Chapter Eight

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"Where the fuck have you been?! Where's Shigaraki?!" Y/n stumbled through the door to the bar, gunshot wounds aching and some reopened as they started to bleed again. "He fucking bailed on me! Giran got smoked by a bunch of little bitches. We got shot at. Shigaraki fucking dipped when bullets started flying and left me to kill the fuckers." Out of everyone in the bar, the only one who didn't believe her was Toga. "Shiggy wouldn't do that!" Y/n's eyes met Toga's as she pulled a bullet from her side and tossed it at the girl. "I think that serves to say that he isn't what you thought he was. I'm pretty sure he was trying to get me killed." Dabi wrapped an arm behind Y/n's back and helped her to the couch. 

"You sure Shigaraki dipped on purpose?" Y/n yelped in pain as her back made contact with the couch. "I'm pretty fucking sure staples! Fuck!" She dug into her abdomen and removed the last bullet, allowing her quirk to help close up her wounds. Dabi was a bit offended by her comment, but let it slide. "Have any of you heard from Shigaraki?" Everyone shared a look but all of them answered something along the lines of no. "Damn it. I hope all of you know it's on-site next time I see his sorry ass. He's gonna catch more than these hands." Dabi chuckled as he stood up and left the room. 


Toshinori had rushed to the location Y/n had given him. He had hoped to see the woman, but all he found was young Tenko Shimura, bundled up in a black hoodie in a basket. He spent an hour looking for Y/n, and all his calls were met with a dial tone. "All Might, nice to see you here today. I thought you had family matters to attend to?" Toshinori sat down in one of the cushioned chairs in Nezu's office, in his arms he cradled Tenko. "Yes. I met someone who couldn't care for their child. I have decided to take custody and raise him as my own." Nezu smiled with a short nod. "That's very nice of you. What's his name?" Toshinori's mouth went dry. Nezu already knew of his quirk and a few other things, and Nezu wasn't one to go spilling other people's business. 

"His name is Tenko Shimura. His grandmother was my mentor. Someone in his family got ahold of me and asked that I take in the boy since his immediate family passed away." Nezu nodded "I see then. I have no issue with the child, if you need some time to adjust to having him around just let me know." Toshinori sighed in relief. "Thank you Nezu. I will go home and set up what I need. I will be back tomorrow." 

He put the baby into his carrier and strapped him in before returning to his car. He drove home in silence, checking on the child every few minutes. He felt his heart skip every time his eyes met Tenko's. Toshinori continued to call Y/n's number every ten minutes as he waited in traffic. He wanted to go look for her, but he couldn't do so with Tenko. When he got home he placed Tenko in his playpen and started a pot of coffee as he prepared lunch. 


When Y/n woke up, all she could hear were the frantic conversations between members of the league. Spinner and Dabi were pissed. Toga and Kurogiri were worried. Everyone else was conflicted about how to take Tomura's dissertation. Everyone's arguments fell silent as Y/n limped out. "How can we be sure that this bitch didn't kill him and lie to us?!" E/c eyes darkened as they fell on Spinner.

"So I'm riddled with bullets, and you think I returned without our leader because you think I killed him?" Spinner internally shivered at Y/n's tone. He flinched away when Y/n stalked forward, only to be pushed back. "Y/n is right. If she killed Shigaraki, she wouldn't have returned, much less in such a vulnerable state. Considering the fact that his body has yet to pop up, we can't be too sure that he survived and is hiding out."

"Kurogiri is right. All we can do for now is look for him. If all else fails, we will have to carry on the league's activities." Everyone agreed as Y/n sank back into one of the stools. "Whiskey me." Kurogiri didn't hesitate to slide out a glass and pour her a strong one.


Y/n used her quirk to slowly heal her wounds before she left the league's hideout. She retrieved her burner cell from its hiding place and immediately groaned, seeing the countless missed calls and texts from Toshinori. She dialed his number, and it rang twice before he picked up. "Y/n! I was worried something had happened to you! I wanted to talk to you when I picked up the baby, but you were gone before I even got there." Y/n sighed as she rounded the corner, seeing a couple of lesser-known heroes doing patrols. "I still need to finish my original mission and then I can see you both." Toshinori shuffled around as he carefully set Tenko in his playpen. "I can help you get out of there and into a safe situation." "Save it. I made a promise and deal. I need to complete this without any hangups. I only have one chance to gain my own freedom. I don't want or need your help with what I'm about to do." Y/n slapped the phone shut as she groaned. She needed to bring All for One down as quickly and quietly as possible. Y/n hid her burner cell in a new location and took the long way back to the hideout.  

Y/n was rounding the last corner before the hideout when a hand wrapped around her throat and tugged her back. Her e/c eyes met turquoise ones as she was spun around and shoved against the wall by her throat. "I heard your little conversation. You have a bit of explaining to do." Y/n tapped the hand over her throat and he released her. She rubbed her throat as she coughed. "It was my friend. He's taking care of my baby till after we kill All Might. He promised me he would keep my child safe till I return." Dabi hummed as his hand illuminated with blue. "And what about you gaining your so-called freedom?" Y/n rolled her eyes as she stood up straighter. "All for One told me he would help me get out of here if I finished Tomura's goal of ridding this world of the Symbol of Peace." Dabi sighed and deactivated his quirk. "So what's your plan after?" 

"If all goes well, I will take my child out of this country and raise them away from hero society. I want them to grow up without corruption. My friend wants to stay here though, and he's worried that if I fail, I'll die or be imprisoned. He's not a fan of kids." Dabi lowly chuckled as he bought her lies. "Why'd he agree to watch your kid then?" Y/n grinned as she walked beside him. "Dunno. I guess he just can't say no to me. He owes me big-time for saving his life. I guess he's repaying me by keeping after my kid." "Do you got any photos of your kid?" Y/n shook her head as she smiled with sadness. "I didn't want to risk getting caught and someone going after them. My little one is only a year old and they already look so much like me, I don't need heroes chasing after an infant who can barely stand, much less walk." Dabi nodded and they both fell silent as they walked into the bar. Kurogiri stood in his normal spot, but everyone else was gone. "They went looking for Shigaraki." Dabi plopped onto the couch and Y/n slipped into one of the stools. 

Word Count: 1,325

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