Chapter Four

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It had been a few weeks since her stand for her freedom, any snow that had graced Japan was now melted and plants were starting to prepare for spring. Upon receiving the contract, Y/n thoroughly read it over and signed it. She made sure to deliver the signed contract in person. Now she wandered the streets aimlessly, seemingly not paying attention to anything, but in actuality, she was paying attention to everything. She was in one of the darker parts of town, where everyone has a shadow of sorts following them. The kind of place that can and will follow you home. 

She knew she had someone following her long before she had caught a glimpse of them. All she saw was a tuft of blonde hair that had quickly zipped behind a corner. What she didn't know was that the blonde tuft belonged to the man who saved her from dying a cold death.

Toshinori Yagi had spent the last several weeks looking into the woman he had saved in his weak form. He pulled a few strings from a friend of his, who looked into the JHC and managed to grab copies of files on Y/n L/n. Knowing the woman's name, age, and quirk. He had slowly started to gravitate towards her. Even with how bad it looked from the outside perspective, an old man following a young woman around a shady part of town, he needed to find a way to gain her attention for something he is trying to do. He watched as the woman slipped into a darkened alley, he debated his choices before peaking around the corner. 

"You must be 'Dabi'." Toshinori held his breath, he had used up most of his quirk's time limit. "Who's asking?" Y/n's blank eyes glanced up and down the figure before her. "I heard you are looking for prospects to join for a worthy cause. I thought I'd at least take a look at what could be in store." The scarred man leaned down to get a good look at her. "Name and quirk?" Y/n smirked as she glared back into his blue eyes.  "I have no quirk, but I have impeccable fighting skills. I go by Omen." Dabi's eyes seemingly lit up hearing her self-given name. "Real name." Y/n's smile dropped as she let her eyes water. "I abandoned my given name. I haven't gone by it in damn near ten years." 

Hearing the girl's words, he felt a faint twinge of sympathy for her. He had done the same at a young age, and he was doing much better now as "Dabi" than he ever had been. "Fine, I guess. There are a few things I need you to do before we can just let you waltz right into our base." Y/n perked up as he began. "You will be sent on a few minor runs first to learn the rope and for us to see how capable you are. After we see how you did, we will decide if you are worth keeping around." Y/n nodded and pulled out a slip of paper. She scrawled a number on it and handed it to him. 

"That's my burner cell. Shoot me a text with the details later. I will be waiting-" A loud siren and blue lights started to fill the street behind where they stood. "Fuck." Dabi smashed a button on a pager. Seconds later, as police started to storm the alley, a misty portal appeared and Dabi snagged Y/n's hood. Dragging her along with him into the portal. 

For what felt like minutes, was actually seconds, Y/n felt like she was drowning. When she finally caught a lungful of air, she was thrown into a wooden floor. "What the fuck was that?!" Her ragged panting was loud in the small bar. It only took her a millisecond to take in her surroundings. "Where am I?" She decided playing dumb was the best move. 

"What the fuck are you doing, bringing in random women like this?!" A hoarse voice yelled at the scarred man. Y/n recognized the pale-haired man as Shigaraki. She had to proceed carefully with him. Both her quirk and his were fairly strong. If they both put their hands on one another they could kill each other within a matter of seconds. "You wanted more followers for your 'master'. She willingly came up and said she wanted in. We got ambushed by cops and I had to bring her with or she'd be Swiss cheese." Shigaraki started to scratch at his neck in aggravation. She thought of an idea for her to bargain her way in. 

"You really shouldn't scratch at your neck like that." Red eyes snapped up at her, she could feel his anger rolling off of him. "You shouldn't go telling people what they should and shouldn't be doing." His voice was low and dangerous. Y/n slapped one of her hands over the nape of his neck, trapping his hands to his neck as well. "What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Y/n forcibly put a couple of her years into his body, forcing his neck to heal, leaving only a few older scars behind. 

"I can heal people with my quirk. I fixed your neck, and your hands while I was at it." Shigaraki growled, getting up from his chair, and ready to kill her on the spot. He paused when he realized that his back wasn't as sore as it usually was, the pain and discomfort gone. "What did you do?" Y/n held up her hands. "I can heal minor injuries on other people. It cannot be any life-threatening injuries, I haven't been able to heal anything more than a broken bone, a gunshot wound, or a cut." 

"I thought you said you were quirkless?" Y/n turned her head to peak up at Dabi. "I did. Rule of thumb to live, don't go dropping your life story and abilities all in one conversation. It nearly got me killed six years back." She wasn't lying about the last part. She revealed a bit too much of her "character" to a powerful gang leader. He attempted to kill her after she was too forthcoming. Dabi didn't argue with her, he had been in that very same boat. "We need someone who has your quirk. Dabi said you were looking to join us?" Y/n smiled brightly at Kurogiri. "Yep. I don't feel very safe out there on my own. I want to be affiliated with a group that has a worthy cause." 

"You're in. Dabi will show you the ropes." Shigaraki stared Y/n dead in the eyes before turning away and retiring to his room.

Word Count: 1,128

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