Chapter Fourteen

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Y/n sat on her usual stool at the front counter when Shota Aizawa walked in with Nezu on his shoulder. The exhausted man strode to the counter quickly and allowed the Principal to hop down onto the counter. 

"Nezu! I haven't seen you in a couple of weeks, how are things?" He smiled as he pulled out an envelope and handed it to Y/n. She quizzically looked at it and Nezu before opening it. "I heard about your quirk, your experience, and you as a person overall from many people. I feel like you would be a valuable asset to UA High School if you accept our offer." Y/n held her brows scrunched as she read over the paper. "You want me... to work for you as a teacher for real-world experiences? What is that?" Nezu nodded as he sat down. 

"Real-world studies is to teach the students of our own experiences, quirk-related or not. You would give the students advice on how to overcome challenges in the real world with what experience you have. Not only that but you would be another teacher overall for the whole school and someone who can step in if one of the other staff members is out." Y/n listened as she read over the recommendation letter. "I don't know if I can accept this." Nezu smiled and stood up. "I thought you would say that." Seconds later Toshinori walked into the store. "I sent in a few letters about you. It was before you got a job here, but I wanted to help you find a career." 

"I guess I have to accept it now." Y/n joked as He walked over. "You don't have to accept it, but it is a rare opportunity." Y/n smiled softly at him as she looked back to Nezu. "When do I need to start?" Nezu grinned as he clambered up Aizawa's arm. "As soon as feasibly possible. A perk to this job is that you can make your schedule and come in whenever you want." Aizawa and Nezu left Y/n and Toshinori in the store. 

"Thank you for looking out for me." Toshinori only nodded as Y/n rang up his lavender tea. "How's Tenko doing?" "He's eating like a bird and always into something. I didn't expect parenting to be so..." "Hard. I know. Toddlers are literally little devils that act like angels periodically so you can resist the urge to throw them into the sun." Toshinori took a second to grasp what she said before laughing. "Exactly. How did you know that?" "After having been around for nearly fifty years, you'd think I'd have had to take care of other people's spawns before." He chuckled at her word choice as he leaned on the counter. 

"I'll keep that in mind for the next time I need a full night's rest... How have you been doing, overall?" Y/n hummed as she punched out her timesheet. "Good. My apartment complex has a rodent problem, but I haven't seen anything. Accepting this job at UA will help me start saving up so I can get out of there and get a better place. And I think I'm doing better mentally and physically." 

"I'm glad you're doing so well. If you need anything you know where I'm at." Y/n nodded as he walked out of the store. She couldn't help but feel like something was off with him. Toshinori was usually happy around her, but for some reason, he seemed more down than usual. 

Y/n spoke with her boss and let him know that she had to quit, he wasn't thrilled about it, but he wasn't mad at her for wanting to pursue the offer. She immediately got a bottle of wine and went home to celebrate by herself. 


Y/n currently found herself standing on her countertop with a cast iron skillet in one hand and her phone in the other. She had been getting ready to go to UA High School when she spotted the biggest spider she had seen in her life. She had called Toshinori, even though she mentally told herself how stupid she was for calling him over something so stupid. 

"Hey, Y/n. What's going on?" Y/n yelped as the spider tried to crawl up the cabinet and she kicked a few things off the counter in its direction. "Y/n? Is everything alright?" "Ah! Yes-No. I am being held hostage by a big ass spider in my own apartment. I swear it's bigger than my hand!" Toshinori fought the urge to laugh as he heard her yelp again and the sound of more things clattering over the phone. "I can come by if you'd like?" "Please! It's crawling up my cabinets!" Toshinori laughed as he hung up the phone. He wasn't too far from her apartment, he was actually heading there when she had called. 

Toshinori did not know what he expected when he walked into Y/n's apartment. But he certainly did not expect her apartment to look like a bomb went off in it. He laughed loudly when he saw Y/n standing on her kitchen counter clutching a skillet in one hand and a spray bottle of cleaner in the other. "Where is it?" Y/n pointed near the futon with a shaky hand. "It ran away when I sprayed it with this. It ran under the futon, but I haven't seen it since." Toshinori walked over to the futon with a cup and lifted it. He saw the culprit and quickly trapped it with the cup. 

"You can get down now. I caught the fiend." Y/n cautiously got down and hesitantly walked over. She sighed in relief seeing the spider had been caught. Toshinori pushed a plate under the cup and lifted it. "It's one of those 'pet' spiders that people keep. He probably belongs to one of your neighbors." Y/n shivered in disgust. "Well, whoever it belongs to just got a new cup and plate. I want that little bastard out of my apartment." Toshinori laughed as he took the spider out of her apartment. 

"So you can run around littered with bulletholes and on the brink of death, but you draw the line with spiders?" Y/n pouted as Toshinori poked fun at her. "Yeah, yeah. let's get a good laugh at me now. I just hate spiders." "I can see that. If it wasn't someone's pet I would've squashed it for you." Y/n smiled as she pulled out her black yoga pants and an f/c top. Nezu had said there was no dress code, but he preferred she kept it as PG as possible. She quickly changed in the bathroom. Toshinori fought the tingle in his throat as Y/n walked back out of her bathroom "You look very nice Y/n. Are you excited about your first day?" Y/n shrugged as she looked in the mirror. She did her makeup lightly and naturally and made her hair neat. 

"I'm as ready as I'll ever be. I feel more nervous than excited." Toshinori chuckled and patted her shoulder. "You'll do amazingly. Don't stress it too much." 

Word Count: 1,184

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