Y/n nodded as she took a paper from Shigaraki. "I will be coming with you. You have two hours to be ready." he scratched at his neck as he stood up and shuffled away. Kurogiri slid a rocks glass with ice and whiskey to Y/n as she read over the paper. She quickly shot back the liquid and slid the glass back. "Take the ice out. I want the liquor to be warm." Kurogiri simply nodded and did as he was told. A heavy thump accompanied by a heavy sigh reverberated through the room. "Who hurt you?" Y/n quirked a brow as she took in the details on the paper. "A lot of people, why do you ask?" Compress clicked his tongue as he patted Y/n's shoulder. "Warm whiskey tells me. What's up with you lately? You've been a silent bitch for the last week." 

"I'm on the rag. Let's leave it at that. I'd love to stay and chat, but I've got shit to do." Compress was glad his face was covered with a mask. He wasn't sure how his embarrassment would betray him over Y/n's vulgarity. Y/n pushed up from her spot, quickly downing the shot of whiskey Kurogiri handed her. She slammed the glass down before exiting the room. 

"So why are we doing the supply run? Usually, you send bacon bits and bloody mary." Shigaraki chuckled at Y/n's suspicions. "You'd think by now you would have learned to shut up and watch." Y/n grabbed Shigaraki's sleeve before he could exit the alley. "Pros. Wait for them to pass." Shigaraki was pissed at her for pulling him around, but he was glad that she caught the pros before he ran into one. They watched as Fatgum and Endeavor passed each other on the street. "I have been watching, but that doesn't mean I don't have questions. If you're concerned about my loyalty then just say so." Shigaraki huffed as he spun around to face Y/n. He shoved her into the brick wall, gripping her shirt in a four-finger grip. "Alright. Let's say I have an issue with you. What are you, a little bitch, going to do about it?" Y/n gripped his wrist and pulled his grip off of her.

"Firstly, get your hands off of me. Secondly, if you can't trust me, then why are you keeping me around?" He scoffed as he backed up and turned to walk out of the alley. "I can't say I hate having you around, you're quite useful, but you are an annoying bitch. Master wants you around, he's interested in your situation and your quirk." Y/n rolled her eyes as she kept pace with him. "Who is 'Master'?" Shigaraki nearly flinched at the question. "All for One. He is my Master. You will be meeting him later this week." Y/n didn't respond as they continued to walk. 

They soon reached the location where they were to meet Giran. But instead of Giran, they were met with a man similar in age who had several other men with him. "Where's Giran, old man?" The man laughed as he stepped closer. "You mean the old geezer that had a trunkload of goods? He's indisposed." The sickening grin on the man's face had the hair on Y/n's neck on edge. "You're that punk kid leading the League of Villians. Light 'em up, boys!" Y/n didn't have but a split second to react as bullets flew. Her body threw itself over Shigaraki, he suffered a singular gunshot wound to his shoulder, but Y/n was another story. "One of these days I won't be limping home in a bloody mess." She quickly activated her quirk on him, healing his wound. He was knocked out as her quirk did its job. She peaked over the top of the dumpster. The bullets had stopped and she heard repeated clicking as they began to reload. 

Y/n acted quickly, pulling her gun from her waistband and aiming. Three bangs rang out as she aimed at her targets. She only had another three to go. Shifting slightly, she peaked over the edge and saw them aim again. She didn't hesitate to stand up and quickly dispose of the last three. Shigaraki was still out, she debated her options as she stared down at the kid. She immediately made her decision and hovered over him. 

Y/n held Shigaraki as though he were a baby. She released her quirk and started reversing his age. If anyone stopped to look at her, it would look as though she was sucking the soul out of his heart. Y/n didn't deactivate her quirk till he was around a year old. He wouldn't remember anything from his life, all he would know is his original name. Y/n felt extremely heavy as she sank down into a criss-cross position. She barely had the energy to dial Toshinori's number. 

Toshinori Yagi picked up on the second ring, and the contact that popped up nearly gave him a heart attack. "I did it. I can't stay with him long. You have fifteen minutes to meet me. If you're late you will find him in a basket behind the dumpster." Toshinori paled as he quickly hung up the phone and ran to his car. 

As Y/n had promised, if he was late, the kid was going to be hidden in a basket behind a dumpster. But Y/n was nowhere to be found. And the crime scene that had occurred was six blocks from where she left the kid. 

Word Count: 990

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