Chapter Fifteen

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Just like Toshinori had said, she didn't need to stress about anything. Most of the students were easy and seemed to like her. There were a few students who gave her a hard time, Bakugo and Monoma to name a couple. But she would gladly take those two over that one kid Mineta, who needed to be thrown over the fence. The other teachers didn't mind her presence. Snipe had actually apologized for shooting her during her missions, even though she wasn't mad over it. Nezu gave her an empty classroom to teach in if she wanted to pursue her own class. 

Currently, she had taken over Aizawa's class while he was getting some much-needed rest. "Miss L/n, could you explain your quirk? I have a journal that I'm filling in for my own studies." Y/n's eyes darkened at the question. "I can explain my quirk, but I don't want my quirk's information floating around in an unofficial document." Midoriya nodded and shut his journal. He wanted to know her quirk but didn't want to overstep her boundaries. 

"My quirk is called Palingenesis. I have the ability to age anything living whether I make it younger or older." Several hands shot up when she paused. "I'm not done. My quirk can take the lifespan of another being and apply it to my own. My body also ages depending on how I use my quirk as well... I want all of you to take a good look at me and give me your best guess of how old you think I actually am." The hands that had been up, fell down as everyone started to murmur about her. Out of all of the students, two hands rose up. Minoru Mineta and Katsuki Bakugo. 

"Mineta." The creepy child grinned in an awful way as he spoke up "Twenty." Bakugo scoffed at his answer. "That is wrong. I said how old I actually am, not how old I look." Y/n turned to Bakugo "Bakugo." He sat up with a confident smirk. "Your quirk allows you to take away the lifespan of another living thing, and your body will change its look depending on how many years your quirk has stockpiled up. Am I right?" Y/n pleasantly smiled in shock as she nodded. "That is correct. Good job Bakugo. So how old do you believe I really am versus how I look?" 

"You look around your twenties. You act like you're in your forties or fifties." Y/n laughed loudly and the class watched in bewilderment. "Bakugo is correct! I am in my late forties. Can you explain how you came to that conclusion?" Bakugo nodded

"Our regular teachers and our parents are all in their late twenties or early thirties. All Might being in his late forties or early fifties acts and talks very similarly to you. Some of our grandparents also act and talk similarly to the way you do." Y/n nodded and looked over the entire classroom. 

"Bakugo used his own knowledge and experience to come to a conclusion. That is what I will be teaching you all how to do. I have been through almost every possible situation there could be as a Hero and UC Agent. I have run on both sides of the law and under it. I will be teaching you all of what I have been through and how to handle certain situations. Not all of you have quirks suited for Hero work or UC work. Some of you work better together rather than alone. That is why Nezu called me in to teach you how to become heroes." 

"I thought you were only a substitute teacher?" Y/n nodded as she sat down at Aizawa's desk. "I will only teach my class twice a week so I am the Sub if one of your main teachers can't come in. If I can't come in then my class will be canceled that day." Everyone seemed fine with that. 

When Aizawa took his class back over there were groans and protests. He wasn't too happy to deal with his rowdy students, but for some reason, they were calm for Y/n. Toshinori slipped into the teacher's lounge where Y/n had decided to relax. "How was meeting the students?" Y/n chuckled as he sat beside her. "Your little pet project was trying to write a journal entry about me. I told him not to write it down but I would tell them how my quirk works." He groaned as he was reminded of Midoriya's obsession. "I have been training him for OFA. I would like you to join us at the beach this afternoon." Y/n nodded as she sank into the couch. "I'll be there." 

When Y/n had shown up at the beach, Midoriya started to freak out after he slipped up and called Toshinori "All Might" while in his small form. "Midoriya, It's alright. I know everything." The boy stopped his incoherent mumbling and stared at her in shock "What do you mean you know everything?!" Toshinori sighed as his student was scrambling around. "She knows everything because I told her everything. Y/n can be trusted with anything." The boy calmed down after Toshinori vouched for the woman. Y/n spoke with the two, Toshinori wanted them to be closer just in case if anything happened to him. He needed Midoriya to have someone to confide in who knew about OFA without the worries of them being a double agent. 

After Y/n had left for the evening, Izuku walked alongside Toshinori with a smug smile. "I can tell you like her."  Toshinori coughed so hard blood threatened to come up. "What?" Izuku chuckled as he stopped walking. "Miss L/n. You like her. I can see it." Toshinori was flustered and annoyed with the boy. "And if you were paying attention to anything regarding her, you'd see she doesn't want to pursue anything romantically anytime soon." He started to walk away from his student but stopped when Izuku called out. 

"She likes you too. She just hasn't come to terms with it. I think if you asked her out she wouldn't say no." Toshinori rolled his eyes as he continued to walk, and Izuku kept up his pace. "I know your condition and how it's making your body deteriorate. Even if it's just for a little while, I'd say to shoot your shot." Toshinori paused unexpectedly. Midoriya was onto something. He would leave behind so many regrets if he didn't even try. "Fine. This goes nowhere and you will stay out of it." The boy nodded with a smile. "Good luck All Might!" 

Word Count: 1,103

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